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Test The Spirits

Enduring To The End Testing The Spirits

Recently my mind has been full of thoughts connected to feeling tired, worn out, and keeping on going despite all the trials, and not growing weary.  Too late for physical weariness but it is never too late to ensure we are not weary spiritually.  Endurance is so vital and it seems as though it has been underestimated in my view until now.  Years ago people would talk about "it's not as important how we start but how we (Christians) finish".  This phrase caught my attention so it gave me something to meditate upon.  Of course I agreed, but not entirely as I do think it matters how one starts, and we should be consistent all throughout our journey doing everything to the best of our ability, due to vigilant and prudent diligence.  But, by comparison, imagine being zealous with your First Love and then gradually drifting away, unaware through repeated compromise and justification, caught out by weaknesses in our carnal human nature.  How horrific would this be as deception is tied in to spiritual death.
In the Bible there is a fascinating account about deception found in 1 Kings 13 relating to the man of God and the old prophet.  These particular passages had always puzzled me for years until "the penny finally dropped" while listening to a sermon from Gary Petty who explained it well, thoroughly making sense.  Here is the link for you to refer to his inspired teaching if you so choose:  After hearing what was said I was satisfied as to why God was using this account to warn us about what had happened to the man of God, a prophet, and what could easily happen to us.  Up until now my burning question was "Why would a prophet of God lie to another prophet?"  It seemed quite strange and a dilemma but now the reasons behind this deception have been revealed.  One reason it is obvious only now to me, could be that I was not ready before to understand or see these spiritual lessons.  Another reason is that we are coming ever closer in these end times before Christ returns.  We know we need to be prepared for the return of our Saviour and while the focus for me has been from external sources in the world, it now shifts focus to include from within.  Anyone can be deceived and anyone can lie.  As we read in the Bible God tells us not to trust in man or even in princes (Psalms 146:3 and 118:8-9).
It should have become apparent almost a year and a half ago when I discovered that somebody I highly esteemed and looked up to became dreadfully deceived and capitulated into making a choice out of fear, rather than hold fast and look to God for help (Proverbs 29:11).  The world will continue to offer their solutions but these are nowhere near what God says.  We would do well to remember Jeremiah 17:5 "Thus says the LORD:  'Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the LORD' ".  At the time it caused me stress, grief and confusion as to why this person could not see the obvious deception.  Praying, fasting, and doing everything I could think of to help them all seemed to prove fruitless at the time because God allowed their deception.  Since then they now understand and see that they were deceived.  Thankfully they could finally admit it and it is a powerful lesson for me to always keep in mind.  It reminds me of some former Worldwide Church of God (WCG) members saying "out of all the people back in 1995 they would never have thought that 'so and so' would become deceived" because they were so zealous for God.  Those concerned were incredulous and obviously very sad, grieving the loss of long-time spiritual family members.  Lies were involved in both cases; lies from outside God's Church we expect, but lies from within can be so subtle and are very dangerous as not expected, therefore our guard needs to be up at all times, especially when we least expect it.  As we know, our wicked and evil enemy revels in using God's people to cause one another to stumble and fall. 
Lessons for the future involve the following:
  1. When God tells you to do something, e.g. keep His Commandments then it does not matter what anyone else says if they speak against them or say otherwise, and therefore we give no heed or attention to what they say because it is plainly obvious to a converted member that God's commandments have not been done away with (Matthew 5:17).  Furthermore, Psalm 119 in its gloriously inspired entirety from King David offers his expansive thoughts on God's law.  In the above account from 1 Kings 13 the man of God was advised by the lying prophet to do the exact opposite to what God asked of him. He most likely believed it because the message was supposedly from an angel (sounds good) and the man was a prophet "just like you".  Also he was weary, hungry and thirsty, and had to travel a distance which gave further temptation to having his needs met based on our human weaknesses.
  2. Always seek out God even if the request sounds reasonable or plausible from others, because once we change course we have taken matters into our own hands as it were without going to God and consulting Him.  With the benefit of hindsight it is obvious that God does not change and was testing the man of God on whether he would remain faithful.  At the time though, so easy not to give it a second thought and we would want to believe what we have been told.  If God tells us to do something completely contrary to His first request, surely He would then intervene in a way we would definitely know about like He did with Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 22:1-12).  In the above account we would not know if an angel spoke to the other prophet or not.  We cannot take anything at face value from others for to do so, opens us up to deception.
  3. Towards the end of our journey in this life our enemy would crave and delight so much in tripping us up, and is just waiting for an opportune time when we are at our weakest such as in mental or physical sickness, grief, weariness, sadness, battered about by numerous trials and/or longstanding trials.  Remember Luke 4:13 "Now when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed from Him [Jesus Christ] until an opportune time".  Always ready, always willing to pounce on his victim (us) and tear the weakest to shreds.  Satan does not exempt anyone from his dirty tactics so we must all be prepared for what is to come.
  4. This biblical account is a strong and timely warning for each and every one of us to pay close attention to in order to escape deception.  Remember what Jesus Christ tells us in Matthew 24:3 "And Jesus answered and said to them [His disciples]:  'Take heed that no one deceives you' ".  This is the very first warning Christ gave to them from within a list of warnings when the disciples asked what conditions would be like just before He returns to earth, and for us also, as false prophets will be rampant with their deceptive messages right before Christ returns.  They will seem powerful, hard to detect at times with even the subtlest of messages, looking the part in sheep's clothing, appear righteous but instead be wolves dressed up and ravenous for the kill (Matthew 7:15).  But God informs us that we will know them by their fruit or what they do via their actions (Matthew 7:16-20).
  5. If we were in the man of God's shoes, how would we respond?  Would we be so readily open and honest explaining why we were doing what we were doing and that God had told us "such and such"?  I would have as it is the truth, why not?  But now, after God's strong warning, it seems prudent to keep all these details to myself for what good would it do — indeed it could harm us as it did to the man of God.  Wisdom when to speak and when not to is something to consider (Psalm 141:3).
  6. Test the spirits.  God asks us to do this in 1 John 4:1-6.  We must know God's Word by reading His Word, be closely connected daily in prayer, as well as in prayer without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).  We are to have God firmly ensconced in our hearts and minds throughout each day of our life.  It is such a tragedy that the man of God was strong until he finally relented at the end by relying on his own power/judgement as well as caving in to his desires (James 1:14) known as lust of the flesh (1 John 2:16), for which he paid a dreadful price in his moment of weakness (1 Peter 5:8).  Let this be a powerful warning to all of us.
  7. Scripture in Luke 22:31-32 reveals that we will have our faith tested and be tried like the apostle Peter and all those who have come before us.  Will we be adequately warned and ready?  We will be if we do our part and take God's warning seriously.  We can only do that by having the best book in the world in our hands while our eyes avidly and eagerly scan and absorb God's Word from scripture daily.  Endurance is key and we must never ever become weary by putting our spiritual life on hold, no matter how tempted we may become, for temptations will surely come.  Each day counts and we will never have it back again, and so it is time to get deadly serious for us to practice testing the spirits, enduring with wisdom, and being circumspect in all matters.

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