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1 Corinthians 15: Makes All The Difference

During the past two months of trying to have patience while convalescing at home, additional reading has been a very welcome companion. The tale of two books seems appropriate to mention here as they were quite diverse in thought, language, and the ultimate choices these men made in their personal journeys while navigating cancer. One chose to look to God for answers while the other chose conventional medicine. We have our most wonderful Father to thank for freedom of choice which is known as free will (Proverbs 16:1, 16:9, Deuteronomy 30:19). However, the vast majority of the people in the world would think that they are indeed master or mistress of their own universe and like it that way despite the lies and deception that pervade and saturate the nations. This was me 20 years ago.

Going on a step further, it would be prudent to mention that Proverbs 3:5-8 always needs to be at the forefront of our minds, especially for those who call themselves Christians as we definitely want and desire our choices to line up with what the Bible says. Here is what God says in Proverbs 3:5-8 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones”. That being said and understood it is quite fascinating to me how others choose to tackle their health and medical issues. As the saying goes: “once a nurse, always a nurse” has proved true in this case as my analytical assessing skills and criteria for priority are still quite alive and well with no threat of diminishing any time soon. It wasn’t until retirement commenced that I began to notice that any liquid spill on the floor at home would send me into a sudden red alert vigilance for eradicating said potential fall hazard. Isn’t it funny/strange that it took absence from the workforce to notice this? It is to me anyway.

Abovementioned reading materials were both books on loan from one of the libraries we frequent. The first one is called “Chris Beat Cancer: A Comprehensive Plan for Healing Naturally” and the following link takes you to the online book if interested in learning more: Chris Wark, an American, was only twenty six when he was diagnosed with Colon Cancer (stage III) also known as Cancer of the Bowel. Serious stuff which could easily spiral one into deep depression. Chris is not afraid to mention God throughout his book which was a most unexpected and endearing quality to me while reading his work. The book is full of information replete with statistics which heavily influenced the decisions he made. Even as radical as his choices have been, I have nothing but admiration for him and he has been blessed to be cancer free for over fifteen years.

The other material came from a man born in Ireland, who lived in New Zealand as a youngster while his family sought further opportunities, and is eagerly claimed as an Australian because he has done well for himself by worldly standards. Nigel Neill. Wait a minute…Sam Neill. If you read his memoir you will come to understand why he changed his name. There is a link below to investigate if you choose to do so. The vulgar language at times caused some wincing and brow raising initially yet somehow it became apparent that it is possible to skim over these “poor choice” expletives rather than actually read them. Our brains have been created by God in the most marvellous way to filter out rubbish and stuff of nonsense, which is incredibly helpful and handy. Needless to say that perseverance won through. Should I reveal the ending here and now or leave it to you to find out? Let’s just say I love happy endings and always have. Yet in Sam Neill’s case we will see. The most consistent thing medical people say is “you are not cancer free until you have no sign of cancer recurring for at least five years” — this is indeed one fact they can all agree upon in their “humble wisdom” and professional experience.

What stands out in my mind is that my choice on cancer treatments or therapies would be completely different to what it is now, if still living as part of the world largely because of not really believing or having “the hope that lies within” (1 Peter 1:3-5, 1 Peter 3:15, Titus 1:2, Colossians 1:5). Nearly five decades in the world gave me a different mindset. I was a blood donor when I reached adulthood; also quite sure I wanted blood products from others if ever in a car accident or in dangerous immediate need. Yes sir, not even a second thought. Organ donation seemed like a good idea and sensible choice too so that was another decision made in a heartbeat. I felt good, happy, and content with these choices but I never thought to ask God what He thinks or what He has to say in the Bible. How could I as there was only surface faith without true conviction or commitment. Then everything completely changed when God gave me His Helper, His Holy Spirit upon baptism. The deception was lifted to know that God is real and His Word is true and faithful. This was when the genesis of true Godly wisdom began in my life (Proverbs 9:10-12).

Reading through 1 Corinthians 15, known as the resurrection chapter, made all the difference. This is what God has given us…true peace knowing that the dead will live again. He has shown me the faulty ways of humankind who are under the power and influence of the devil (1 John 5:19) who has his systems in place hurting humans with his toxic poison. These systems are causing so much death and also painful suffering. The medical system has been a real eye opener to me as I have worked in it as a non-Christian (1990-2006) as well as a Christian (2006-2020). There are people out there who want to help and have good intentions but these are thwarted and mostly held up to ridicule. Many become quickly disillusioned and leave due to the oppressive conditions that they have gone through which is very sad and heartbreaking. Meanwhile mistakes, some fatal, are covered over while lies are told. Nowadays the so-called cancer therapies are connected to a business system rather than the previous health care system. What sells is valued and marketed over the simple solutions such as cost effective lifestyle changes. Why build character when the world offers scientific solutions which are sold under the umbrella of pharmakeia?! This is what the devil peddles and trades in. Already, my immunology choice over radioactive material has been negatively addressed with emotionally charged warnings which only further confirms that the medical system is broken and struggling beyond what the public realise. Only as recently as this week news reports divulged a private hospital here in South Australia is in such financial trouble they are looking to close. I believe the figure used was $250 million in debt despite previous bail-outs from taxpayers.

We need to question what is in that syringe or bag of fluid going into our veins or subcutaneous tissue like Chris Wark has done. Use wisdom. Pray to God to show us what He would have us do to keep our bodies, the spiritual temple (1 Corinthians 3:16) clean and holy as Paul so aptly writes under inspiration in 1 Corinthians 6:12-20. Whatever you do, please do not put any faith or trust in the present day systems of the world. We are to listen to God for He is our Healer. Every example of healing in the Bible involves either a miracle from Christ and/or a natural therapy such as a fig poultice for Hezekiah, water for leprous King Naaman in 2 Kings 5:14, wine, and so many plants, herbs, and organic substances created by God. We can be healed in faith by asking for an anointed cloth as it is written in Acts 19:11-12. Surgery may be a viable option and a temporary fix, but true healing only comes from God. In huge contrast Satan can only counterfeit by using chemical concoctions, some of which kill cancer cells but also kill healthy cells which are our God given defence in bolstering our immunity. This is madness and crazy to me to try to save our life at all costs with whatever means available. Far better to rely and put our faith and trust in God for He can do anything. Do you have this faith which has been grown from a tiny mustard seed into the flourishing healthy tree of life?

As the Bible says…”as for me and my house…” Joshua 24:14-15. So far, getting plenty of fresh unpolluted country air, quality sleep on demand when tired and without alarm clocks, drinking 99.9% filtered water, having walking exercise in steady movement while obtaining Vitamin D from the sun, gardening, eating clean whole foods and organic where possible have all been helpful. We have been blessed to have a vegetable garden with plenty of Beetroots, Carrots, Cucumbers, Radishes, Tomatoes, Pumpkins on the way, more produce such as Capsicums coming along planted from seeds, all of which are completely free from chemical sprays and pesticides and remarkably with no bugs or insects trying to feast away on them like there is no tomorrow. This is quite surprising particularly as all are out in the open with no netting to provide cover. Also, removing all chemicals from the environment including soaps and anything put on the skin (largest breathing organ), as well as removal of all processed foods has been quite a valuable process. Already there is a noticeable difference from increasing use of Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO), Avocado Oil and Organic Butter, full fat Paris Creek Organic Milk (less processed and the best sourced here in S.A. unless you milk your own cow each morning), Cheese, Cream, pastured Eggs from local chickens from local farms are so fresh and amazing in quality. A new one on me is the green/blue eggs laid from black hens which are a delightful addition to our dietary needs. We are able to purchase these at $3.50 a dozen from a little place up the road called Robertstown. It is rather a simple life, the country life, of how people used to live and it does provide health benefits.

Staying away from anything take-away, even Subway has been a bit hard when we make our trips into the “big smoke”. No sugar at all can be challenging but my go to sweet items now are fresh Apples from our garden, any fruit from our fruit trees when in season (we have organic Apples, Apricots, Lemons, Nectarines, Oranges, Passionfruit, and Satsuma Plums), frozen organic Blueberries with cream, or a couple of thin squares of 95% Lindt Dark Chocolate are really quite satisfying. In time when fat adaptation occurs and tastes change things become much easier — it took two weeks for me. Cooking from scratch has revealed the foods made are tastier with clever use of nutrient dense items such as fresh chopped Parsley, Dill (especially nice on grilled Garfish smothered in butter with a light sprinkle of salt), herbs and spices, mustard powder for homemade Mayonnaise, and in particular my favourite — Curry Powder. The following link looks quite interesting to pursue in my learning process of choosing what helps and is made by God who created our bodies and knows what is best for us. Doing our bit incorporating Godly wisdom along with due diligence is all part of discerning rightly and takes active communication between self and God in order to live according to His will. Lifestyle changes do take time and as Dr. Sten Ekberg says “Be kind to yourself” while adapting in removing all toxins, chemicals, and fleeing the minefield of prolifically processed junk foods.

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