Beautiful Attitudes




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Lev 18:22

Are People Born With LGBT Tendencies?

The topic of homosexual marriage has been discussed worldwide with some countries such as UK, Canada, and USA already making this legal in a court of law. In Australia a plebiscite was taken last year with a Bill being pushed through Parliament before members were dismissed for the summer break from mid December 2017. More than half of the Australian population agreed to legalize homosexual marriage. This means that it is now legal for two men to get married in a formal ceremony, and likewise, two women can join together in marriage. It is now the law of the land.

Recently the topic of homosexuality has surfaced more than once in my life due to the effects of young men “coming out” openly to declare that they are “gay” to their parents. In both instances the situation was a surprise and the parents involved had very different reactions and responses.

The first set of parents were quite happy that their son is homosexual. While recounting the details to me, the mother spoke with an air of real pride in her son while she showed me his picture. Her son was tall, handsome, a perfect smile with teeth to be admired. He dressed sharply and was sought after by all the girls. He literally had a long line of young women just hoping he would take them to the end of year social (prom) and they did not mind in the slightest that he was gay. Their reasoning was based on the fact he was a great, reliable friend, he treated them like a lady and they always had a good, safe night out with no problems or issues. Plenty of justification from plausible reasons to “date” him.

The topic only came up because this young man’s mother spoke about her other son who was “straight” and had just travelled overseas to attend his best mates wedding in the UK. His friend married another man. Without so much as a word from me she continued with “Why shouldn’t they get married?! After all, they are in love! I just don’t agree that they be allowed to get married in a church”. I sat there in stunned disbelief. She then went on to say that if the priests and clergy can abuse children and get away with it for years, then homosexuals should be allowed to marry.

My internal thoughts were, well two wrongs do not make a right, just for starters, and, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil..” (Isaiah 5:20). She asked me what I thought as we had both been brought up Catholic. I replied that it must be hard as a mother to be faced with a child telling you he or she wants to marry the same sex because they cannot have biological children, for one thing. I did not want to offend her so I chose the soft option to begin with.

Not content with that I just came right out with it and said if faced with this situation it would be one of my biggest fears because if my son or daughter came home and told me they are about to get married to a person of the same sex, I would have to tell them I loved them very much but I could not go to the wedding. If the lady thought I was harsh she did not say a word...she just stopped in her tracks and looked at me. Two mothers with opposing views.

Revealing News That Changes People’s Lives

The parents of the other young man had absolutely no idea that their son was interested in men and were shocked. The mother was sad and told her son this is not what she would want for him. The son emphatically stated that he knew homosexuality is not something he chose and, in fact, fought it for years and that is why he took off and lived far away from his family, seldom seeing them. He then divulged that he had tried to kill himself with a gun more than once. He had been depressed, suicidal and actively looking on the internet for ways to kill himself. He was convinced he was born this way because, as he said, these feelings and thoughts he had, came from far back, as far as he could remember.

Notice that this man said he knew it was not something he chose? Initially he tried to reject it but then it became too hard so he gave in to the desires. Who gave him these desires? Where did they come from?

Physical Human Beings Bereft of Spiritual Knowledge

Both mothers reacted differently. One was happy, the other sad. They both still loved their sons. One could not see anything wrong but justified the outcome. Her focus was on the outside appearance. The package looked good. She wanted to be a friend to her son. She wanted to be tolerant.

The other parent mentally was in anguish and torment lamenting what the effects of her son’s choices would be. There would be no grandchildren. His life may have a hard road ahead. He had already suffered a lot with illness and hospitalisation. The choices he made now would have effects, results that would be undesirable, maybe even life-threatening.

Confusion Reigns and Abounds

Do children wake up one morning and think to themselves ”I think I would like to be a lesbian” or “I want to be homosexual?” Or “I’m not meant to be female, I’m meant to be a man”. Where do these thoughts and feelings come from?

If you will open your Bibles you will see that in Genesis 1:27 it says “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them”. Then following on in verse 31 it says “Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was VERY good”.

Very good means that there was nothing wrong with the male and female, they were made as God intended them to be. They were not faulty, they did not have any parts missing, their bodies were complete to function well. And they certainly were not made identical.

Did God tell the first humans, Adam and Eve, anything about what they should do? Yes! In verse 28 of the same chapter, He tells them “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it…”. He intended for them to have children and that is why He made a male and a female. Humans were designed to procreate because God had blessed them in this way.

So What Happened To Cause Things To Change?

Everything was as it should be until a jealous, hate-filled, violent being learned of God’s plan. This being wasn’t angry to begin with. He was an angel, a cherub known as Lucifer. In Ezekiel 28:12-19 the account is given of how Lucifer's heart was lifted up because of beauty. God refers to him as the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty and perfect in his ways until iniquity was found in him.

Lucifer became so enraged with God for the plan He had for humankind that he revolted against God and tried to overthrow His rule by initiating war. He was fuelled with an evil attitude because he believed he deserved better and it was not fair that God had given humans the ability to have children and reproduce, to begin with. This is something angels cannot do (Luke 10:18). Angels were created by God to minister to God’s children (Hebrews 1:14). Not only will humans inherit eternal salvation, we will also judge the angels (1 Corinthians 6:3). This is something Satan cannot accept. He wants to be worshipped and to replace God. You can read about the fall of Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12-21.

Satan then set about to kill off the human race. He has devised many wicked plans starting with the destruction of the family unit. An effective way would be to get many men and women to desire the same sex which would pervert God’s purpose for them (Leviticus 18:22) and then these people could not have children. The ripple effect would be divorces, broken relationships, children suffering, depression, suicide, all sorts of mental illness and emotional problems overlapping into alcoholism, drug addiction, eating disorders, self mutilation and on and on it goes.

The devil was not simply content to wait for humans to be homosexual or desirous of having intimacy with the same gender in these modern times. Back in the Old Testament we can read of men knowing other men carnally in Genesis 19, and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah by God for all the abominations carried out in these cities.

God is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33) but Satan definitely is. Everything God created and intended for its proper purpose, Satan comes along and twists, perverts and changes, especially sex. The very thing Satan cannot have any part of he even wants control over. What better way than to destroy the human race with the effects of wrong choices. Many will die from sexually transmitted diseases, many will die from unsuccessful operations, from various illnesses. The devil is the one who causes people to have homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexual and transgender desires. He influences their thoughts to think this is love but it is perversion wrapped up in lust.

So What Shall We Do?

Include those whom we know whether homosexual, lesbian, transgender, or bisexual in our lives as brethren, family, friends and neighbours. Support them with friendship. That does not mean we agree to behaviour that goes against God’s laws. We can be loving by listening to their concerns and be ready to help if a trial or crisis occurs. For those who are brethren it is a great work that God is doing in these people when they exercise self control and resist and overcome these tendencies. We need to give them our love and support just as much as anyone else. We are all in this together of resisting and overcoming.

For myself, I know that I cannot attend any future marriages of same sex union. I am fine with this as my decision lines up with what God says. God ordained marriage between one man and one woman only. Anything else is wrong! I can only imagine the tumult and furor this will cause amongst family members. This is not what I want but God must come first. I know I am not homophobic either, which is usually what one is accused of rather quickly to put the guilt on the person going against the wrong choices of others.

We all have choices to make. This is called free will. If God unites a man and a woman in marriage, strongly states that no other union will be recognised in His sight, and He calls such perverted unions an abomination to Him, then we either align ourselves with our Father or we do not. Compromise is simply not an option if we love God our Father with our whole heart (Matthew 22:37).