Beautiful Attitudes




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Psalm 30:2

Conquering Any Addiction

Overcoming an addiction seems impossible. Whether the addiction concerns alcohol, cigarettes, painkillers, over-eating, pornography, gambling, hoarding, or even self-harm like cutting, there is a solution. Want to know how you can change your life forever and get the healing you know you need?

Firstly I want to share a news item entitled “One Man’s Story: How I Beat Addiction” by Angela Haupt (U.S. News, Health & Wellness feature, July 24, 2013) concerning Mike Devlin, a 24 year old college senior in Vermont. This article is part of a two-part series as Mike’s mother Anita also relates her perspective on their painful journey.

Haupt recounts Mike’s transition from painkillers taken for sports injuries to dependence while he was living “three different lives”. He stopped playing sports but believed he could still carry on as usual with school, study, working two jobs and selling drugs to fund his habit. Mike eventually turned to crime to afford the cost of opiates such as cocaine and heroin. Finally, Mike ended up in a motel room, broke, where he ingested a cocktail of drugs, hoping to end his life. However Mike woke up and this was his “rock bottom” moment. He saw a text message from his mother which said “Just let me know you’re OK”. The care factor of his mother provoked feelings of shame, pain and guilt -- it also provoked deep feelings of surrender to give life another chance. He went to rehab and realised there was something in his mind that led to drugs.

Mike learned over the next month what his underlying issues were, all the while surrounded by family and friends who visited, listened, and supported him emotionally without giving advice -- that was left to the professionals. Mike was loved by his significant others while detoxifying and changing his daily habits.

Where is your life headed?

Mike’s life had taken a wrong turn made up of poor choices which led to even worse choices. To overcome an addiction we must make better choices. Decisions with wisdom are needed. How do we get from one end of the spectrum to the other? Perhaps you already know what led to your addiction? Whether you do or not, you can change!

God gave us all freedom of choice (Deuteronomy 30:19). Human willpower is weak and our human nature weakens us even more. In Matthew 26:41 we read “The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak”. Our nature is often selfish, pleasing oneself over others no matter what harm or pain we may inflict. Can we do it on our own? We know we can’t……….that’s why we keep making the same mistakes over and over again.

So what do we do? Admit there is a problem and that you not only need to change, but you genuinely want to change. Seek out support from family and friends. They most likely already know there is a problem no matter how careful you think you have been to cover up or mask behaviors. This takes a humble attitude especially if your relationship has been strained. Pray about it. Ask God to give you the courage and character to change your life.

When you show God that you want His way for your life over and above your own way, He can give you eternal life. This was made possible through Jesus Christ’s death and resurrected life (Romans 5:10). Turn to Him in faith (Hebrews 11:6). Nothing is too difficult for God (Jeremiah 32:27) for nothing is impossible with God (Matthew 19:26; Mark 10:27).