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Romans 14:11

Covering All Bases Without Touching Any Of Them

“We’re all in this together” is the tune that pops into our minds here in Australia with the jingle designed to stay in our heads so that we keep it there — it is rather catchy!  Mental persuasion, putting a positive spin on a negative situation, or could it be more than this?  For me it is the same principle much like the horrid xmas songs that one cannot avoid towards the end of every calendar year upon entry to any department store or supermarket.  Why is it that grown adults need to keep reminding themselves how wonderful everything supposedly is as in the case of xmas, or how crazy it is as in the COVID-19 pandemic as we live during these events?  Some of the melodies are beautiful but the words are false, fake and full of lies — lying wonders as they are known to me but Wikipedia refers to these catchy songs as “ear worms” because once they get in our ears (and infiltrate our brains) it is hard to remove them as these slimy, slippery slugs attach themselves to our anatomy in order to infest and infect their host just like a parasite is known to do. 
The plain and simple truth is that we are NOT all in THIS together.  THIS refers to COVID-19 obviously, but how the virus affects each one of us can be, and is vastly different.  So there Mr. TV jingle maker put your song away and shut the music box up tightly so that it is sealed forevermore because we don’t like it, don’t want it, and refuse to participate in, and own this nonsense.  Alas, we know this won’t happen as there is money in it with a political agenda...ugh...reality!
Thinking about all of this, it seems to me that the media wants the masses to stay home, sit down, shut up, and watch TV — especially the news — and believe everything we see as well as hear, and oh — remember to keep calm while you’re at it!  Carry on and keep calm but not as we were living before.  Really, how can we when all is definitely not right with the world!  The media is voraciously scrambling and trying to cover all the bases without touching any of them as it were, issues are not properly dealt with — this is akin to throwing many balls almost simultaneously from all directions towards you repetitively, day after day, while causing uncertainty, confusion, misunderstanding, and in some cases, panic.  Where will the next ball come from and how hard will it be thrown?  Will you even be ready for the next ball?  Many will be left standing on first base paralysed by fear and unable to live with purpose in these uncertain times — meanwhile, depression and suicide increase.  Our Adversary, the devil, is somewhat delighted but is never satisfied as he deeply desires the whole of humanity to die as he sings “I am the champion...we are the champions (the demons who are fallen angels) of the world” to the famous tune from the band Queen.  Absolutely and sickeningly tragic.
2020 started off with this virus and then gathered momentum with many other issues collected along the way, which I do not want to get into here, as it would be nigh impossible to mention all of them, and we do know what these are if you watch the news.  What we see is chaos building like a tornado with a powerful vortex furiously swirling around, ripping up and knocking over statues and anything else that gets in the way which is considered offensive to some, sucking up lives through death and destruction, injuring, tearing apart, conquering, dividing, killing, separating families, friends, neighbours, and people all around the world.  However, those who know not to take offence but to trust in God know of Proverbs 3:5-6 which instructs us not to lean on our own understanding but to seek out God’s wisdom with all our heart as it is the correct and perfect wisdom for how to live.  Furthermore, Jeremiah 17:9 shows us that our hearts are not perfect or where they should be unless we are aligned fully with God.  We simply are missing a vital and extremely important component in our present state — the spiritual piece that connects everything together, and until we have this and are completely at one with God there will always be pain and suffering.
Suddenly, through technology, we are being pulled into issues from halfway across the globe that are now demanding a voice here, there, and everywhere in marches or rallies to stir up as many as possible into protesting with rebellion on their hate-filled minds including those released early from jails who join the diabolical throng.  They are going about it in all the wrong ways of looting, stealing, trashing, smashing and breaking windows to unlawfully enter and plunder the goods of businesses that are trying to “keep their heads above water” by surviving this pandemic.  They leave a trail of absolute devastation leaving law abiding citizens to clean up and repair the mess.  Who do they think they are!?  Why should they be above the law?  Ungrateful thugs; criminal behaviour exhibited by criminals who are free to roam the streets and abuse the authorities.  This makes me think about the originator against authority and his wickedly evil schemes.  Sounds exactly like the devil now, doesn’t it, when he rebelled against God?!  (Revelation 12:7-9).
It is like humanity has flipped a switch to self-destruct.  Forget about common sense, or good old fashioned courtesy with polite manners to discuss things rationally or sanely, and with intelligence sorting through correct and incorrect information and knowledge.  No more of this it would seem.  What has gone wrong with the world?  Do you notice that people are acting worse than animals with a vicious mindset of wanting their own way rather than calmly negotiating rules connected to living peaceably with others?  All it took was for one situational crisis to trigger uncertainty, mistrust, and suspicion so that many who are not happy with the way daily life operates, or their lot in life, to come out and enforce their warped wills on the rest of us.  Was COVID-19 the tipping point that set a chain of events off to get us to where we are now?  Life isn’t working for many and now they demand a voice to change the ways of the world except they are going about it in all the wrong ways just like their father, the devil (John 8:44).
God’s people get it — we understand that the way this world operates is imperfect and has many flaws because Satan is the current ruler of this world and only so because God allows this for now, within reason, and by placing limits on his powers otherwise humanity would be wiped off the map completely (John 12:31, John 14:30, 2 Corinthians 4:4).  Corruption in government, in economic circles, in law courts where justice is turned on its head, in schools fraught with bullying and violence, work places that harbour favouritism, nepotism, and turn a blind eye to nasty, awful human behaviour including racism, bullying, and sexual harassment is rife.  Add to this ugly disputes and fighting amongst neighbours and families, the lies people tell, cheating on spouses, divorce, broken relationships, and the abuse of children, is it any wonder people are not coping any more?  It is like people have had enough, no more, and they are “fed up to the eyeballs” with stress and stressful situations out of their control.  It would seem now with some hindsight as though pre COVID-19 days people were already walking on a tightrope financially and emotionally.
Enter the devil again who mucks with people’s minds by playing sweet, soothing tunes of “It’s not fair, you deserve better” (to the tune of SOS”) or “You can do it your way” (to the tune of “I did it my way”), “Put another bullet in” (to the tune of “Put another nickel in”), “Wannabe my minion” (to the tune “Wannabe”) and so forth.  You can literally put your own lyrics or words to powerful songs such as “Beat it”, “Don’t you want me?”, “Poker face”, “It’s now or never”, “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet”, and “Baby, one more time”.  This is one of the devil’s specialties — music — and many famous musicians have openly admitted to others that they “sold their soul to the devil” for fame and fortune while under the influence of mind altering drugs thereby allowing or inviting him in while understanding that the devil controls the airwaves, is behind the power of the air, and was given this talent and gift by God to play exquisite musical pieces (Ezekiel 28:13, Ephesians 2:2).  However Satan misused his God given gift and continues to influence humans with songs such as “Sympathy for the devil” by the Rolling Stones to name just one from among thousands.
While we live on amongst the chaos, the senseless acts of violence and mayhem, whether vaccinations for COVID-19 are developed, made mandatory and enforced on the masses, having the inconvenience of border closures, or disruptions made to our Feast of Tabernacles plans, we realise that according to the “big picture”, it really does not matter what others in the world (who are unconverted to God’s ways) may or may not do in the massive scheme of things, because it is allowed for now in order for God to see what choices we make, the character we build, the actions we take combined with the thoughts we have which generate the words we speak.  People will all finally realise that no matter how we try to govern to establish order throughout the nations in this lifetime, it will fail because our ways are not God’s ways as stated in Isaiah 55:8-9.  There will most certainly come a time when Isaiah 55 will be read and absorbed by rebellious people who will have their hearts turned to their fathers just as all will have their hearts turned to our Father who is patiently waiting to send His Son Jesus Christ to earth again in order to establish The Kingdom of God.
What matters is that we live our lives to the glory of God, serving Him and Him only, one day at a time according to His perfect instructions from the Holy Bible which contains His inspired Word along with the 10 Commandments (Exodus 20).  Loving God must be number one in importance and is represented through the first four commandments.  Loving all others is represented with the last six commandments.  If only the masses, the unconverted, who think they know who God is or don’t even care, would look into these instructions and take them to heart by practicing them, then the world would be able to start the healing process and reach a somewhat functional and civil state of unity, albeit imperfectly.  Until then we eagerly await for our Lord of Lords and King of Kings, Jesus Christ, to return to usher in His Kingdom and show how righteous rulership to peace and safety will finally be achieved and implemented eternally.  Then every knee will bow in obedience and we will rejoice forevermore (Romans 14:11).

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