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1st Cor 13

Beautiful Attitudes

The Feast of Tabernacles is underway for 2020 as I sit here writing this in grateful thanks to God for the blessing in placing His name for the gathering of our local Adelaide congregation together at Hahndorf to keep His Feast.  A beautiful hamlet settled by Germans almost 200 years ago in 1839, which is tucked away nicely in the picturesque Adelaide Hills of gently rolling green pastures studded by huge gum trees, home of many a koala, and where kangaroos bounce around, while cows, horses, sheep, and various farm animals are tended alongside crops such as cherries, strawberries, grapes, apples, stone fruits, and so much more.  The produce is plentiful and there is much to see and experience here when walking around to explore various artisanal delights such as candle making, soap making, cheese making, distilleries, wineries, blacksmiths, bakeries with gingerbread, Bee stings, Sacher tortes, and anything else one could possibly think of to eat from German origins.  Memories of my childhood flood my thoughts in a most welcome way of times spent with my maternal grandmother making sauerkraut from scratch replete with bucket and stone. 
Here we are rejoicing together unified as one for this, my 14th Feast — all of which have been wonderful for different reasons but this one is like no other as it is a small group of just our congregation, of which we are around 20 in number.  Usually we scatter off to various sites here in Australia as well as overseas.  This year there are two people from our small congregation who are unable to attend the Feast due to illness.  Malcolm and Margaret Robertson have been on the prayer list and we eagerly anticipate the time when we can all be reunited again.  We would like for all the brethren to join with us in prayers for his healing and for her strengthening and comfort as we experience 1 Corinthians 12:26.  We are a spiritual family and have a strong connection from years of celebrating the weekly Sabbath and annual holy day festivals.  Part of us, the body of Christ, is absent while we celebrate the Feast,  yet there have been ways we have been able to reach out to them.
The majority of the Adelaide congregation are all together this time in a unique and exclusive gathering to share in an experience like no other.  This would not have happened unless COVID-19 had caused the events it did by closing borders and isolating brethren in the state of Victoria, controlled how Queenslanders could gather together with very strict guidelines and practices in place, and shut down many businesses and venues.  None of us could have ever imagined such a time as this.  Yet despite the Coronavirus we are all thriving, and able to experience our best Feast ever!  Spontaneous comments from the brethren in attendance while fellowshipping all match to say that everyone here wants to have all future FOTs like this one, it is that wonderful.
When I look around each day just what do I see?  Beautiful attitudes from beautiful individuals who desire to serve.  The willingness to all join together in helping out in any way using talents and gifts bestowed on each person by God to benefit others is a marvellous joy to behold.  Whether it be setting up the hall, sound and technical provision, cleaning, emptying bins, washing dishes, cooking meals, supplying the gorgeous flowers arranged so artistically, providing sincere, caring words of praise in edification and encouragement, comfort, and joy to members who have needed to hear such heartfelt expressions of Agape love in person and/or in cards, indelibly surround and envelope each and every member as we all work together as one. (Ephesians 4:1-16, Romans 12:4-13,  and 1 Corinthians 12:12)
It is a natural tendency to see faults in others and see where things need to change however this Feast has none of this.  This is incredible but truthful as all are willing to be Christ-like and transition.  When each person chooses to esteem others better than themselves there is not a shred of selfish, carnal human nature and for this I am truly grateful — this is what God’s Kingdom will look like — and we are getting a brief yet lingering taste of it now at this Feast of Tabernacles (Philippians 2:1-4).  Now I know what we have to look forward to in God’s Kingdom and I can hardly wait.  It will be difficult to go home because the genuine love for each other is so pure and full, it is tangible, palpable, and not only wanted, but needed and appreciated.  After what we have all been through during 2020 I sense a deeper gratefulness to God for being able to meet in person because many cannot.  As our visitor kept repeating during the day she spent with us “you people are just so nice, I am not used to it, I don’t deserve it” — well we know none of us deserve it but God desires us to be blessed and we have the power to bless others with our God given gifts, talents, and abilities, through prayers, our thoughts and actions, through forgiveness, mercy and above all — love.  What is love?  We can read 1 Corinthians 13, often referred to as the love chapter, to refresh our memories as we all need reminders regularly.
As we celebrate the second half of this incredible time at this year’s Feast we can take a few minutes to meditate on this valuable scripture in 1 Peter 3:8 “Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another;  love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous” and if we do this then we will most definitely be doers of the Word rather than just hearers, and please our Father by emulating the love Christ has for us (James 1:22-25).  There is nothing better or greater than the love God the Father and His Son have already shown for us by their Supreme sacrifice.  Think of all the ways you can show your love for your brethren during this 2020 Feast of Tabernacles and pray to God about it to ask if you are not sure what you can do.  He will let you know in prayer or while you read the Bible.  Doing good makes us feel good or gives us pleasure in knowing we are helping others.  Now it is time to enjoy and rejoice!

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