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Jeremiah 7:31

Combating Obvious and Subtle Forms of Darkness

How do we continue to live in an ever increasingly darkened world that is rapidly becoming saturated with wicked and evil everywhere we turn?

There is no denying or escaping the fact that this world is becoming significantly more troubled with perversions too numerous to mention. The disintegration of our society is spiralling out of control. How do we stop it? Can we stop it? Will it ever stop? The answers to these questions are contained within the Holy Bible and will be addressed within this piece.

With 24 hour news updates we may be tired or fed up hearing about tragic events affecting others to the point that we feel we cannot take it anymore. Our senses are repeatedly assaulted and affronted with shock after shockwave until we may feel rather numb or at a total loss. This is where desensitisation can set in. We must never become used to the horrors of this world. Instead of feeling despair or hopelessness we need to continue to sigh and cry out to God in prayer beseeching Him for help. Help in bringing the Kingdom of God quickly which Jesus Christ will usher in. Daily prayers for His saints, the elect, to be ready and prepared to assume rulership as priests and kings, in order to assist the whole of humanity when they are resurrected in turn, are vital in fighting the enemy. The devil certainly does not want us ready to rule so we must ensure we stay close to God as part of our preparation now while all this chaos and destruction is going on around us.

Implicit trust and believing that God has full and complete control over what Satan, the god of this present evil age (2 Corinthians 4:4), may do, is where our hearts and minds need to be. Our faith and obedience matter now more than ever as we approach the end of this age. We can choose to get angry and embittered, or apathetic, or we can choose to fight. We are in a battle, so let’s fight. We need to be wise and skilfull in combating the evil forces of darkness. There is no way we can do it on our own nor do we ever need to, as scripture tells us “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31, 1 John 4:4). So we look to God for help, just as Deuteronomy 3:22 states, Jeremiah 42:11 explains, and as Isaiah 41:10; 42:8-13 outlines. Such strong assurance of the mighty help from our awesome God!

Living Before The World In The Valley Of Slaughter (Jeremiah 19:6)

Exposing the works of darkness as mentioned in Ephesians 5:11, is one way we can fight this evil system of wickedness. With that in mind there is a topical news item that is so shocking, so disturbing, so wickedly unbelievable, that it will be exposed here in order to prepare us for what is to come.

Various media groups have reported on Australian Parliament voting to bring in the decriminalisation of abortion in Queensland so that women can now effectively kill their baby up to 22 weeks of gestational development. In addition to this as long as two medical officers agree to sign off on termination then the baby can be killed after 22 weeks even up to full term. Voting was 50:41 in favour. Among reasons cited for the result was “health issues” which is such a stretch of justification. What is so tragically sad is that many think this is a good thing. This speaks volumes, and just shows the depths of depravity to which the masses will stoop from deception under the sway of the evil one (1 John 5:19). Once again the weak and vulnerable, including the innocent of this world, are at the mercy of those in power.

Reading through various comments made by politicians and from the general public in these media news reports, flashbacks were triggered for me from December 2017 pertaining to the passing of legislation for homosexual marriage in Australia. In both instances there was jubilation and celebration because people said “they think they are doing the right thing”. As we are aware we cannot know to do the right thing in and of ourselves. We must be led by God’s Holy Spirit, and even then we need to resist and overcome our own carnal human weaknesses in order to refrain from sinning. (Proverbs 14:12, John 3:19-21).

There have been many events this past week in the news that have either upset or confounded my mind. Some have been ridiculously bizarre, bordering on stupidity, involving perversions that one with a protected mind would never even think of. As God so rightly said in Jeremiah 7:31-32, 19:5-6, and 32:35 “...nor did it come into My mind that they should do this abomination”. Reading through each of these chapters gives us much insight into historical times which are now being repeated in our day and age. It is tragic but fascinating at the same time to read of how our sinful ways line up with those of Judah and Israel in our Bible.

The Astonishing Fragility Of This World Which Is Passing Away (1 Corinthians 7:31)

One wonders where things can go from here; surely not worse than they already are? But the truth is that things will get worse, we just do not know for how much longer. I hear the words reverberate in my head “as in the days of Noah…” (Luke 17:26-27) as my eyes and ears are afflicted with many abominations while living in this world.

I'm reminded of what a child might say during a long, arduous road trip, “Are we there yet?” Whilst we pray for all these abominations and traumas to cease we must keep in mind that it needs to be in God’s time. After all His timing is perfect and everything must be done according to His great plan. Our part is to stand firm while all these tragedies occur. Instead of doubt, discouragement or depression, we shall be grounded in eternity with unshakeable faith and confidence in our almighty God (Philippians 4:6-7).

While standing firm we may be given opportunities to encourage, comfort and help others who are suffering, whether directly or indirectly (2 Corinthians 1:3-5). We need to do this while prayerfully seeking and allowing God to lead us so that ultimately God will receive the glory.

We know we cannot stop the world's descent into disaster, but God will when the exact time is right as He can do anything (Matthew 19:26), and will bring this age to a close (Isaiah 34:4, 2 Peter 3:10-13). We know the end of the story. Good triumphs over evil. God will be victorious over all. We just need to do our part. Study, meditate, fast and pray, and serve wherever possible, as if your life depends on it, because it really does (1 Peter 4:7-8)!