Beautiful Attitudes




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Romans 5:8

An Example Of Falling Short

Effort vs Comfort or Diligence vs Slothfulness or Obedience vs Disobedience
This example relates to a person who recently commented on social media that there was no way he was going to travel for an hour and a half to attend Sabbath services.  This prideful statement intrigues me because travelling to services affords so much opportunity to do a number of things while driving.  Listening to sermons on CD or via an iPad is a personal favourite, talking to your passengers if you have any on board, singing hymns of praise which brings so much joy, plus it is also a good “warm up” exercise beforehand, and then there is always informal prayer to God.  Driving has never bothered fact it is quite relaxing; and then think about the opportunity to bless others by taking them to church.  Some may not have a car, are elderly and frail, may not have confidence in driving for any number of reasons, and would welcome the blessing of fellowship along the way.  One just never knows what others go through unless we take the time and interest in getting to know each other.
With so many reasons to go to Church services, why would anyone in their right mind want to stay home and watch anything online?  We are not talking about contagious illness or inability to go from physical disability — that is of course a completely different set of circumstances.  It is when a choice is made to stay at home because travelling is deemed too far, too hard, or too much effort, from thoughts in our minds, that we have a problem.  Same with not going to services because there are people there we don’t like, perhaps have offended us, and we want to avoid them so we just don’t go.  Can you imagine being in either of these circumstances?  While it is difficult for me to imagine this, it is not impossible as people do offend, either willingly or unwittingly, by saying things without thinking or not exercising self control.  Could these be tests or trials for us to resist and overcome to show God our faithfulness?  It seems as though God is helping those of us with sensitive personalities toughen up for what is ahead.  We have to lose or relinquish more of ourselves to put in more of Christ so that we will be ready to help.  In the future there will be horrifically damaged people to assist.  We need to be ready and only God can help us but we must allow Him to do so by allowing His Holy Spirit to lead and guide us along the way.
Imagine if Jesus Christ didn’t want to die for certain people, or for those who committed a particular sin such as killing their unborn babies.  That would preclude millions!  Make no mistake...Jesus died for all of us AND even while we were still sinners.   Proof of this is found in Romans 5:8 “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us”.  He gave all for all.  Think about this in order to make an informed decision on whether you should make the effort to go to services.  It is also about the fellowship too.  If you are not there you cannot greet others with a hug or a handshake and you cannot interact fully through a screen.  One cannot sign congregational cards or give inspiring messages to those on the prayer list from the comfort of our couch.  We cannot join in with the setting up of the hall, with the cleaning up at the kitchen sink, or with making some lovely refreshments to bring so that our brethren can enjoy them.  Justification is just not going to stand up as a valid reason when you are called to account on Judgement Day (Jeremiah 17:9).  Perhaps ask yourself this...who wants us NOT to attend services?  The devil.  Who wants us to stay at home...the devil.  Who wants us to disobey God’s laws...the devil.  Who causes separation and division amongst God’s flock?  The devil.  Who wants us to NOT attend the commanded assembly?  The devil!  (Hebrews 10:24-25).  Are you going to let him influence you another moment longer?
In conclusion and to borrow a well known phrase from Solomon in Ecclesiastes the conclusion of the matter — we can stay home on the Sabbath as we have free will, but that is leaning on our own understanding as in Proverbs 3:5-6 and will relate to spiritual death (Proverbs 14:12).  God examines the intentions of our hearts and He knows what our reasons are.  If they are valid then all is well.  It is interesting that various people over time have expressed to me that they have always lived “far away” from services no matter where they resided and it was a real ongoing struggle for them to turn up every week.  Thinking about this I felt quite sorry for one particular family as their problem was so alien to me, so prayers seemed to be the right thing to do for them.  Sadly, their attendance dropped off, became irregular and they no longer assemble with us.  In hindsight it was a gradual thing, a bit like the proverbial frog in a pot of water which came to boiling point...the frog died as he did not notice he was in danger.  Now I wonder whether God was searching and trying their hearts to ascertain whether they would resist and overcome.  Was God saying to them “Am I worth it?  Is it worth spending time with Me in the company of your brethren just once a week?  I have given you a full 24 hours set aside to attend.  Will you?  Only you can make that choice.  Choose life!” Deuteronomy 30:15-20.

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