Beautiful Attitudes




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Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

A while back I woke from a dream which was a bit of a nightmare. In this dream I was wedged between two very high walls -- at least 18 feet high -- and found myself unable to move. I had tried to breathe in and slide along but it was still no use. I was wedged tightly and paralyzed by fear. In the distance I could see an army of soldiers in hot pursuit to capture me. There was nothing I could physically do to save myself and that is when I woke up relieved to know it was only a dream. It was hard to shake off this vividly disturbing night vision, and it caused me to think about an old saying which came to mind, "caught between a rock and a hard place".

In the dream I could not move forwards or backwards. I could look up but there was nothing to grab hold of. The walls were made of hard rock and both sides were sheer. When I woke up I was disappointed to realise that I hadn't even thought about asking anyone for help. I did not cry out to be rescued, and I had tried to do things on my own strength and initiative. Well, that failed miserably in my dream but I began to think about real life situations. Actually, the more I thought about things the more I realised that there was a situation in the Bible from which I could learn.

Crossing of the Red Sea by God's People

In Exodus 14:1-31 the famous account of the Israelites led by Moses out of slavery in Egypt is written for our learning and admonition (1 Corinthians 10:11, Romans 15:4). I tried to put myself there amongst the Israelites while they camped before Pi Hahiroth between Migdol and the sea, and opposite Baal Zephon. Not having traveled to this part of the world it was difficult to really imagine what this scene would have looked like. The best I could do was think of huge mountains either side and the Red Sea at high tide in front of me – a rather scary dilemma with feelings of being trapped.

What I could imagine was Pharaoh's army replete with horses and chariots thundering with breakneck speed toward the encampment to recapture the Israelites. Any who would not willingly be captured would die there a terrible death. In verse 10 it says "And when Pharaoh drew near, the children of Israel lifted their eyes, and behold, the Egyptians marched after them. So they were very afraid and the children of Israel cried out to the LORD".

Dealing with our fears in the face of death

Like the Israelites who were pursued by Pharaoh and his army, Satan seeks to trap us in his web of deceit and evil intent. The world is full of peril and is under the sway and control of this wicked one (1 John 5:18-19). However we know we can ask God our Father for help and protection at all times (Psalm 46). When we accepted God into our lives and were released from spiritual bondage we agreed to the covenant made at baptism in which we accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour (Galatians 1:3-4, Ephesians 1:7 and Colossians 1:13-14).

The account of the Red Sea crossing is full of significant meaning and symbolism for us at this end time -- Christians living in the world but striving daily to be separate from it. We must flee from sin in this present evil age (Jeremiah 51:6) (Revelation 18:4). When faced with trials and seemingly impossible situations do we panic or stand still? (Psalm 46:10). Moses told the people to stand still and not to be afraid -- to see the salvation of the LORD -- because He will fight for us. Our focus must be directed at God despite whatever dire situation is before us.

In Exodus 14:22 we can read that the children of Israel went through on dry ground in the middle of the sea. God caused a wall of water to form on both sides of them. This great miracle by God strengthens our trust and faith in Him to see us through no matter the challenge or the storms and trials of life, even if we are convinced that we are about to die.

We may already know that the Red Sea crossing ended with Israel being saved that day and Pharaoh together with his army was destroyed before their eyes -- washed up dead on the beach -- the people then believed and feared God because of the great work He did for them. The people had faith in God that day (Hebrews 11:29).

Confidence and faith in Almighty God's power and strength

In Exodus 15:1-21 the “Song of Moses” was triumphantly sung by Moses and the children of Israel after they crossed through the Red Sea. They were full of joy, jubilation and heartfelt thankfulness as they lifted their voices in praise and worship to God. In the future we will celebrate by singing songs when God will give us, His children, the victory over sin and the demonic forces that currently plague the vast majority of humankind (Revelation 15:1-4).

Until that day we need to be developing rock solid faith, trust, and total confidence in the omnipotence of our Father. We must always turn to Him for every single need and always give Him heartfelt thanks and praise each and every time He rescues us from all those times between now and Christ's return, when we become caught between a rock and a hard place (Isaiah 51:10-11).