



About The


Hansel & Gretel

Even The Demons Believe

Demons.  Do you think they are real or figments of our imaginations?  Fairies, elves, leprechauns, pixies, ghouls, ghosts, evil spirits, vampires, witches, warlocks, goblins, clowns, angels, the bogeyman, trolls, various apparitions and anything you can think of that frightens you — what do they all mean?  No doubt we have all sat transfixed while being told a fairy story by parents at a tender age before we could even read.  Our young impressionable minds soaked up the story’s eerie atmosphere with wide eyed absorption, hanging off every word while enjoying the “safe” scary tale without suffering any actual or literal physical harm — this can lull one into a false sense of security however.  My favourite was written by the Grimm Brothers, entitled Hansel and Gretel because of the storyline and imagery involved — children escaping a cruel step-mother by setting out on an adventure into a thick enchanted forest; being tempted to eat from the fragrant, colourful, sensory overloaded Gingerbread house when lost, hungry, tired, and cold — all of these elements greatly appealed to me.  So much symbolism to explain our deep seated needs and comforts.  Perhaps we had a nightmare or two subsequently due to dreams of being chased by a witch, wolf or monster?  That byproduct was not so pleasant but we put up with it and we continued to be fascinated by many other fairy tales. 

These stories are no accident and continue to enthrall children from all countries.  They have been carefully crafted to entice children into a world where darkness exists knowing they would be fascinated with the details made to look like shiny, pretty desirable things but once the wrapping comes off — look out — you are left with a monster that wants to kill you, to eat and devour you, so that you no longer exist.  Satan is the all time master of deception to make himself appear as an angel of light when he is in fact the exact opposite — an angel of darkness (2 Corinthians 11:14).  In these modern times stories associated from these books are engineered and designed by the devil and written by those with a desire to make money, and seek fame by making a name for themselves.  The devil then ramps things up along the way into clever special effects on screen from Harry Potter and others of such ilk teaching children that it is normal and so much fun to act with evil intentions.  Teenagers and even adults who sit beside their children watching these wicked movies are likewise desensitised into a voracious thirst for thrilling viewing and justify their desire of wanting, rather than needing to be “entertained”.  It is now too late to erase what has been seen.  These images of actors flying with wands, casting spells, and wielding supernatural power mixed in with questionable romance have captured the minds of countless hundreds of thousands of children worldwide to the point of adulation, obsession and deception.  They have fallen for it “hook, line, and sinker” or should I say “magic, wand, and spellbook”.
Humanity may wonder why we have a culture being formed of selfish, power hungry young people who are unfeeling, without compassion or with misplaced compassion and unable to see both sides of reality.  The Bible has prophesied this to occur for these end times as stated in 2 Timothy 3:3 “But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come:  For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power.  And from such people turn away”.  This is no accident but rather the result of children having their own way, demanding their rights over parents rather than being obedient and listening to their parents.  It is actually more than this — what is truly behind the change is the destruction of the family unit all due to the devil.
This is where the devil enjoys using children, teenagers and youth for a life of crime, smoking harmful substances, engaging in regular alcoholic binges, vomiting in the streets, lying in gutters under the influence stupefied, many with alcoholic poisoning or even death.  Suicide is a favourite method by transmitting repetitive and powerful messages into empty, sad, or fearful brains so that they believe there is no hope and to end things is preferable — no more pain!  Fast music with demonic lyrics hurling anger towards parents and others in order to rise up and revolt against the family unit and everything God has established as good in this world.  Children given magic spells in books, voodoo kits to hurt family, enemies, other kids at school, or whomever they think it would be “fun” to attack. 
What is happening to our children right under our noses, you may well ask?  The devil with his sordid pack of demons is running amok and rampant in these very end times before Christ returns because his time is limited and he has no time to waste in order to kill and destroy as many as he can (Revelation 12:12).  Satan’s number one prime objective is to kill — if this is not achieved, then to lead as many as he can away from God — causing many, if not all, to have negative and hostile attitudes towards anyone who desires a relationship with their Creator and who worships God.  Satan wants this worship for himself.  Tragically our children are being fed a diet of disobedience willingly and they drink the wine of violence (Proverbs 4:17).  They are sick with minds full of depraved perversity.
What does God have to say on this matter of demons?  James 2:19 presents an interesting view “You believe that there is one God.  You do well.  Even the demons believe—and tremble!”  Whether you believe demons are real or not is actually irrelevant because they are real.  Not believing does not make them go away.  Why do you think so many Christians ask God for help and protection against demons?  Demons are fallen angels.  One third of the angelic realm changed from angels to demons because they went against God and chose to believe the lies told by Lucifer, who became Satan.  We can read more in depth about this in Ezekiel 28:11-19 and Isaiah 14:12-21.  So you can see that Lucifer became prideful in his own beauty and abilities — all given by God — to believe he could overthrow God’s throne and rule the world without God.  He thought he could do a better job of it than God and hates the fact that angels will be serving humans as ministering spirits in God’s Kingdom.  Humans will inherit everything and Satan cannot accept this as it affects his pride while he thinks he is superior to anyone or anything, including God!  (Hebrews 1:14).  How twisted and stupid is his reasoning as God created him!  Not the other way around.  This is incredibly insane yet this is however a brief insight into the devil’s mind when iniquity was found therein fueled by extreme jealous rage.
Thankfully not all of the angels were corrupted.  Despite one third being “lost” (kicked out of heaven) and doing their “time” on earth now until they are destroyed, we still have two thirds of the angelic realm remaining faithful to God (Jude 1:6). These angels are created for our benefit.  We have been given a couple of names from the Bible which you may have heard of — Michael and Gabriel.  In the Old Testament book of Daniel there is brief reference made to individual angels by name, mentioning the Archangel Gabriel in Daniel 9:21 (God's primary messenger who brought very important messages to Daniel, Zechariah and Mary); and Archangel Michael (the holy fighter who fights supernatural wars on behalf of God’s people) in Daniel 10:13, 21, Jude 1:9, and Revelation 12:7.  There is so much to know about angels from the Bible.  This would be a wonderful study to do in your own time to realise their given purpose and why God created so many of them.
Exposing The Wickedness Of The Devil
The devil would like one thing very much from everyone in the believe or think that he is not real, and he is doing a rather fine job of it too.  He does his best to perpetuate the silly myth of a little red man with horns, a long tail, and a pitch fork because this makes people laugh and they cannot believe he is real.  When aged in single digits I used to stare at this type of image in the supermarket on a very small label affixed to a glass jar containing Devilled Ham or Peck’s Paste.  This was scary yet fascinating at the same time.  Why?  Because God has created us all with a spiritual component.  This is currently missing in the vast majority of people now because humanity rejected God in the Garden of Eden when sin entered (Genesis 3).  We will get this missing component back again when Jesus Christ returns to earth after man has messed up every type of rulership that exists and has nowhere to turn next — except back to their Creator.
From people who know the devil is real and he can no longer fool them — he craves their worship.  He gets this by ensuring people are confused about God, confused about religion and makes them want to turn away because of the horrendous acts down through history of violence, killing, or as in recent times, the repeated raping of boys and girls by Catholic priests in orphanages, from among unsuspecting families within the parish, from among altar boys, and any opportunistic way these vile, sick and twisted paedophiles could corner their unwitting victims.  No wonder people are confused, angry and fed up.  This makes it so easy for the devil to waltz in and play his music like the Pied Piper of Hamelin so that he can gather a following.  The sad thing is the young people do not see the danger and follow willingly thinking they are living life in a way it should be lived but this is in grave error.  They are certainly deceived.  Now try telling them that...they won’t listen because they have already been told those that follow God are deceived, in cults, and are nuts.  Sound familiar?  And so it goes.  Someone is right and someone is wrong.  The devil loves confusion as it suits his purpose.
The demons certainly believe in God and hate the fact that there are some in this world now who are onto them.  They cannot stand it that God receives our worship and grateful thanks for creating us.  If they could kill us now they would but we have God’s protection much like Job did, like King David did, and so many others before us.  The devil knows this and that is why he said in Job 1:9 that God has placed a hedge or protective barrier around Job.  This is another account we would do well to familiarise ourselves with as much learning can be achieved for our benefit.  As much as the kids out there like their scary movies and would rather believe in witches and vampires, they don’t want anything to do with God because of the devil’s great deception.  Interesting that the devil and the demons know all about God but those who they fool are otherwise deceived.  They must be gleefully laughing while they go along deceiving and destroying lives all the while causing mayhem and disaster.
This world is in trouble as the children of the world are hard hearted and hard headed.  They cannot see anything wrong with sinful activities such as lying, stealing/looting and destruction of others’ property because they have been separated from the teachings of God through the breakdown of the family unit, and from the removal of Bibles in schools which contain the 10 Commandments.  The devil has replaced God’s teachings with his own set of diabolical influences.  Children have lost their way along the path of life because the devil has cast a spell on them by blinding them to reality.  He has mentally separated them from their family by placing stumbling blocks in communication.  They no longer see the one true path home, but instead see another path which is full of excitement yet coupled with danger.  The children of the world are heading along a collision course of destruction and will take others with them courtesy of the devil who paves the path to perdition.
Those of us who are no longer deceived must continue to pray for our children and for those near and dear to us — we love them by example and help them to see reality in the most loving way we can by sharing what the world could be like if we understand and practice how the 10 Commandments work.  Godly love is the key.  We must continue to strive by helping them even though we may feel like giving up.  Our children are too precious to walk away from.  The devil would want us to give up but God did not call us to give up but instead to help others by being a faithful living example of how He loves all and desires all to be saved as He says in 1 Timothy 2:4.

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