Beautiful Attitudes




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Psalm 103:11&12

Another Awaiting Their Change

Well, another member of the body of Christ has died and is now at rest, peacefully asleep until their resurrection.  It was a shock to suddenly learn of their death, found at home — here among Facebook friends one week, and then gone.  It is sad to know we will not have any further correspondence in this life, yet it is also exciting to know that we will see these members of the God family again after we have all been changed (1 Corinthians 15:51-52).

You may be like me and have friendships with Christians who worship in other Churches of God.  Some are friendly like that and are not concerned with any administrative differences.  Our primary concern is with keeping the Sabbath and worshipping God in spirit and truth.  Whether they are with a group called UCG, LCG, ICG, or another one...does it really matter?  A couple of years ago we had one person tell us that they only want to have friendships with their group.  We were astounded at this as it came out of the blue, as it were.  They said it wasn’t personal but felt safer with those who they could trust, meaning anyone in their group was OK but all the rest were not.  Imagine if Jesus thought this way?!  Well He certainly does not, and as God tells us in scripture — perfect love casts out fear.  This jewel of wisdom is found in 1 John 4:18. 
Yes, we are all imperfect beings striving to imitate Christ, to allow His Spirit to lead us to live righteously.  Now we just have to get out of the way to allow the process to occur.  Remember, less of ourselves and more of Christ in you.  Practice, practice, practice until we are ready for our change taking it one day at a time.  Meanwhile we are patient with one another, not taking offence, and we move on knowing that some are young in the faith and still on milk (1 Corinthians 3:2).  We need to be the best example we can be in order to provide this humble leadership to those weaker in the faith (Romans 15:1).
With a heart full of mixed emotions — on the one hand relief that Stephen Coady will not have to go through the Tribulation, or any future persecution — on the other, with thoughts of admiration that he must have been ready now, having run his race like Paul the apostle speaks of in 2 Timothy 4:7 and in 1 Corinthians 9.  I have not had the opportunity to meet Stephen in this life but had come to know him over several years via Facebook as a kind man who really loved animals whether big or small.  Stephen was a quiet gentleman, attending with LCG, who I understand, could sing with a special music voice to honour God and bring so much pleasure to others.
How about you?  How is your race going?  Does it seem like you have many hurdles in your way day after day?  Are you tired of trials?  As we age physically, our weaknesses may become painfully challenging, but we know that scripture tells us in 2 Corinthians 13:9 and 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 words of great comfort penned by Paul...“And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”  Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.  Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong”.  This example of the apostle Paul is what we all need to build up to.
Living Unitedly
What shall we do?  We shall do well to develop relationships with all members of the family of God.  Think about the future time when we will be in the Kingdom.  We will not be concerned whether anyone is from this or that group as indeed we will all be united as one.  How ludicrous it is to even think like this which involves an attitude of fear, of separation, of division, of ignorance perpetuated by accusations.  Remind you of anyone?  Satan!  Get as far away from this type of thinking as you can. Remember to be all inclusive having no favouritism amongst the brethren (James 2:1, 9;  and Romans 2:11).
So let us unite while the time is at hand.  Foster good relationships with all.  Pursue peace and work at it.  Can we not all get along?  Surely we can agree to disagree on the twigs while we hold onto the branches and stay close to the trunk of the tree as I have heard Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong refer to the Church’s foundation from many sermons in this way.  Focus on the big picture items.  Since his death in 1986 the Body of Christ has had almost 34 years in the Wilderness wandering about waiting for the Promised Land.  We don’t really know if we will have even another 6 years to make up to 40 years, a number which represents testing and perfecting to be prepared to serve in a specific capacity like Moses.  Have we considered that some of us may not be around in 12 months for the next Feast of Tabernacles (FOT) as this one, in only a couple of week’s time, could be our last!  Now we realise that the FOT in 2018 was Stephen’s last one. 
Many of us are at peace with all of our brethren and enjoy relationships based on Agapé love. However, there are those who avoid brethren as offences have occurred, perhaps not deliberately, but nonetheless feelings were hurt.  What about you?  Do you need to forgive another or want forgiveness from brethren?  Our Father would take great pleasure in seeing His children patching up their differences, in deferring to one another in a humble attitude, esteeming others above oneself.  For Philippians 2:1-4 says “Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.  Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others”.  Indeed, this is what love looks is patient, it is kind, never puffed up or prideful (1 Corinthians 13:4-7).
If you could please God and touch His heart as a Father looks upon His beloved child who extends an olive branch to another, or forgives any wrongdoing, would you not then do it?  You would do anything for God, surely?  He gave us everything.  Well you can.  You can please God by going to your brother and forgiving him if he has done you any wrong.  Restore all the broken relationships or those that could use some work.  Do it now before it is too late.  Just a few weeks ago I remember a couple of people commenting on Facebook that Stephen had been quiet and did anyone know if he was alright.  I dismissed this as nothing but indeed it turns out now that it was something.  We must do better even if life seems like it is going at a speed way too fast, as we are indeed our brother’s keeper.
Those who do not forgive now will need to forgive at some stage.  Don’t wait another precious minute.  Plan on meeting and greeting as many of God’s people as you can this FOT and if you come across even one person you do not speak to anymore for whatever reason, please just go up to them, shake their hand and say “Oh how I have missed you” or “Can we get together over coffee or a meal?” and remember to smile and use sincere tone of voice to show how much you are genuinely trying to change.  Be strong, be brave, and swallow any semblance of pride.  Who needs pride?  Pride is our enemy!  Please just do it as God is watching intently to see if you have a forgiving heart.  Remember the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:12 which tells us that as we forgive, we will be forgiven in like manner?  (Mark 11:25). 
Do not keep stiffening your neck or hardening your heart.  You have the power to forgive and show mercy.  To forgive is powerful so use your power wisely for time is short.  Christ Jesus, sinless and innocent, was brutally killed yet He forgave all.  Stephen the first martyr looked up to the heavens as he was being stoned to death and called out to God to forgive those concerned (Acts 7). These are superb examples to look towards.  Brethren, God implores you to go on loving one another, for by this will all men know that you have love, one for another (John 13:35).  If God delights in mercy, then so should we (Micah 7:18-19).  Be merciful now while brethren are still with us.  Once they are dead, there is nothing you can do is too late.
Attending the Feast of Tabernacles with a Humble Heart
My weekly article this time was completely changed.  I had no idea that as the Sabbath drew near I was going to write on this subject.  My heart was fully focussed on another topic altogether.  However this message was the one that God wanted delivered to any brethren out there who may read it.  Our Father speaks and writes through whomever He chooses and His message is plain and simple...forgive as far as the East is from the West (Psalm 103:12).  Do not overthink this as it is meant to be a simple, beautiful act between ourselves and brethren.
You see I can speak with some authority and experience on this matter as I did this very thing...go to my brother and ask for forgiveness.  Leading up to the FOT last year I prayed and prayed to God that if He would only provide the circumstance I would do the rest.  God never, ever disappoints if we ask.  And so as I started to speak to the one I desired forgiveness from, I choked back tears as I became all emotional, but I am sure glistening eyes full of tears yet to be shed were the least of everything.  My heavy heart was finally restored to great peace once again.  Try it and see for yourself how much God loves mercy and the act of forgiveness.  There is nothing like it, nothing that surpasses love, for God is love (Colossians 3:12-17).
Ephesians 4:2-6 through the apostle Paul once again reminds us all “I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling;  one Lord, one faith, one baptism;  one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all”. 
If Stephen Coady could return for 24 hours tomorrow I do think he would say that life is short, get serious about your calling, forgive others, love one another, and go and have the best Feast ever while you can.  It will be marvellous to hear about all those accounts of forgiveness, where mercy was extended, and restoration occurred so that healing was the result.  Looking forward to these accounts whether it may be in this lifetime, or in the next after our change. God wants you to know that you can do it and He will give you the strength.  He is eagerly waiting and anticipating to be at all the venues where He has placed His name, to be amongst us, His beloved children, as we attend the Feast of Tabernacles 2019.

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