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Isaiah 14:27

Escape From You-Know-Who

Your life is a masterpiece created by God.  You were born on Earth for a forever future in the vast universe God made, as part of the God family.  You were no accident no matter what you have been told.  God does not make accidents; instead He purposefully designed you to be exactly the gift you were meant to be for your parents.  The time spent here will be full of choices so they need to be good ones even though they won't always be because sometimes we are weak and make poor choices instead, sometimes even completely wrong choices that hurt us with ugly consequences.  They say life is messy but this can be turned around with some help to have a life full of purpose and meaning.  Would you like to develop strong moral character even if nobody is watching?  The truth is, even when you THINK nobody is watching, Somebody really is.  This is for real.  The thing is God is always there and watching even in those quiet moments when despair and suffering occur, when the blackest blanket of thick and heavy depression threatens to smother and suffocate to the point of death.  You are not alone.  You will never be alone…that is a deceitful lie a fallen angel wants you to believe with all your heart as it cruelly twists the knife of jealousy deep into your inward parts, especially affecting your mind, the gray matter of your brain which has been damaged from living through dire circumstances, some or many beyond your control.  
Does it feel all-encompassing to the point you want to give up?  That is exactly what this fallen angel wants.  He tells you there is no hope and that death will blissfully remove all traces of pain and suffering.  Lies upon lies from an insistently persistent message — don't believe it!  There is another way out of this maze that has you trapped in a nightmare of smokescreens and mirrors.  Numbness engulfs you playing tricks so that you think you are protected but deep down inside you know that this is just a temporary band aid measure until the Adversary can deliver another blow.  Your life is made up of a cold hard reality of dependence but it doesn't have to be this way.  His toolbox of weapons is dirty, filthy and used over and over again to maim, kill, and destroy without mercy.  He does not possess a shred of mercy or kindness even though the evil devil deceives humans into thinking they are getting a great deal from him.  Peddling his bag of tricks — what is it to be — money, fame, fortune — how about all three?  No problemo he can give it all as this present world is under his sway.  He is far too comfortable pretending he owns it forever but the thing is there really is coming a time when the fallen angel Lucifer will be bound in chains and disposed of.  Presently, this enemy is trying to take out the vast majority with power that has gone to his head, as he particularly enjoys going after young people.  The sooner he gets his hooks of influence into a tender inexperienced mind the better, according to public enemy #1, and he starts with music unless he can get into our minds some other way.  Satan controls the airwaves on radio and across all forms of media so horror movies such as Twilight, witchcraft, vampires, voodoo, and all those really depraved, scary films are his specialty, especially now that he sees cinematic special effects have improved which is very pleasing to him as this is what he wants all children to view until it becomes their staple diet in entertainment.  His web is weaved tightly and expertly catching all who have fallen under his spell of fascination and wonder leaving nothing to the imagination.  You must act and make a conscious decision to get away from all of it before you sink even deeper into his creepy and dangerous quicksand that threatens to engulf you completely.  Do not give up!
Escape can come but you will need to listen carefully on how to outsmart this maniacal monster.  The key is within and he knows it.  The very part of you that he has infiltrated is the same place where it must start.  The thing is you can be brave even beyond your wildest dreams and imagination.  Fight dirty back.  Deceive the deceiver.  Instead of listening to the usual music you play, which has his name written all over it, switch it up and play classical pieces instead — instrumental music without words or lyrics.  Get online and do a search for "relaxing harp music" if you do not know what to choose.  Thousands of years ago this worked for a man named David when an important and powerful king named Saul hunted David far and wide to kill him, not just once or twice, but repeatedly.  You definitely need to begin somewhere so start small but meaningfully by tuning out from his influence.  It won't be easy, nor will it come naturally but it will work if you want escape more than anything.  Next tactic will be to show no emotion on the outside where the monster gets his clues.  You are more than likely used to operating like a robot just going through motions with a deadpan face so this part should be one of your easier to use weapons.  If he sees you differently when you are usually sad, crying or depressed he will ramp up his weaponry.  Remember you are to operate in stealth.  If you have been sad and blue for some time then try to continue to show this in your body language (facial expressions, how you dress, posture, speech, and so forth).  Remember, you must try to keep the outside package the same as much as you can and focus on your inner self because this is where all the construction work will begin.  Also, your mind needs to start filling up with good things to replace and block the usual bad stuff, therefore you will need to avoid films, music and anything else with coarse or foul language and demonic messages.
Now the plan is operational.  Even though this fallen angel has power there is One even more powerful who can do anything for nothing is too hard for Him.  Only He can save you from your nightmare because He has ultimate power over all.  The question is will you be able to trust Him?  You cannot see Him but you can talk to Him, yet not out loud because you do not want the devil to hear you.  If he does then he will ramp up his efforts to keep you enslaved.  He must never know you are attempting to get away from him at this early stage and have a relationship with the Creator of all peoples in all nations, including yourself.  He made you uniquely you and there are no copies.  You matter to God and His love is perfection you can come to not only need, but want with all your being.  King David (the same man) likened his desire for God's presence (and protection) in his life to a deer panting at the water brook in Psalm 42.  If you do not possess your own Bible, you can get an audio Bible online and play it through headphones; this would be an excellent idea.  Play the Bible in the Psalms first as this is an excellent place to start if you have not read them yet or are rusty.  This will take sheer guts and determination on your part to fight like your life depends on it, for it does.  You are about to collect your own arsenal of weaponry which will be spiritual in nature.  Your fight is not physical despite how you may think or feel in your weakened state.  To do this alone would be a huge mistake and even foolish, for Satan has much more experience than any of us in our short lives for the fallen angel existed a long time ago, even before the Earth was made and well before humanity came to be created.  He has an added advantage being supernatural, but your incredible and amazing advantage lies with the one and only true God, God the Father.  This cannot be stressed enough.
Speaking from experience I do need to share one very important thing and that is you must ask for protection from God and mean it.  Reach out believing you have protection because that's the way this will work.  Without believing you will open yourself up to even more demonic attacks.  Perhaps you have seen, felt, or heard supernatural things much like I did before I began my relationship with God.  I got in way over my head by dabbling with the dark side — ouija boards, occult spells, clairvoyants, and horror movies, for instance.  Prayer was strange and unfamiliar to me once upon a time so all that came to mind in one extraordinary demonic attack was saying what’s known as the Lord's prayer.  I had nothing original to give but thankfully this worked.  Everything stopped suddenly as if at a flick of a switch.  Quickly I came to learn I was at my weakest when sleeping and not able to have any control over my mind.  During my wakeful times during the day the attacks were more manageable as I had my wits about me to block the monster.  We cannot do it all on our own power but we can do the easier things to show God we are trying and want to change so that we can escape the clutches of demonic influences.  God will protect you but you must want this fully.  If you are not completely invested it could have devastating results.  On those nights of sheer terror the words of the Lord's Prayer saved me as God heard my heartfelt call out to Him from this prayer, for these words are so powerful.  Never underestimate the power of words.
Matthew 6:9-13 "In this manner, therefore, pray:
Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen."
Don't let the monster take your God given life away from you.  How dare he keep you trapped in misery jumping to his every command.  Oh how he loves being worshiped and the adulation that comes with it yet he does not deserve it for he rebelled against God after God created Lucifer with the most beautiful talents, adorned in gorgeous jewels.  When you get stronger read on in Ezekial 28 and Isaiah 14 which speaks about this celestial being and what he did.  Knowing our enemy is important to understand with wisdom what to do and what not to do.  The devil knows the Bible backwards and forwards but twists God's words to say a mixture of truth and error which can be so subtle yet deadly especially to those not familiar with it.  Back to David again — he escaped death from King Saul who was taken over by the devil.  David became the next king while Saul died a terrible death after consulting a medium.  God helped David by having Saul's son Jonathan save his life.  He so lovingly desires to work with each one of us in order to heal and restore our potential after we escape from the clutches of this depraved and perverted nut case who is totally insane.  This I know because I speak from experience.  How much you want this new reality depends on you.  Remember you have power to choose and claim God's promises but first you need to dig deep inside and reach out to God.  He is invisible to us for now but so too is the devil who has deceived the whole world into thinking he does not exist.  Make no mistake…God is real and has full power over all.  He allows the devil some power for all pain and suffering has a purpose even though we would not ever choose this.  Remember, you are not alone for God will help you escape and then is waiting to give you a huge spiritual family you can meet with each week if you choose to be rescued.  Best decision I ever made hands down!
For further help and understanding the links below will be invaluable as accurate resources:;
Finally, as it is written in Deuteronomy 31:6 "Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you.  He will not leave you nor forsake you.” 

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