Beautiful Attitudes




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A Beautiful Life

It’s A Beautiful Thing!

What is it like being a Christian?

This was the question posed to me quite unexpectedly one day recently. I had attended the home of an elderly lady while assessing her needs from a nursing point of view. Part of the assessment included psychological factors to do with motivation, depression, mental stimulation, memory deficits, and interaction with others. Religion and faith also made up part of the interview along with all the expected details pertaining to physicality. All assessments showed that this lady was coping extremely well physically, living by herself at home, for her great age, but I sensed something was lacking.

This lady was socially isolated but refused my offer for further services so that she could enjoy the company of others. I went significantly over time as she kept diverging off topic to talk about her interesting life and all the countries she had lived in with her husband. It was only about a year earlier her husband had died and it was obvious she missed him incredibly and was lonely.

As I got up to leave I was suddenly asked what is it like being a Christian. It was the last thing I expected. However I remember saying quietly but confidently that it was the best thing that ever happened to me. The lady smiled with a friendly but curious glance and said nothing more.

Since then I have mulled over my reply on whether this simple little statement was enough. Perhaps I could have done better? If I had the opportunity again, would I change my response in any way? My answer was truthful but there was so much more to it than that. Somehow I couldn't let this go and remonstrated with myself that I should be prepared for questions like this in the future. In my heart of hearts I wanted to do better than this. I wanted to represent God to the best of my ability and in order to do this I definitely needed His help.

So I prayed about it, thought about it some more, and determined that before leaving for work each day I would pray for our Father in heaven to give me the right words to say that would be most meaningful to each person. The words of Paul to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:2 come to mind, "Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season".

Living the Life of a Christian

I could have simply said, "It's a beautiful thing!" or I could have said a lot more. Actually I've come to terms with this now. The fact remains she could have asked me many questions but didn't. She was drawn to God's Holy Spirit living within me that initiated her question. His Spirit enables us to go about our working lives in such a way that others notice we are different. Colossians 3:23 says "And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men".

This brief scenario highlighted and reinforced again to me how our behaviour and interactions with others is just so important. In my mind I was simply focussed on doing my job professionally and thoroughly, but it was more than that. I gave her dignity, time, and listening ears which tried to be polite even though there was a deadline. I didn't rush her or tell her we must hurry up. I was tactful but up front with letting her know we only had one hour to get through a lot of paperwork. However, she did have some STML (short term memory loss), and hence the time just flew by.

Have you ever been asked such a question? Perhaps you responded much differently than I did. Maybe your response evoked further questions. However we respond we need to become acutely aware that it can plant a seed, whether that be in the near future, or for another time after Christ's return.

The words of Jesus sum up really well how we are to live before others in the world. He said:

"You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matt 5:14-16).