Beautiful Attitudes




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Over 200 Allergens

Allergic To The World

Allergies and allergic reactions are no fun.  Years ago when working in a certain building, within about half an hour of arrival my eyes would begin streaming with tears, nasal passages blocked, and my throat itchy and irritated to the point of distraction.  Another workplace did not dilute the contents of a floor cleaner as per the instructions on the SDS — Safety Data Sheet, as well as ignoring the directions on ventilation.  That one time caused me to collapse on the floor due to inability to breathe functionally and sent me to hospital specialists to investigate why my severe reaction occurred.  Eventually they diagnosed asthma but this was only temporary as it went away and never returned.  It lasted like this for a season but changed into hay fever the following year from what they thought was asthma initially as the symptoms matched.  The experts told me the name of the pink coloured product that I should avoid by all means, which was helpful at the time, but now things are more difficult to know before entering a building.  For instance, the various halls for Sabbath services have all been fine until the carpets have been cleaned.  My instincts and experience tell me, based on reactions to the chemical products used, that the room was not adequately ventilated, if at all, instead of every window and door opened until the carpets dried, which would take quite some time.  Then there is the issue of cleaners spraying chairs and tables right in front of you upon arrival during the last 2 years of the "C" virus.  Once again it triggered my respiratory system because windows were fixed and unable to be opened in order to reduce fumes circulating about in the room causing density or build-up of air borne particles, thereby adversely affecting airways.  Pity others are not sensitive to the needs of the suffering as they need education on the potential to cause serious harm.  Adding even a little extra solution into the mix before cleaning, mopping or spraying thinking "more is better" is definitely not a good idea and can send people to hospital.  Chemicals can be extremely dangerous and hazardous to human health and should be used with caution and respect each time rather than casually to avoid desensitization.
The last Sabbath in July 2022 was one such occasion when, within a few minutes of being in the small room, out of control coughing suddenly started, with eyes streaming copiously in tears, nasal passages blocked, and throat itchy and irritated to the point that my voice became husky.  We had just sung the opening three hymns, but as the sermonette started there was a sudden urgency to escape outside due to uncontrolled coughing to the point of dry retching and expecting to vomit.  Once outside no more coughing thankfully, for this stopped instantly.  These effects felt like I was back again at my work building and transported me into that past time of awful symptoms and not knowing exactly what was going on.  Being unable to acquire enough oxygen to breathe is rather scary and I am quite sure that any asthmatic could tell you that.  Our congregation only had one more Sabbath in this small room until we moved to larger premises with wooden floors which are perfect for those of us with debilitating allergies.  This is not said lightly because missing the service from the start of the sermonette was incredibly disappointing for me.  Perhaps on our final visit it won't be so bad, meanwhile hoping that others will use this room and open it up despite the cold, wet, wintry weather conditions.  Better than that God will hear some prayers about what happened in order to help out.  The funny and strange thing is, the day prior to the Sabbath I woke up with an obvious cold, blowing my nose and all the other typical cold symptoms too.  So I prayed to God straight away asking if He would heal me as I did not want to miss the gathering on His weekly holy day.  Soon after my prayer, these cold symptoms suddenly left and it was shortly after this that I realised God had healed me and I gave Him grateful thanks.  My leap of joy (internally) knowing God sees and realises just how much the Sabbath is a delight to us is truly marvellous to my mind and heart, as imperfect as they are.
In August God willing, our growing congregation will all meet together a short distance further south, almost at the beginning of the Southern Expressway where the connection is to go to Victor Harbour.  It will be much nicer for all those who live down south with less travelling time.  The hall has a fully functioning kitchen and a normal size refrigerator which we do need for all the goodies we bring, especially in summertime.  Presently, the bar sized fridge is just not big enough and we won't have to "shuffle" around or squeeze in items anymore.  There will be many benefits to experience going to this "new" old hall for it is circa 50s/60s in architecture, which fits the design known as mid-century modern for it pleases well as it reminds me of buildings built in an era of pleasant childhood memories.  We have attended several halls since meeting in our homes initially for the Sabbath when it was just myself with my youngest daughter and another family.  These halls have serviced our small congregation well at the time and now it is exciting to see growth.  God always knows what is best for us.  We will also go from an afternoon service to a morning service which will be a new thing for Adelaide.  A few of us have already identified and discussed the benefits of staying on to have a picnic lunch in a park nearby where the children have an enticing playground in a leafy green and tree studded setting.  There is also an undercover shelter with tables and benches to use while relaxing and enjoying the peaceful outdoors as we get to know each other better in extended fellowship rather than scattering to return home.  We are very excited to welcome these opportunities on God's Sabbath day as relaxed and unhurried fellowship is such an amazing blessing.
Getting back to environmental allergies, we have the ability to open windows (if they open) for fresh air or just simply go outside when it is in our power to do so.  As annoying and scary as these allergic reactions are, we need to be aware that when we gather together, especially in larger numbers like at the Feast of Tabernacles (FOT), chances are there will be at least one person or more with any number of allergy triggers such as perfume, hairsprays, and hand sanitizers that can set them off into a world of pain to the point of leaving and missing out on spiritual food and fellowship.  Brethren need to be very mindful of this and do our part to ensure we are not affecting others detrimentally.  Another big area of allergic reactions occurs from food and not just additives or dyes but ordinary everyday items such as chocolate, nuts, mangoes, seafoods, milk, breads, gluten, fruits, vegetables, and just about anything you can think of.  Not long ago I heard of a young lady who is now allergic to watermelon of all things.  It is no surprise that as we age more and more things have the potential to cause gastrointestinal pain, nausea, vomiting, rashes, headaches, migraines, seizures, and unwanted side effects to the point we need to exit and leave for long periods in the restroom.  During my life all was fine until a couple of years ago when problems began to occur intermittently so it was tricky to get to the bottom of what was causing my terrible gut pain.  Eliminating certain things to eat and then reintroducing them was part of my detective work.  Now, I do not go a day without drinking Probiotic drinks in addition to having Kombucha which were decidedly avoided due to thinking the taste would be prohibitive, but actually find that these are enjoyable.  Perhaps God has changed my palate as I find it quite amazing to like these things previously shunned.
During the next couple of months before we leave for the FOT there is much to do in planning so that we ensure and do all we sensibly and wisely can in order to drive the long distance stopping overnight with 2 very full days of motoring over this beautiful Australian land we call home.  This will mean any number of triggers may occur in hotel rooms and in consuming foods we have not been able to prepare.  Many times gourmet sandwich preparation has been done beforehand at home, or sealed bowls of salad taken to enjoy along the way.  It is especially nice after fasting on the Day of Atonement to feel internally healthy as well as spiritually prepared the day before we set off on our journey.  The thing is there is always less control when we leave the sanctuary of our home so we need to make wise decisions so that we are able to attend all seven days of the Feast and including The Last Great Day.  One year I remember enjoying Indian food which is a favourite of mine but the result was I ended up in bed writhing in agony due to major abdominal pain for the whole Sabbath during the FOT in New Zealand and missed out in being part of the choir as well.  It was the gluten in the Naan bread which got me.  Now I am able to have a bite or two but am too nervous to consume even one serve as small as they are.
More and more of us have a food allergy or string of them causing a great deal of pain until the offending substance has been eliminated out of our gastrointestinal system and this may take several days or weeks as in my husband's case.  Even the little children can be affected and it takes the joy out of giving them sweets and chocolates as one child may be fine but the others not.  It is fun to give them gifts now and again throughout the year and for milestones such as the first day of school.  This is traditionally celebrated by various European nationalities with a white paper of cone shape for them to easily hold and is filled with treats to eat.  Instead, we find books to be of very good value so that they can look at them on the long car ride to the Feast.  Usually during the Feast we have open house gatherings where potlucks are brought along and provide a wide variety of tasty foods.  As more of us develop allergies it is helpful to provide an ingredient list which sits next to our offering in order to advise exactly what is in the curry, stew, stir-fry, potato salad, or home made item that others may not notice or even think of.  My dear husband is allergic to cashew nuts, mangoes, and chocolate (all my favourites) so it is difficult for him.  I remember one Sabbath every snack item had chocolate in the cakes, biscuits, cookies, puddings and slices therefore I now ensure we bring an item free from chocolate so that there is something he can enjoy.  Being mindful of ourselves is easy but if we do not get to know our spiritual family in this way then it is rather difficult to avoid problematic issues such as food allergies. 
As part of God's family we all do our best to care for others according to knowledge and wisdom — as they say "sharing is caring".  So far, to the best of my knowledge, over the years I have had only two severe anaphylactic reactions but even one is more than enough, and thankfully for one of those I was already in hospital having a procedure done while dye was injected into my veins.  The medical staff were able to correct this with bronchodilator medications and expert intensive monitoring.  After getting out of that nasty predicament they said that I must never have contrast dyes again for it would be fatal in my case.  Don't need to tell me twice as it was quite sobering.  The other occasion I was newly married in my 20s and had an IUD fitted.  Within 72 hours I was bent over, could not stand up straight or walk due to massive pain and had to be carried by my husband into our local MOs surgery for immediate removal.  I made a full recovery instantly once my General Practitioner skilfully removed the offending device.  Then there was the time at work when my eye swelled to the point of having a bubble protruding from its surface causing quite a bit of pain.   Inside was a yellow substance from particles in the capsule I had to open in order to medicate a patient who had a severe swallowing deficit.  In the RAH (Royal Adelaide Hospital) Casualty Department the medical staff told me never to do this again as I am allergic to Dilantin which is used for seizures.  So many of my patients suffered from seizures and there was no way to give some of them a whole capsule so this situation presented quite a quandary as already I wore spectacles which should have provided a barrier.  Some of us just have to enter a room to be exposed to an allergen for this to set off ugly symptoms.  It really does seem that God has created my body to reject all foreign man-made substances.
No matter the source of allergic reactions connected to foods, beverages, medications, contrast dyes, hand sanitizers, perfumes, nickel in jewelry, aerosol sprays, chemicals in the air and on crops, exhaust fumes, mown/cut grass, poison ivy/plants, surfaces containing heavy metals, asbestos, pets, black mould, lead in paint, mercury, aluminium in deodorants, clothing with fibers of artificial origins such as nylon — people are definitely becoming sicker overall as we are living in the world which is under the sway of the devil (2 Corinthians 4:4, Revelation 12:9).  A few times I have expressed out loud that I am absolutely allergic to this world; then I remember this is only temporary and will all be over very soon.  Since being called God shows me just how temporary my life is and I love that He does.  For imagine if you had what you really desired now…for me it would be full health without Lupus and autoimmune diseases brought on by flu vaccinations which I eagerly took annually as part of my duty for nursing others, comfy finances to live in beachfront property and with a large swimming pool in the backyard of a mid century modern open plan home replete with raked ceilings, floor to ceiling windows at the front in order to take advantage of the incredible views, and a surround verandah in order to sit outside every day for morning tea or coffee and dining al fresco even during inclement weather.  Also, plenty of time to walk on the beach and enjoy life to the full on my terms.  But would I?  In ignorance perhaps but then I would fear death as departing this world having what I wanted would cause stress for I would want to live forever this way.  In contrast, knowing God and having a healthy relationship brings great purpose and a willingness and readiness for death.  Having what we need now is far greater in value than having what we want.
For our journey to the Feast this year we will take plenty of bottled water which has already been purchased and stored away, a first aid kit, medications such as Charcoal to help with eliminating offending substances which is the most effective and natural way to have them purged from our G.I. (Gastrointestinal) tract and speedily gathered for elimination without any opportunity for absorption.  We will also bring antiemetic tablets for nausea and vomiting, plenty of Probiotic and Kombucha drinks, and other items such as topical or dermal creams for potential or "just in case" emergencies such as Eczema, hives, or rashes — for to be prepared is the best way.  Physical preparation is necessary as these are all simple, little things we can do and are within our power to do so.  However, the most important part of our preparation is spent on our knees with God praying for others as well as ourselves in this time leading up to the Feast so that we can all join as one in rejoicing.  Many have recognised needs and showing God we are doing the best we can in our limited ways to promote health and sustain our health throughout the two weeks, including travel time, means thoughtful preparedness in order to keep the Feast and not miss even one minute of it because it is one of the highlights of the year.  We eagerly look forward to fellowshipping with those we could not be with for the past 2 years due to closed borders and regulations in place preventing this from happening.  Keep on praying, for our prayers are indeed heard by God and answered (James 5:16).  For those amongst us who have full health and have not experienced the dire effects of an anaphylactic reaction or even a mild rash, spare a thought and a prayer for those who do suffer.  We thank you well in advance for thinking of us because this is love and God is love (1 John 4:7-8, 16).

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