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Bad Company Corrupts

Bad Company Corrupts

Now that we have returned from God's Feast of Tabernacles for 2023, it's back into our usual routines…or is it?  Once upon a time this reality would either give me a leap in my step, or an elongated groan depending on where my employment took me.  Some places as an agency nurse were safe to work in and the people ever so grateful to have help while others were a culture shock with bad habits, dangerous work practices, and an ugly attitude of rebellion to authority.  The language was anything but professional and the humour crude without a second thought for elderly and genteel clients within earshot.  Despite these challenges some of the workers were really lovely people once one got to know them but they had some bad habits.  Desensitised to their own actions they could see nothing wrong with what they were doing until eventually some noticed a difference in a good leader/supervisor and then started questioning how they should behave.  Others wanted to push boundaries even further as they were haughty, stubborn, unteachable, did not like change but liked things only their way, perceiving they had power over casual staff who were not staying for very long, never mind their rank of seniority over them.  Yes, those were the days and it was somewhat like a box of chocolates — one never knew what they were getting into until the wrapper was removed.  Too late to put it back in the box once opened.  Some looked good but were better left untouched and definitely not nice once sampled, others were hard as rocks reminding me of the caramels that gave jaw ache when chewing on them, while some were just plain sickly sweet (sarcastic, fake, insincere).
It is definitely a challenge to be engaged in workplaces with workmates who want to socialise outside of working hours.  Bad company includes activities such as smoking, drinking in excess, taking "recreational" drugs, gambling, swearing, gossiping, lying, spending any length of time on gaming devices, binge watching TV series or whatever takes one's fancy, questionable music with unsavoury lyrics, among anything else which is unproductive and takes us away from time spent reading the Bible.  It may seem like not such a big deal to begin with and on infrequent occasions, but all too soon it could become a habit with compromise involved.  This is danger zone stuff to flee from and strength of character is required.  Just way too easy to fall in with group mentality and take the easy option of enjoying oneself after a hard day at work.  Who are we kidding?!  You must get real by recognising the danger all around.  A jolt to the system needs to occur to wake us up in order for rescue.  Have you found yourself slipping, not gutsy enough to say no to people you like for whatever reason…hmmm people pleasing?  Maybe you have some things in common such as children, fun hobbies or pastimes.  If these new friends don't want to have wholesome activities such as visits to local playgrounds, picnics or BBQs/dinners alternating at each other's homes while engaging in decent and savoury conversation, then ask yourself whether your friendship is even worth it.  Is it more important than placing God first?  You know the right answer.
Once understanding your spiritual life is at stake then you need to turn from these empty feel good time wasters by reading God's warnings in scripture.  1 Corinthians 15:33-34 "Do not be deceived:  'Evil company corrupts good habits'.  Awake to righteousness, and do not sin; for some do not have the knowledge of God.  I speak this to your shame".  You indeed have the knowledge of God and are a baptized member of His flock therefore it is important to know that Proverbs 25:26 says "A righteous man who falters before the wicked is like a murky spring and a polluted well".  Can you imagine how disappointed and concerned your Creator is?  God the Father and His Son can see our most wonderful potential and the last thing They would want for us is to squander our blessings by treating them casually, or throw them away.   Think about what Esau did for a moment.  That was bad enough, but you who have so much to be thankful to God for, have somehow been caught up in keeping bad company.  Determination, diligence, commitment, courage, and conviction in prayers for strengthening in healthy fear and respect of God, and to be able to hear and be led by God's Holy Spirit are the solution.  Do you even want this, and if so, then how much?
Take a careful listen to this sermon and pray first for your ears to be opened so that you absorb:  If you are still at a loss then there is the option of fasting, and as much as you may not like it, there is no doubt of the effectiveness of fasting if undertaken with a sincere heart.  Remember Scriptures such as Proverbs 13:20 "He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed".  Psalm 1:1-2 "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night".  1 John 2:15-17 "Do not love the world or the things in the world.  If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.  For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world.  And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever".  Get to the stage of meaning the words from Psalm 119:115 "Depart from me, you evildoers, for I will keep the commandments of my God!"  If you can resist and overcome you do well, but if not, then consider leaving your current employment.  Is your job worth it if it takes you away from our Saviour?  The bonus of extra money and time to yourself away from children may seem a nice reprieve at the time but the price is way too high, more than a bowl of red lentil stew, yet the result is death, spiritual death.  Wake up before it is too late — don't be the frog that was boiled alive.
Lingering in sinful pursuits that feel good through past experience has shown me that instead of things becoming more Godly, they only in fact degenerate, and rather rapidly down a slippery slope.  Years ago, soon after being called by God, there were two of us who thought it would be a good idea to spend time at the home of my work colleague.  Leezah (not her real name) and the man known as her partner with his two boys, also my youngest daughter with us would have a casual dinner on Friday evenings and the adults would relax over a glass of wine or two.  Initially I felt a bit awkward knowing this was happening and especially so after the Sabbath arrived late in the evening during summer.  It was nice to swim in their pool and chat about regular stuff but eventually came to realise this was just not right, even moreso when they started playing movies on their cinema wall.  It was wrong and my selfish will justified that during the course of the evening these nice people may be called by God.  We both did and how wrong we were.  It took me some time to understand holy time, compromise, God's will, and how humans are so expert at justifying just about anything and everything to suit our purposes.  At least a decade has passed since that time and I am still sobered by the fact of Christ's loving and instructive words to the adulteress woman in John 8:11 "Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.”  We both learnt our lesson before it was too late and hope you will too if you are caught in this trap, a tangled web of deceit.  The devil is subtle and will continue to try hard at veering us away from God onto a path that looks intriguing, interesting, fun, and will try to convince you that we can have it both ways.  He may even be successful in getting you to stay at home rather than travel with your family to keep the Sabbath.  May it not even be said amongst us as we are our brother's keeper and should desire to help each other when we know to do good.

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