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Isaiah 40:31

Come Out Of Her My People

What does it take to come out of the world yet still live in it?  The title of this article is inspired by scripture in Revelation 18:4-5 where it is written "And I heard another voice from heaven saying, 'Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.  For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.'"  This warning is not just talking about the physical but especially includes the spiritual as it pertains to behaviours that involve sinful thoughts, words, and actions.  We live on planet Earth and humans have done so for almost 6,000 years.  The Earth is much older than that of course.  Genesis 1 explains the sequence of creation yet man in all his pride, elevated sense of self importance and ignorance somehow thinks we have existed ever since the planets were made.  Man's false theories go on to suggest and enforce that somehow humans evolved from ape-like creatures who moved about on all fours while living in caves as primitive as can be.  This is just not so.  Quite some time before humans were made God created the angelic realm.  At some point Lucifer, a most beautiful archangel who had great prominence and influence amongst the angelic realm decided to rebel against God by instigating war in heaven.  He was obviously no match for God who is Supreme and above all, therefore Lucifer was defeated and banished from heaven, thrown down to earth like a bolt of lightning, thereby leaving his original exalted place near God’s throne in heaven, along with one third of many legions of angels (Jude 1:6, Isaiah 14:12-15, Ezekial 28:12-17, Luke 10:18, Revelation 12:7-9).  Lucifer became Satan when iniquity was found in him and that was his choice -- nobody else to blame but himself -- for he chose his way above and against God even after all that God his Creator had done for him.  Satan is unable to return to his place in heaven and presently walks to and fro on the earth as stated in Job 1:6-7.  The many legions of angels who fell for Satan's lies also chose to leave their place along with Lucifer when they gave their allegiance to him.  These fallen angels are also here amongst us and are known as the demonic realm.
Whether you understand this or not, whether you believe this or not, whether you accept this or not, it is the reality of what happened so long ago -- you only need to look around at all the lies, chaos, destruction, wars, murders, suicides, depression, hateful, spiteful, revengeful attitudes, slavery, violence, anger, abuse, diseases and illnesses, and all of the evil machinations going on out there to get an idea that the world is deeply troubled, even past the tipping point of no return.  The devil initiated the first war by pitting as many angels as he could against God with his propaganda or trading of "it is not fair", "God's plan involves humans eventually judging angels and we will serve them" "I refuse to serve anyone including God and furthermore I will get the whole of humanity to serve and worship me" or words to this effect (1 Corinthians 6:3).  This is how Satan corrupted himself, by refusing obedience to God's rulership once he learnt of what God had in mind for us in the God family.  He could not stand it that we, mere mortals…clumps of dirt in his eyes, would have preeminence over all the angels when made supernatural after our resurrection (Hebrews 1:13-14).  Also, remember how Satan wasted no time to work his lies on Eve who influenced Adam in the Garden of Eden to commit sin.  Satan promotes sin which separates us from God.  He is the number one chief author and creator of lies (John 8:44).  You may be aware of the following recording entitled "If I were the devil" made by Paul Harvey in 1965, over 55 years ago, for which the link is provided below, as something quite interesting to consider:
Coming out of the world means we live separately mindfully, consciously, because we choose not to join in with sinful works.  Instead, our choice is to obey God's 10 Commandments which are given to help us live righteously because we know they work to promote peace and harmony amongst us and others.  Conversely, those who live worldly lives doing whatever is right in their own eyes are like so many written about in the Bible who decided for themselves what was good and right except they were never able to achieve righteousness without God and suffered for it.  Tragically many go the way of the devil, God's enemy and adversary by wanting everything their way through methods connected to power, lust, greed, whatever feels good, putting evil for good and calling good, evil (Isaiah 5:20-21).  The world is mixed up and becoming moreso with each year that goes by for which we see things that our minds could never have imagined and have issue with -- just one example for me would be transgenderism.  God wants those who choose to follow Him to come out of any and all pagan ways that are opposed to His plan for us.  His commandments are not burdensome (1 John 5:3) when we allow God's Holy Spirit to lead and guide us through our daily lives, and when practiced we come to realise that these laws are protective, have our best interests at heart, are designed to help relationships, and give us blessings by keeping the Sabbath day each Friday to Saturday sunset.  God gives us rest, rejuvenation, and healing every 7 days on the 7th day -- this is a loving gift from our Father.  In contrast the world gives us much business, pressure, deadlines, confusion, lies, uncertainty, pain, and hollow emptiness.
There are three options for how we will finally finish coming out of the world leading up to Christ’s return and they are:
  1. Physical death to be placed in the grave as it were, known as one place of safety where nobody can harm us in any way, including the devil.  Many will be asleep in this way, awaiting their change in the first resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:50-53).  Brethren around us are dying and noticeably even moreso during the past 2 years, yet we can take great comfort in our grief as they have run their race -- their next waking moment will be to rise in the clouds as a spirit being to join Christ after being faithful and true servants to the end.
  2. Physically living till Christ returns through the coming turbulent time referred to in the Bible as Jacob's trouble and the Tribulation.  This is considered most challenging however God's will for us will ensure we are prepared to rule with Him when Christ ushers in the Kingdom of God therefore we need to go through whatever trials are necessary in order to make us ready as His bride.  Some will die during the Tribulation as martyrs, thus fulfilling their purpose.
  3. The much preferred option of fleeing to a place of safety wherever God has prepared this for our final 3 and a half years of intensive training.  Exciting yet quite an enigma as to where this will be, however we know God will provide and always does what He says -- there is not even a shred of doubt on this.  It is as good as done and will take place.  And so we prepare now by coming out of the world and staying out of it while living in it.
Therefore, today, and for the immediate future we keep in mind and are ever watchful about coming out of this world while we live our lives by reading scripture and praying to God that we will be counted worthy to escape all these things in the very end times (Luke 21:34-36) when we will literally physically come out from amongst all others living in the world to a place of safety in the wilderness directed by God's angels.  Until then we need to live in the world but ensure we are separate to how the rest of the world lives by keeping our eyes and ears open and focussed on God's instructions as we prepare spiritually to eagerly await the return of Christ.  How we travel to the place of safety will be interesting as many are no longer able to travel by air.  God will ensure we get there, we just need to rely on His strength as our own is unreliable, especially the older and more frail we become.  We have Revelation 12:14 to meditate upon but have you considered this scripture in Isaiah 40:31 "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary;  and they shall walk, and not faint".  God will always see us through as we exercise living faith.  Finally, to paraphrase the words of Herbert W. Armstrong "I have read the book to the finish and we win".

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