Beautiful Attitudes




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Becoming a Woman After God's Own Heart

Desiring to Be a Woman After God's Own Heart

We may know that King David was a man after God's own heart. The reference is in 1 Samuel 13:14. David, writer of many Psalms, lived a zealous and passionate life replete with big mistakes. However, his repentant attitude before God and deep desire to have his heart changed or made new, as found in Psalm 51, are examples from which we can all learn. He was single minded, committed to God, humble, brave, and unrelenting in admitting his mistakes and sins. God knew that David would do all that He commanded (Acts 13:22).
As time goes by, we probably realize that every single person in the Bible has a character trait or flaw with which we can identify. All these people had human nature like us -- the way they wrestled with their weaknesses is fascinating -- and a big lesson to all those who read the Bible.
While I can relate to the sinful aspects of David's life and the mistakes he made, I also have a deep desire to try to live up to his example of heartfelt repentance.
Worshipping God by singing hymns, playing beautiful music, and writing words of praise, love and devotion to our Father can be ways in which we honour God and glorify His name. With that in mind, I desired to see if I could join in good company with David to ascertain whether there was something I could offer to our King and our God. The following poem has been written from the centre of my heart.

In the Midst of the Heart of God's Garden

When I toiled in the midst of a wicked and perverse world
I knew only folly and foolish things
Drunk with the cares of this life and
Bereft of knowledge, wisdom and prudence
All thoughts were far from You
My heart was like a hard, cold stone.

When I responded to Your call
I knew of joy and unspoken things
Awakened from the sleep of deception
You offered me knowledge, wisdom and prudence
Your thoughts began to permeate my thoughts
My heart melted in all the teachable moments.

When you lovingly mould and shape my heart
I cry out seeking forgiveness
Immediately you respond and provide comfort and encouragement
And let me know You will never leave
Your thoughts are becoming my thoughts
This heart began to deeply love and understand Your ways.