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Ezekiel 14:14

Developing A Plan

Developing plans for good is a great idea and planning can be a lot of fun as steady anticipation builds for future activities as this tends to prolong and heighten the experience giving sustained excitement over a period of time.  The result achieved is one of maximum benefit for all those anticipators out there.  For example, think writing a list of items to pack for a trip overseas on holiday, for a long cruise, or for the Feast of Tabernacles so that we do not forget anything.  After leaving behind something every time during those earlier years would you believe I have another list of items usually forgotten like rubbish bags, umbrella, toilet spray, stamps, envelopes, first aid kit, laundry basket, and other things memory recall is poor on without looking or referring to said list.
By now you get the idea of why planning can be such a pleasurable process for those of us who thrive on careful organization in order to be prepared especially if travelling to places "off the beaten track" far from civilization.  Doesn't everyone need a plaster (Band-aid) exactly at those moments when you least expect it?  Of course the nurses amongst us would not even think of getting in our cars without our trusty pair of scissors safely encased in our handbags ready for action — universally known as the sign of a good nurse.  That was why I had to very reluctantly surrender my personally engraved tool of choice at our local airport one year due to recent changes in rules and regulations when taking the next trip after September 11, 2001.  Never mind, going on automatic mode mistakes happen and it probably won't be the last time I will be asked to surrender items deemed inappropriate at airports IF we ever fly again.  Since then my nursing instruments wisely get packed into suitcases rather than the handy dandy you-beaut handbags girls and ladies insist taking onboard aircraft as part of our carry on items with all sorts of equipment safely tucked inside to help with potential problems which arise such as packages that refuse to open in a co-operative manner, snagged or broken fingernails — so annoying and dangerous too as scratched skin injuries can easily lead to infection once the epidermal barrier is broken.  Enough said.
Getting back to plans and planning, recently it occurred to me through prayer that it would be really nice to get a list going in order to improve daily between now and Passover 2023 which will be here before we may think we are ready.  Last minute anything (studying for exams, writing essays, cleaning, or packing) is not something I have ever done well nor is it welcome at all, therefore wisdom says to get started right away as practice is needed over the next weeks and months in order to be prepared.  The following is the template decided upon based on the need for spiritual maturity in practical development.  Passover is a serious annual commitment and recommitment for those baptized members amongst us.  The question we need to ask ourselves is "How can I improve on my preparation for Passover this year?" rather than coast along and hope everything just falls into place, not that we've ever done that, right?  Time has a way of creeping up on us and things happen that we are not prepared for such as injuries, sickness, hospitalization, even death of loved ones among many other events by which we can be blindsided, therefore we must be ready despite anything and everything.
Consider what God reveals in Ezekial 14:14 " 'Even if these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness', says the Lord God" meaning we must be responsible for our actions in order to aim for deliverance.  Nobody else is accountable for our salvation.  Righteousness is our aim — to achieve and sustain this in order to become more Christ-like.  Filling up on thoughts, words and activities that promote being Christ-like is a good way to emulate our older Brother.  If we go to the pages of our Bible we can discover and learn from many examples set.  We need to start somewhere so my first "go to" example is that of Daniel.  What he did that impressed me so much involved having a prepared, purposed heart and we can read about this in Daniel 1:8 when he made a conscious decision to avoid the lavish diet he was presented with.  Daniel was wise and understood it would be detrimental to do so.  This also revealed he had self-control and desired obedience to God first and foremost.  He built customs into his daily life starting at a young age.  For example, Daniel prayed three times each day through taking initiative, willingness, and desire to have a strong relationship with God.  This set him up to overcome sin and death for which he survived after being cast into a den of lions (Daniel 6:10, 16).  We need faith in God like Daniel in order to overcome whatever trials we may experience with a heart purposed and prepared.
The next example is that of King Hezekiah who had his life extended 15 years by the grace of God (2 Kings 20:5-6).  He prayed to God faithfully and in 2 Kings 19:14 we can read that Hezekiah went directly to Him spreading the paperwork out in front of himself to reveal to God just what was going on at the hands of the evil Sennacherib, King of Assyria.  He had his faults and weaknesses like we all have such as pride, yet Hezekiah was steadfast in his reign, loyal and faithful, and was recognised as one of Judah's only "righteous and just" kings bringing about a number of reforms during his time of ruling God's people.  King Hezekiah was known as one who "trusted in the Lord" and followed him, with the result that the Lord was with him and gave him victory (2 Kings 18:5-8).  It was through his example that the marvellous account of healing via a poultice of figs can be sourced and noted from Isaiah 38:21.  This resonated with me so much so that God blessed my desire to successfully heal deep, infected wounds that challenged medical doctors to the point of relinquishing their efforts and allowing my care to take primary position.  However, as we realise, it is God who gets the glory for all these blessings.  If we do exactly as God instructs, even when we may not understand, we will always do well.
Then there is Isaiah who notably said where it is written in Isaiah 6:8 "Here I am, send me".  When God asked, Isaiah replied in the affirmative, willing to go and do what was requested and needed.  Isaiah pleased God.  Instead of being people-pleasers it is far better to please our Father.  This is something that all of God's elect work on, on a daily basis if they are serious about resisting and overcoming sin.  We are so incredibly Blessed to have in our hands God's manual for righteous living as we can read it daily and learn from all the good examples such as Isaiah.
It is written in 1 Samuel 13:14 that David was a man after God's own heart, a man who would do as God asked instead of backing away from situations that required solid, unshakable faith as well as obedience.  A humble shepherd boy catapulted to rule over Judah and Israel after conquering enemies such as Goliath the giant.  As we know David made mistakes and big ones at that, yet his repentance was fully heartfelt, genuinely remorseful, ready and willing to take whatever the consequences were for his sinful actions.  Psalm 51 gives us tangible proof of David's thoughts when he notably said "create in me a clean heart" and God forgave him and did as David asked.  Another fine example of faith and patience to wait on the Lord.
And so plans have been made to increase with daily study, resist distractions and recognise these for what they are designed for — to take us away from what we should be doing.  Aiming for ongoing prayer throughout the day as in being consistently constant in prayer as revealed in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks;  for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you".  Regular fasting in addition to annual fasting for Atonement, instead of random fasting and to my pleasant surprise this does become less of a mental struggle as more practice is done.  Then there are other activities which are in hand that give me great joy and purpose — the main thing is we just need to be willing and "give it a go".  When you talk to God next, ask Him what He thinks you are good at and He will let you know by bringing these about by opening doors that may surprise you.  The more we try to please God by loving Him and others, the more we receive an abundant life (John 10:10).
Finally, let us focus on the best example of all:  JESUS CHRIST our Saviour!  Reading through the gospels prior to Passover is a good idea.  This year in addition to the above 1 John has been deeply meaningful and profound, and will require more meditation upon my next read.  Keep up the good work for we need to plan rather than just let life happen.  God is our Master Planner and we will do well if we plan for the soon coming Passover, and all the annual holy day festivals thereafter.  Hoping that your plans are well under way in your preparation for April 5th, beginning the evening prior.

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