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Psalm 46:1

Everything Is Connected To God

Everything is connected to God in one way or another but perhaps it would be better to say that God is inextricably linked to His creation.  God is in full control watching us intently whilst we go about our daily business, while we sin, while we resist and overcome sin, while we sleep, and while we build righteous character emulating our older brother Jesus the Christ.  The vast majority of people think they may be connected to their Creator but God’s people know for now, sadly they are not because instead they are connected to the god of this world who has been given temporary authority to deceive (Revelation 12:9), rule and influence humanity in various ways which appeal to their base, carnal human nature as the Bible says in James 1:13-14 “Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am tempted by God’;  for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone.  But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed”.  Our own desires are succinctly summarised for us in 1 John 2:15-16. 
People in the world enjoy sinning and may fleetingly feel sorry for committing sin after the act, especially if the consequences hurt them or their family (think of adultery and divorce), while those with God’s Spirit struggle and wrestle with sin from the day of their adult baptism until their death.  We practice resisting and overcoming, always relishing the minor as well as the major victories, while this spurs us on through faith building moments to continue in obedience to our awesome Heavenly Father.  If it was easy to resist sin everyone would do it.  We need to get to the state of hating sin, avoiding it like the plague, fleeing from it as if our life depended on it, flinging sin as far away from us as we can as it is an abomination to God and so should it be to us also (Proverbs 6:16-19;  Deuteronomy 25:16;  and 1 Corinthians 6:18). Yes, the devil has completely deceived the masses of which we were once a part and God has allowed this for now, all for His purpose and greater good (Ephesians 2:1-3;  and Proverbs 16:4).
There are many, many things we do not understand for now and when teaching my youngest child I could always draw on the scripture from Deuteronomy 29:29 where it says “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law”.  This came in very handy for me when I couldn’t provide logical explanations for spiritual or supernatural things.  We see through a glass darkly for now and crave for the glass to be completely transparent as fine crystal polished to perfection without a spot or blemish (1 Corinthians 13:12).  The time is fast approaching when we will see with full clarity, but for now we need patience as we get ready for Christ’s return to earth.
Whether we are deeply connected to God and finely tuned in to His ways, or whether we think we are connected, or even if we are not connected and want it this way, the perfect solution to all our problems and woes is not from man, or humanity at large.  We can think what we like and do what we like due to having free will, but at the end of the devil’s reign of terror here on our planet we will all definitely know for sure that it is God’s will that will reign supreme for eternity.  He made it all, created it all for our benefit, while the wicked one is fully engaged in our destruction — some are just waking up to the devil’s wiles now during COVID-19 times while most are confused and worried about the future, and some are experiencing great despair.
As we know, medical professionals including scientists are feverishly working around the clock on a vaccine and placing all their faith in their ability to launch this so-called panacea, this supposed solution to the world’s need to combat this virus.  There seems to be a bit of a “friendly” competition going on between several countries to be the first to bring the solution within a vial so that it can be injected into our bloodstreams!  Some are bravely participating as guinea-pigs in order to help humanity.  This is what they firmly think and believe — that they will save the world.  Politicians are spurring them on as they honestly have no idea what to do but have this need to do something so people can remain under some sort of control.  Relying on hand sanitizers, masks, social distancing, self isolation, and rigorously washing of hands for now, people are hoping and putting all their faith in this jab believing they will be safe and things will get back to normal.  What a sad way to go about life always relying on our own powers, so limited as they are, and without seeking our Father’s advice, help, and protection.  This is why things are out of control and crazy...people are no longer seeking God’s help first and foremost.  They are trying to do it on their own might.  Big mistake.  However, thankfully God is merciful and desires all to be saved as we can read in 1 Timothy 2:4.
Imagine if the whole world got down on their knees to pray, seek God’s help and His protection for healing after humbling themselves in prayer and asking for forgiveness of their sins.  This is known as repentance.  Even if this never happens we need to pray for God’s Kingdom to come swiftly and who knows...perhaps a few will turn to God in despair as they experience the loss of loved ones during this pandemic.  It is not too late for some and we need to be there for the unrepentant world shining our lights while we can in these very dark times, where it looks as though everyone may be forced (otherwise dire consequences of no work, no money) to be inoculated with a substance that contains who knows what (Matthew 5:14-16).
God knows that His faithful and obedient people would never line up willingly to have this vaccination enter their bloodstream because we know what God tells us — the life is in the blood therefore we do not eat or drink blood from any animal as per Leviticus 17:10-14, nor do we accept aborted foetal cells or any other human’s DNA into our bodies.   God made us complete and created us well — very well actually (Genesis 1:31).  Just the other night here on our news the medical report casually but unmistakably mentioned that ALL vaccinations contain aborted foetal cells since the 1970s and these were from “willing participants of terminations” somehow thinking this is right and ethical because consent was gained.  As we sat there watching the news, when we heard this statement we both turned to look at one another with incredulous expressions on our faces, as we never thought anyone would openly and willingly acknowledge this information.  Finally they did.  Now two members of my family have told me they will never get this COVID-19 vaccination and were sorry they did not listen to me in the past.  I think seeing it on TV and the way it was revealed shocked them so much they woke up to this evil that is out there.  These family members had been pro-vaccination.  We’re hoping that others will hear it too rather than ignore or think it is just a conspiracy theory.  It was delivered as factual scientific information from the source so matter-of-factly; a source having nothing to gain by announcing such news.  Exposing this darkness is right and good (Ephesians 5:11).  Hiding darkness is doing nothing and joining in complicity is sinful.  To know to do good and not do it is sin for God’s people (James 4:17;  and Isaiah 5:20).
Some know this but many cannot accept this information, but denying the truth does not make it go away or render it obsolete or irrelevant.  If we truly think about it with wisdom by going to God we know that these substances are man made and not from our Creator.  Whether they have aborted foetal cells or animal components from a pig as is the case with some varieties of insulin, you can rely on knowing that common sense should tell you that there are chemicals in the vaccine and ask yourself this — would God want me to have harmful chemicals in my bloodstream that are not meant to be there, or would He want me to build my immune system up and do all I can to promote health with good sleeping patterns, rest when needed, eating healthy according to God’s laws, drinking plenty of clean water, exercise outdoors in fresh air, and do all those other things that give health to our bones in order to avoid ill health (Proverbs 3:5-8;  Exodus 15:26;  Psalm 103:2-3;  Psalm 41:3;  and James 5:14-16).  I think you know the answer.  God is our shield and protection, our strength, our refuge (Psalm 46:1).

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