Beautiful Attitudes




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Index of Articles - Click on a title and the article will open in a new window

1 Corinthians 15: Makes All The Difference

A Beautiful Thing

A Cry For Help - Part One

A Cry For Help - Part Two

A Cry For Help - Part Three

Acts Of Service

A Dinner Invitation

A Lamp, A Vessel, and Abundant Oil

Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Assorted Abbrenunciations

Advocacy - To Advocate Or Not To Advocate - That Is The Question

Allergic To The World

All Wrapped Up

An Example Of Falling Short

Another Awaiting Their Change

A Quiet Little Big Life

Are People Born With LGBT Tendencies?

Are You Angry?

Are You Serious?

At Face Value

A Tale Of Two Ladies

A Ticket To Paradise Please

Attitude Adjustment

A Whole Lot Of Nothing

Bad Company Corrupts

Barriers Of Deception

Bearing With One Another In Love

Beautiful Attitudes

Becoming More Beautiful As Increasing Ugliness Sets In

Bees Make Honey...

Behold Our Supreme God

Be Not Afraid, Be Not Afraid My People

Best Before and Use By Dates

Be Thankful In Everything

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Blackie The Blackbird

Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

Blessed Beyond Belief

Blindsided ByThe Blind Side

Boomerang Benefits

Brothers In Arms

But What Do You Think?

Can You Manage That?

Can You Spot The Difference?

Captives In Our Temporary Lands

Character Development

Choices Can Be A Blessing Or A Curse

Combating Obvious and Subtle Forms of Darkness

Come Now...

Come Out Of Her My People

Come to Me, My Children, and I Will Give You Rest

Confronting Secret Or Hidden Sins

Conquering Any Addiction

Count The Cost

Covering All Bases Without Touching Any Of Them

Coveting Whatever We Desire

Death Of God's Saints

Death Throes Of A Fatally Sick World

Deception In Bible Translations

Deepest Darkest Depression

Departures And Arrivals

Desiring to Be a Woman After God's Own Heart

Deuteronomy: Moses Reminds God's People

Developing A Plan

Diamonds In The Rough

Disobedient Daughter Learns Her Lesson

Do Not Inquire About Their Gods

Don't Shoot The Messenger

Drinking In of The Water of Life

Eating Elisha's Barley Bread

Elaborate Lies People Tell

Element Of Surprise

Encountering Peas While Sprinkling Seeds in Nutty Times

Enduring To The End Testing The Spirits

Escape From You-Know-Who

Escaping to Safety on The Sabbath

Even The Demons Believe

Every Step Of The Way

Everything Ecclesiastes Everywhere

Everything Is Connected To God

Expect The Unexpected

Extra Time To Prepare For The Time Ahead

Extreme Makeover Spiritual Edition

Failure Is Not An Option

Fairness...Is God Fair?

Faith Builder - My Last Night In Paris

Famine, Famine Is Coming, And So Is Jacob's Trouble

Feasting On Fasting In Faith

Feasting On Humble Pie

Firing On All Cylinders

First Love

Forgiveness And Mercy

For I Am Convinced

For The Love of Many

Four By Two

Fragile Vessels of Clay Undergoing Restoration and Repair

Gardening With God

Genesis 7:2

Giving From Out Of Our Abundance

Glory To God Our Father For His Perfect Love

God Called Me Out of The World

God Comforts Us In All Our Tribulation

God is Love

God's People Are Exquisitely Loved

God's Specialty : The Impossible

God The Refuge Of The Righteous

God Will Diligently See Us Through

Great Is Thy Faithfulness

Habakkuk's Prayer Of Faith

Have You Ever?

Having Bad Dreams

Having Hard Trials

Healing Instruments in God's Hands

Heart Of Gold

Hebrews 12:15

Holy Yet Peculiar People

Honoring God Rather Than Self

Honouring Your Father And Mother

Hosea, God's Faithful Prophet

How Sweet It Is : Friendships

Hypocrite Or Helper?

If They Would Only Turn From Their Wicked Ways

If You Cannot Say Something Nice

If You Know...

I Just Can't Focus: A Look At Personal Prayer

In God We Trust

Inspired Writings Of The Apostle Paul

International Garden of Eden

In The Process Of Being Tested, Tried, And Sifted

Isaiah 1:18 - Come Now

It Is As Good As Done

It's The Little Things

It Won't Happen To Me

January 26th Australia Day Citizenship Celebrations

Jeremiah And Christmas

Jesus Christ Our King Of Kings And Servant Leader

Jonah's Escape: Running Away From Duty

Judging With Righteous Judgement

Just A Closer Walk With Thee

Just How Is It Working Out For You?

Just Suppose

Just Who Are The Two End Time Witnesses?

Keep On Keeping On

Keeping The Second Commandment

Keys to Developing a Strong Relationship With One We Have Not Seen


Kingdom Of Self Or Kingdom Of God?

Knowing Our Spiritual Father in Heaven - Part One

Knowing Our Spiritual Father in Heaven - Part Two

Knowing Our Spiritual Father in Heaven - Part Three

Koalas, Kangaroos, And Kookaburras

Lamentations Lament

Land Of Forgetfulness

Learning Obedience Through Suffering

Lessons From Asa, Son Of Abijah

Lies, Deception And Wickedness

Light Shining Out Of Darkness

Limiting God in a Limited World

Living and Studying For a Masters In Kingdom Preparation

Looking Back At Lot's Wife

Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places

Lucky Or Blessed?

Lying Wonders

Magic And Sleight Of Hand = Deception

Magnificent Humble Service

Maintaining Good Works

Man's Best Friend

Many Who Are First Shall Be Last

Mary or Martha

Meditations On Marriage

Mid August 2024

Moderation Vs Too Much Of A Good Thing

Modern Christianity: The Great Disconnect

Most Misunderstood Man

Mt Kosciuoszko And Beyond

My Disciples

My Wilderness Sanctuary Experience

Nahum, Minor Prophet Of Major Comfort

Needle In A Haystack

Never Complain, Never Explain

New Year, Nothing New Under The Sun

Night To Be Much Observed

Night To Be Much Observed Or Remembered

Nobody To The World But Somebody To God And Jesus Christ

No Rest For The Wicked

Now I Know

Now Is The Time

Now What?

Obedience On The Sabbath

October 31: Frightening Fun With Devilish Delights For Some

Offences Will Come, Offences Will Go

On The Same Page

Once Upon A Time

One Coronavirus Cure

One Hundred And Fifty Three

Opening and Closing Doors

Our David and Jonathan Connection

Our Hiding Place

Our Image Through Rose Coloured Glass

Our Little Neck Of The Woods

Out Of This World

Ox In The Ditch On The Sabbath

Partiality Is Not Of God

Peace They Have Known Not

Peeling Back the Layers

Physically Weak Yet Spiritually Strong

Pleasing Our Heavenly Father

Prayer Is A Privilege

Precious and Unpredictable, This Thing Called Life

Preparing A Place For You

Pressing Your Buttons

Profiting From Trials

Prophets From God's People

Psalm 54

Psalm 119:130 Entering Your Words

Puzzling Times Of Peril

Quagmire of Society

Quandongs, Quinces, Quetzals, Quails, Quokkas, Quolls, And More

Quantum Satis

Quarantine: Benefits Of Disease Control

Queen Elizabeth II

Queen For A Day

Quenching The Holy Spirit

Quest For Obedience

Questions About Why?

Questions And Answers

Quietly Going About Our Father's Business

Quonset Huts, Weather Extremes, And World News

Rain, Rain, Come Back, Return Again Today

Ready Or Not Here I Come

Recounting The Week That Was

Redeeming The Time Instead Of Marking Off Time

Resistance Is Not Futile

Restrictions, Restrictions, Restrictions!!!

Righteousness In The Land Of Forgetfulness

Robin Hood Syndrome

Saturday Savvato Sabbatum Sabbath

Sealed With God's Spiritual Seal

Searching For Hidden Treasure

Second Wave Of Death

Self Harm, Cutting and Demons

Sensory Deception

Serving Up Sabbath Fellowship With Agape Love

Seven Words

Shepherds, Wolves, And Sheep

Shiny Twinkling Gems, Crowns, And Stars

Short Cuts

Since The Creation Of The World

Stealing Our Joy

Stone Of Scone

Stuffed Full Of Stuffing

Suffer The Children

Taking Matters Into Our Own Hands

Thankful For Thanksgiving

The Battle For The Infiltration and Occupation of Our Hearts and Minds

The Beauty of a Simplified Abundant Life

The Dead Will Live Again

The Desensitization of the Modern World Through Technology

The Jeremiah 17:9 Heart

The Kingdom Of God Is Like...

The Middle East

The Most Frightening Life Imaginable

The Most Important Work On The Face Of The Earth

The Sabbath Is Like...

The Silent Creeping Monster

The Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How to Deal With the Suffering of Others

Things Too Wonderful For Me

This Feast, This Feast!

Three Trees, Mother Nature and the Devil

Time Is Running Out

Timely Lessons From the Life of King Hezekiah

Turning the World Upside Down

Twilight Zone

Ubiquitous As...

Ukrainians Fleeing The Ukraine

Under Pressure

Under Your Expert Care

Unexpected Surprises In Blessings

Unfaithfulness: Physical And Spiritual Adultery

United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Unleavened Bread Of Sincerity And Truth

Unlimited Mighty Miracles Through Tests and Trials

Upon The Threshold Of The Most Dramatic And Greatest Upheaval Of All Time

Upside Down, Back To Front, And Inside Out

Valuable Watershed Moments

Vanity Of Vanities...All Is Vanity

Venomous Vengeance Does Not Overcome Evil

Verbal Gymnastics

Victorious Crowning Of Stephen

Virgins Arise From Slumber For You Need To Wake Up!

Vision With 2020 And Beyond

Visionary Views With Great Expectations

Volunteering In Service To Others

Voting: Yes Or No?

Wait Until You Are Asked

War Amongst The Angelic Realm

Whatever Your Heart Desires

What's Eating At You?

Why Are You In Such A Hurry, America?

Windows of Opportunity

Woman: Proverbs 31

Wouldn't Miss It For The World

Writing Patterns Of Evidence

Written For Time To Come

Xanadu, Olivia And The Kingdom


X Marks the Spot

Xmas Ponderings

X Rated Magnetism = Lust

Years In The Wilderness

Yeast, Breadcrumbs And Deleavening

Yesterday On The Merry-Go-Round Of Mistakes

Yielding Daily While Yearning For The Kingdom

You Are Not Welcome Here Anymore

You Have Been Called For Such A Time As This!

You Shall Have...

You Shall Not Murder - Exodus 20:13

Your Faith Has Made You Well

Your Invitation To A Wedding Feast

Zacchaeus Up In A Tree


Zealous To Give God The Glory


Zero Tolerance Of Sin


Zone In On God And Zone Out From The World



Zucchinis, Eggplants, And Cucumbers

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