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Ephesians 4:2

Bearing With One Another In Love

Life has always had its challenges yet since the introduction of COVID-19 it has not been the same.  What once was is now no longer, nor will it ever be the same again.  What happened to the simplicity and relative ease we enjoyed?  It has been snatched away from us by the enemy as he does his thing -- creating mayhem and confusion throughout the world and even within God's church.  Could you have ever imagined being stifled from singing by wearing a mask?  Or from those delivering sermons many metres away and well beyond acceptable social distancing rules, masked up for lengthy amounts of time with only a handful of people in the hall?  The devil and the demons must be laughing with sick glee at our expense wanting God's children silenced once and for all.  Does this seem strange and lacking in common sense to you, or could people have become fearful believing they should do whatever they are told whether it is right or wrong?  We need to think!  Reminds me of a time many years ago when I must have been influenced and capitulated to friends in unwise choices and my parents said to me -- if so and so told you to jump off a cliff, would you?  I knew I wouldn't and was incredulous that I was even being asked about this as it was obviously quite absurd. 
Well, here we see many doing what they are told to do even though none of it makes sense, is totally illogical with hit or miss effects -- a bit like going through the motions for the sake of keeping the peace in blind obedience.  We are living in a very different world from that of only 2 years ago when we gratefully enjoyed an overseas trip for a full month which included the Feast of Tabernacles 2019.  It was a mere few weeks later after our return from America that we first heard about COVID-19.  The past 18 months have been full of daily updates advising on how many new cases exist, statistics of deaths, quarantining well people, donning masks, gloves, and PPE, elbow bumping (despite being told to sneeze and cough into our elbows -- cuckooville @ where nonsense is spoken and spreads easily), contact tracing information and rules, sudden lockdowns, scenes of empty streets in the CBDs especially in Melbourne, snap border closures, and repeated disruptions to businesses and life as we knew it, that I think most people are fed up to the point of literally switching off.  Some get cranky, some go silent (majority), while some of us need humour to reduce the levels of stupidity which abound in a deceived world.  Could you be deceived?
The great divide on whether one has the jab or refuses to comply is now the big elephant in the room.  Some have felt the pressure and decided to succumb, albeit with some trepidation, and have since expressed regret with tears in their eyes.  This is hard to bear.  Now they have to live with the side effects as we witness the pain in their eyes and voice on knowing something is dreadfully wrong within their body.  If only we could take it all away but we cannot.  From family, friends, brethren, neighbours and acquaintances we are painfully realising there is a growing list of people who have been jabbed and are now suffering from terrible and debilitating side effects such as persistent coughs, vomiting, nausea, headaches, excessive mucous production, altered thought processes, alterations in circulation and neurological functioning including pins and needles with dense numbing in peripheries, several days in bed unable to walk or even function, hemorrhaging, blood clots, strokes, alteration in normal cardiac function causing arrhythmias, thoughts of wanting to die, and even deaths.  That is what is happening whether we accept it or not because it is the brutal reality no matter how much the media says otherwise.
These experimental shots have been raced through the system in record breaking time creating history in order to supposedly make everything right so the world can "go back to normal" and enjoy jetting off here and there as they previously did.  Nobody can get compensation for any damage from the effects of the jab no matter how seriously affected by stroke, neurological problems, multi system organ shutdown, or even death as these substances come under the emergency umbrella known as Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).  What emergency?  There is no emergency, just panic and fear generated in order to get 70% of the population jabbed as President Biden in USA aims for this goal.  The leaders of the world have been set targets to achieve and are pushing until they get the majority jabbed.  Time will tell if the goal posts shift to up the number towards full compliance of 100%.  As time goes by there are more and more doctors and nurses resigning from their lucrative careers in sheer disgust about what is going on.  As those in authority are using persuasion and persuasive means through bribery with cash incentives such as gift cards given if jabbed within a certain time frame, and even free cannabis in Arizona and Washington State -- their agenda is to jab away in order to get as many as they can injected before people wake up and see the absolutely disastrous effects from a substance that is specifically designed to interfere with your DNA and immune system designed by God.  Once you are loaded and stuck the second time your immunity will at some stage implode and watch out for the explosion of autoimmune diseases like never before.  Are we concerned yet? 
How awful this is has not been fully realised yet but it will and then it will be too late.  Behaviours always have consequences.  Timing -- this does not always come instantly.  How shocking it was for me to see someone mock and joke after their shot to indicate through non verbal means much like a charade that they pretended to have serious side effects.  I wish I could say this was not true but now they are no longer joking around and indeed are really struggling to maintain their composure.  This is tough!  How we may want to comfort our friends and family whether physical or spiritual.  It reminds me of the passage in scripture where Jesus felt compassion for the crowds in Matthew 9:36 likening them to lost sheep wandering about in a weary condition without a shepherd leading them to safety.  The masses actually believe the jab is a safe vaccine and it will help them avoid the spread of the Coronavirus to others and most importantly escape it themselves as they erroneously think they will be unable to get it.  Sadly, not only can they still acquire COVID, they have now set off a process that will cause dire internal damage at some stage and if that is not serious enough, they are now a threat to others (through a mechanism of transmission) who have wisely chosen to avoid the shot like the plague.  Do not take my word for it, look at the mounting evidence out there from reliable sources who are able to decipher the science behind the immunology and infectious diseases scene.  Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Lee Merrit, Dr. Peter McCullough, Geert Vanden Bossche, American Frontline Doctors website, Lynda Lange, and many others if you really desire to dig around for what these brave professionals have found.  The fight against this evil is real.  We do not know whether this biochemical weapon was accidentally or purposefully released from the laboratory in Wuhan, China and I want to think it was accidental but am not so sure. 
If you are not close with God you are in danger.  Each of us has a choice to make.  Do not stick your head in the sand and think you will escape this on your own power and resources.  Only God can protect you from this man made weapon.  What can be done?  Prayer to God is your best weapon against evil.  Develop this relationship as if it is the most important thing you can do, because it really is.  Get fully informed with truth, not the lies and propaganda that is out there proliferating and polluting the airwaves and print.  Sift through and put aside some time and ask God to reveal to you what you need to know.  Get busy with building your immune system that God gave you at birth.  The above mentioned doctors explain how to do this and it really is not that difficult.  We should be doing this anyway as one of our priorities by taking care of God’s temple, our human body (1 Corinthians 3:9-17).  The most incredibly sad thing is there is a safe and effective treatment for those who died and it was not given.  Withholding very cost effective medical treatment of medication such as Ivermectin to cure hundreds of thousands was pure evil when they knew of it and have known about it for decades.  This is sin when one knows to do good and does not do it.  And some wonder why there is a growing exodus of professionals from the medical profession!  They will account for this to God in the future.  So much going on under the surface of a thin veneer of normalcy covered over by lies upon lies piling up until they reach the point of no return where the devil resides.  What can be done?  The place to always go to is the best place to be -- in our Bible.
Ephesians 4:1-3 contains inspired words with wisdom for us from the apostle Paul "I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" is how we continue to live amongst brethren.  Whether their free will choice aligns with our own, or not -- we need to respect that God gives us our free will and even though we may not agree, it is prudent to agree to disagree and continue to bear with one another and do this in love.  We are to be as one just as Christ is with the Father (John 17:21), and certainly not divided as the enemy would choose.  1 John 4:17-21 reminds us that "Love has been perfected among us in this:  that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world.  There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment.  But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.  We love Him because He first loved us.  If someone says, 'I love God', and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?  And this commandment we have from Him:  that he who loves God must love his brother also".  Furthermore, and most importantly we need to read and take to heart the very words of Jesus Christ in John 13:34-35 "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another;  as I have loved you, that you also love one another.  By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”  Sometimes, loving a brother or sister in the faith requires us to make every attempt to persuade them to rethink a choice they have made before it is too late for them.  If we are looked upon as sowing discord or division within the body for so doing, we must be willing to live with that stigma.  God knows our hearts in doing so.
Perhaps I can leave you with this...John 15:13 "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" -- these are very powerful words from Christ contained within chapter 15 of the book of John which we need to pay attention to and take great heed from by reading this entire chapter eager for the opportunity of correction and instruction.  So we need to cast off any fears we may have about acquiring and/or spreading the Coronavirus or any virus for that matter and give diligent attention to keeping God’s temple clean and holy, always looking to God for protection and trusting His methods -- not the methods of the world -- of quarantining when sick, thereby fulfilling our faithful obedience to His laws and commandments while everything else is secondary.  God must come first and He will see us through into His Kingdom if we fully rely on Him.

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