Beautiful Attitudes




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Are You Serious?

This is a question we must all ask ourselves and seriously contemplate the answer.  Are we serious about God’s Kingdom and the work we must be about now as we prepare for the return of our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ?   This question is as much for myself as it is for all those serious in serving God on a daily basis.

Such a question as this sounds simple enough at first glance.  However a deeper look at our intentions originating from our hearts is vital.  You see beloved brethren we are under spiritual attack from the enemy as you well know.  What is he up to next?  No doubt ready to accuse us of wrongdoing in sin and ready to destroy our resolve in every possible way.  It is a fact that our enemy the devil definitely wants to steal our joy and throw every hurdle he can in front of us to trip us over and put us out of commission.
During this past month we have had many times of great joy, such as the removal of my husband Jim’s Camboot (or Moon Boot) after 10 long weeks since breaking his foot, but also some deep sadness and disappointments.  It is easy to keep going along towards the Kingdom when things are stable and manageable.  However each time another hurdle is placed before us, things get more and more challenging. 
The first hurdle involved the removal of the Beyond Today (BT) magazine stand in a mall where it had been placed for several years.  After checking with regular tenants, it seems as if it was in place the very morning of our visit to check and refill it.  Where it went we do not know but it is now gone without a word.  New tenants moved in this year opposite to where the stand was positioned near the community noticeboard.  On one previous occasion not too long ago the stand had been placed in a different position where it was difficult to see — in a corner behind equipment hidden away from view.  An accident?  Seems as though it wasn’t and maybe a warning which went unheeded.  On another occasion the stand was taken but the magazines left on the floor some way down the mall where we eventually found them.  This mall has had a few changes in tenants as it is in an area with many businesses involved in industry.  Now the mall is heavily tenanted by another culture vastly different to ours.  What is one to think?  Our message about Jesus Christ and God the Father is no longer welcome here and has been removed deliberately.
After reeling from this shock, only less than one month later, we experienced our second hurdle — the other BT stand in a different mall was suddenly moved to a place where many customers do not walk nearby as the shopfront here is vacant.  It was tempting to move the stand straight back to where it had been previously, but then again we did not know who moved it and whether this might precipitate another removal.  Best to let it be as God can do the impossible.  Our human efforts are something to strive for but we can only do what we can — best to be praying and looking to God for His intervention.  We just need to be willing and obedient to the laws of the land, as long as they do not conflict with God’s laws, of course.
The third hurdle came with news of several health issues in our immediate family which were unexpected, shocking, sobering, and quite surprising.  Rather than feeling defeated from at least 4 diagnoses it is best to take it all to God in prayer once again and ask for healing.  An anointed cloth has already been requested for use in faith as God is our Master Healer (Acts 19:11-12).  The doctor will want to prescribe medications for each of these medical problems but this just means more chemicals on an already overloaded liver which is significantly enlarged for the person involved.  Best to take a sensible and conservative approach here.  It is all about choice.  Some medicate, some do not for very good reasons, and respecting choices is the most loving thing to do.  After all, God gives each and every one of us free will to choose.
Sometimes I look back over the past 12 years when faced with times of change or when in trials and think to myself...physically weaker but spiritually stronger.  And this gap is noticeably widening.  What is more important?  Do you also feel this way as we age?  We try to do our best with what we have, can afford, and as time permits.  So many are ill and suffering while numerous brethren from among us are dying suddenly, one day, gone the next.  What are we to think?  My thoughts quickly go to — better make wise use of the time we have here before it is too late!  Best get serious because things are serious. 
Seriously Running Our Race Wisely Jumping Every Hurdle And Obstacle
As the apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 “Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize?  Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things.  Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown.  Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty.  Thus I fight:  not as one who beats the air.  But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified”.
This is what it is all about brethren!  Paul was serious as he jumped every hurdle while running his race to God’s Kingdom.  No matter how many hurdles were placed before him, he tackled them head on in earnest in order to be victorious.  Also, in like manner, the apostle Peter achieved victory after Satan asked to sift him as wheat in Luke 22:31.  Think of Job, of Stephen, of Samson, of David, of all those mentioned in Hebrews 11 known as the faith chapter. 
Should we allow these setbacks to throw us off course?  It would be easy to stay at home and mope about trials whether they be in health, finances, or whatever each one of us is currently experiencing.  As God’s elect we must stand firm without wavering and ensure our armour (Ephesians 6:10-18) is secured in place and march on seizing the day and seizing the victory as did all those who have gone before us.  We are serious about our calling, serious about life and death, we are deadly serious indeed, and no enemy will stop us despite throwing these temporary obstacles in front of us.  Remember this...God is for us and the victory is ours (Romans 8:31). 
We may not feel like we are running a race when in times of trial.  We may even feel like we are barely walking.  As long as we get up and keep going we will succeed.  You may find this scripture of great comfort as I do in 1 John 4:4 “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them (those against us), because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world”.  Let us keep going, especially when the going gets tough, arduous, or downright hostile.  God will indeed see us through if we go to Him for strengthening (Philippians 4:10-13;  2 Corinthians 12:9-10).

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