Beautiful Attitudes




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Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Assorted Abbrenunciations

Do we use certain words and phrases casually without fully understanding their meaning?

Coming out of the world 10 years ago, I brought with me a life-time of bad habits such as swearing and use of various "choice" words that I said without knowing their origin and meaning.  Usually I would revert to these words when upset, tired, angry, or when things did not go my way.  It was obvious why I needed to stop swearing and so I simply did.  The "non-swear" words were still with me until one day someone cared enough to explain why I should no longer say them.  An older sister whom I respected, quietly and lovingly mentored me.  I listened amazed at what I needed to learn.  Perhaps there are others out there who may be unaware like I was?  This is one reason why I would like to write about this topic.

Another reason is, while reading the Bible, I read scripture which prompted meditation on the use of "O My God" or "OMG" as the world likes to frequently use it.   In Psalms 22:1-2 King David humbled himself whilst pouring forth in heartfelt prayer and supplication to God.  Another scripture found in Matthew 26:39, 42, 44 where Jesus Christ prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane to His Father the night before He died.  Not once, or twice, but three times, Jesus prayed the same prayer beginning with "O My Father".  Whilst He prayed we know Jesus was in pure agony praying more earnestly to the point of having great drops of blood pour forth which fell to the ground (Luke 22:41-44).

Clearly in these two accounts, both David and Christ were fully immersed in reverent, fervent prayer, beseeching Almighty God for help.  Their prayers were deeply heartfelt and respectful.  Likewise, if we were to get down on our knees and utter the same words of "O My Father"  to our loving Father when faced with a trial, we would be honouring God.

Why does the world seem addicted to the casual use of "OMG" and other profane speech?

The world is under the sway and influence of the wicked evil one, Satan the devil  (1 John 5:19).   What does the devil like to do?   He enjoys perverting and twisting anything pure and holy which is from God.  This has occurred from as far back as in the days of the Garden of Eden when he deceived Eve with the first lie (Genesis 3:1-4).  Satan's purpose thereafter is to destroy our relationship with God and prevent as many as he can from having a relationship with God.  Satan of course is not content with just one form of blasphemy.  He has influenced mankind with many forms of speech such as "Jiminy Crickets" which refers to Jesus Christ -- the first letter of each word is the same -- this is masked cleverly to cause confusion for those who are too preoccupied or don't see the link.  Some others are "Crikies" which is linked to Christ.  "Gee"  which is linked to God.  Then there is deliberately taking Christ's name in vain by using both of His names.  This is usually said with venom in a forceful, arrogant or prideful way.

The third commandment found in Exodus 20:3 clearly states "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain" (NKJV).  

I used to say "Gee" or "Oh My God" or "Oh My Goodness" casually almost daily until it was pointed out that this is breaking the third commandment.  Over a short while I managed to cease from this habit but there was an occasional lapse whereby I stopped myself mid-way through the expression as my brain caught up with my tongue.  I wasn't thinking; I was used to adopting popular speech and it became quite an addictive habit and one I was oblivious to.  As we know practice makes perfect.  God knows if we are making an effort and trying our best to change our ways to align with His ways; which are perfect and holy.  In Leviticus 11:45 and 1 Peter 1:13-16 we are told to imitate our Father and older brother Jesus by being holy in all our conduct.

Setting a good example to others around us in our personal "little kingdoms"

We see and hear "OMG" all around us and all the other undesirable forms of speech under the sun.   On posters at the bus stop, on billboard signs, TV shows, magazines, newspapers, on the internet, in books, through emails, in text messages from others, from colleagues at work, family, and friends.  In fact it is everywhere we go.  Nobody is immune from it unless you live in isolation far away from civilisation.

What are we to do?  We cannot change the world even though we may feel like it.  Over time I have found that people will still use bad language but sometimes apologise, or feel somewhat awkward in my presence, and yet I have not said a word.  Invariably they know or have noticed that I do not join in or ever initiate this type of speech.  God tells us in Ephesians 4:29 to have "no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth".  In Colossians 4:5-6 God also tells us to ensure our speech is always with grace and seasoned with salt in order to know how we should answer all those in the world by walking in wisdom.  We need to ask God, like King David, in Psalms 141:3 "Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips”.

It grieves my heart so much to know that Satan mocks God on every level.  Realising how deeply the Saviour of the world prayed to God that night in the Garden of Gethsemane before he died, and that his very words "Oh My Father" would be mimicked in such a vile, filthy way, and are ignorantly swallowed by the world, just reduces me to tears.  We need to combat Satan's filthy pollution by being the best examples we can be with help from God our Father (Ephesians 5:1-11).