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Psalm 19:7-11

Bees Make Honey...

Many years ago when I was growing up I enjoyed a biscuit (cookie in Yank parlance) or two now and again by the name of Yo Yo, originally made by Menz here in South Australia since 1922, but then the biscuit making arm of the business was sold to Arnott’s some 40 years later in 1962.  W. Menz and Co. began trading in 1867 with owners John and Magdalena Menz, German immigrants who began their bakery and grocery business in 1850 from the city of Adelaide on Wakefield Street.  They were so successful that they also branched out into the confectionery business, but it was the Yo Yo biscuits which captured my heart and taste buds. The advertisement on TV that I remember had a very catchy jingle which began like this, ”Bees make the honey in Yo Yo, Arnott’s Yo Yo biscuits…” — rather hard to convey the tune with just words on paper therefore decided to share the musical snippet here — — so now you can see and hear for yourself just what I am writing about.
Honey is one of God’s blessings for us to enjoy.  Some refer to honey as “liquid gold” and indeed it is golden in appearance and beautifully sweet to the taste.  The colour reminds me of golden amber which is from my mother’s country in the Baltic region of Lithuania and considered to be their national stone.  As I sit here on the morning of the Sabbath enjoying the peace surrounding me before the sun rises, I look forward to a cup of hot tea sweetened with raw organic honey and a splash of full cream milk (which is also a blessing in the form of organic, non-homogenised goodness that comes from Paris Creek in the beautiful Adelaide hills utilising bio-conversion farming techniques and principles combined with nothing artificial and cream on top just like we drank as children) to start my day.  Another German invention for which we have much to be thankful to those who settled here in the mid to late 1800s.  Honey is one of life’s simple pleasures and yet it holds such joy, comfort, goodness, and rich nourishment, knowing that many bees were involved in gathering pollen to provide this gift of healing nectar — another masterpiece of life which our most awesome, mighty and wonderful Creator designed for us to have and use wisely for our benefit.
Did you know one can heal wounds with honey due to the antibacterial properties of this natural wonder?  Infections such as MRS...Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) is a bacterium that causes infections in different parts of the body. It's tougher to treat than most strains of staphylococcus aureus -- or staph -- because it's resistant to some commonly used antibiotics.  Gangrene, fungus, broken skin with deep wounds, ulcers, are just a few ailments that I have seen removed firsthand by actively using Manuka Honey from New Zealand.
Our Bibles contain quite a few scriptures in reference to honey.  There is one such of which I would like to refer to from Psalm 19 entitled “The Perfect Revelation from the LORD” written under divine inspiration by King David.  The whole Psalm is full of golden richness related to God’s glory and strength, perfection in wisdom, clearest of purity, clean and righteous, all wise and all knowing, with nothing hidden from His sight.  It is good to read the whole Psalm to gain the context and purpose of David’s creative writing intended to praise God in worship while giving grateful thanks.  The scripture quoted below is a small part taken from within the body of Psalm 19 related to the sumptuousness of partaking in the lusciously sweet viscous fluid from the golden flow of the hexagonal honeycomb...and as sweet as it is, it absolutely pales in comparison to God’s law, testimony, statutes, commandments, and judgments with healthy fear of His ways to ultimately bring great treasure to those who keep them...
Psalm 19:7-11 “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple;  the statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart;  the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes;  the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever;  the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.  More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.  Moreover by them Your servant is warned, and
in keeping them there is great reward”.  Psalm 119 elaborates upon Psalm 19 reinforcing a richer or fuller view of what David was communicating to God, which in turn, provides an even deeper study to meditate upon and is very highly recommended for our consideration.
It is a well known fact that many people treasure gold above all else and would jump at the chance to win the lottery, and many prefer sweetness from sweet foods and a sweet life full of rich and lavish luxuries fit for kings and queens of yesteryear — all of which involve financial prosperity.  Too much of a good thing can cause us to become ill like Proverbs 25:16 says — we will vomit it up.  Having spiritual abundance is far greater than physical abundance yet humans tend to go for the physical over the spiritual time and time again unless converted.  We know that the best choice is to put God first by desiring His ways over anything and everything else in this life, as Matthew 6:33 advises us to do.  We will also reap the rewards later on by gaining everlasting life as part of the God family.  Along the way in our journey with God there will be times of blessing like riding high up on the peaks of the hills and mountains and there will also certainly be times of trial and testing when down in the deep valleys of life like David experienced (Isaiah 58:14, Deuteronomy 32:13, Psalm 23:4).  How about you?  Are you experiencing trials at the moment?  We usually get these before attending the Feast of Tabernacles and this year seems no different, in fact it seems much worse, with the uncertainty of borders staying open throwing up unique challenges we have not had before.  The main thing is to keep on allowing God’s Spirit to lead you where God wants you to go.  Never give up and you will be richly blessed by God with great reward.
This time of meditation caused me to think and ponder whether there may be golden honey of the highest quality for us to enjoy and partake of at the Wedding Supper?  Perhaps there will be wedding cake with honey glazed fruits inside!  Mulled honey wine, honey cakes, honeycomb, and honey treats to share in as we marvel at God’s splendiferous abundance of perfection.  We will just have to wait and see.  I wonder what you might imagine there to be on this great occasion in the future?  Meanwhile back to my lovely hot cup of honeyed tea while delving into precious scriptures.

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