Beautiful Attitudes




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Is God Fair?

Fairness...Is God Fair?

Everyone wants fairness so that they feel any particular situation is just and rightly handled. Nobody likes to be cheated or taken advantage of. We just want to live in equity with others so there is relative peace and harmony. Is this the world we are currently living in? Has the world ever been this way? Why do people seem to always blame God for anything and everything that goes wrong in this world? Yes God created everything so should He be blamed for all the wrongs? Did He create us imperfectly — were we made faulty, and should we feel maligned when things go wrong? How do we come to terms or cope when things do not work out the way they are supposed to?

Not to promote politics here, but as one famous Australian politician once said “Life wasn’t meant to be easy”. Malcolm Fraser’s words indeed proved to be prophetic just like the SBS news article stated on March 20th, 2015. Here is the link cited below for those interested in reading how this phrase was used all those years ago in 1971.

Perhaps you are like me, strongly desiring all to be the way it should be. Others used to say to me “It is not the time yet for God’s Kingdom”. These days I find myself thinking this quite frequently and reminding others of the very same thing. More and more I see the wrongs, the injustices, the pain and suffering caused by deception, lies, and the evil intentions of others. It can really be very upsetting especially when the vulnerable are affected such as the young, babies, elderly, and those who are handicapped, whether physically or cognitively. The daily news reports show us just a quick snapshot or glimpse of how others are taken advantage of which can bring us quickly to tears. The pain and suffering that people go through is hard to bear when we do not have the power or means to put things right. Do you sigh and cry with feelings of righteous indignation wanting to correct these wicked schemes immediately? Surely most of us do. Yet there is something within our power we can do...pray. Take all these matters to God in our daily prayers and ask for intervention, help and His will because His will is always perfect as He knows all.

Relatively speaking, for a brief period of time after the Creation in the Garden of Eden all things were right, just and fair. We do not know how long it was this way but we do know that Adam and Eve, the first people created by God, who lived and inhabited the glorious garden where all animals were tame and things existed in harmony, experienced what life was meant to be like without sin. What happened to change this? Enter the devil. He decided to have his evil fun by putting doubt into Eve’s mind in Genesis 3 when telling her some truth but not the whole truth, instead mixing the truth with error. These lies sounded so believable to an innocent mind who had no experience in supernatural matters, but only that of which God had shared or divulged to the only two living beings at that time. Trust was broken when the devil put doubt into Eve’s mind which set off a chain of events — Eve took matters into her own hands when she made the decision to eat from the fruit of the tree of good and evil and persuaded her husband to do likewise. They thought they would become like God which could only be a good thing in their eyes, but Eve was deceived into sin whereas Adam knew what he was doing but did it anyway to please Eve. No longer were things ever going to be the same again and the devil knew it. He had achieved what he set out to do — interfere with the good relationship Adam and Eve enjoyed with their Creator. He knew sin was wrong as he had already sinned when corruption was found within him.

The devil, or Satan, a fallen angel once known as Lucifer (read Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14) wasted little time in corrupting the blissful harmony that God had brought into being. He became enraged with jealousy over the fact that humans were to inherit all that God created and that we would rule or have dominion over the angelic realm at a future time. Satan as a supernatural being could not bear to be in subordination to supernatural beings who used to live as humans, mere physical beings with all our limitations, after he had been created so perfectly, full of beauty, splendour and wisdom, covered in dazzling precious gems, given amazing ability in music, a covering anointed cherub, a position so close to God. He then accused God of being unfair and set about to fight God over the rulership of this world. His scheming maniacal mind full of insane thoughts set about swiftly to destroy humanity but he could not do exactly what he wanted to...only what God would allow. And so, he caused division, separation between God the Creator and His creation. He cannot stand it that the whole of humanity one day will be part of the God family, having the most wonderful relationship with our Creator, when we will live in perfect harmony eternally with God the Father and Jesus Christ His Son. 1 Corinthians 15, known as the “resurrection chapter”, sets out beautifully part of God’s plan for the whole of humanity.

If the devil could be heard we would hear this fallen angel shriek loudly “IT’S NOT FAIR!” because he lost the war in heaven and was thrown down to the earth where he now lives and has done his best to destroy humanity for almost 6,000 years. This time is known as “the present evil age”. Satan really believes he can do a much better job at ruling the world than God can — that is how sick and twisted he is. Angels cannot reproduce or create and yet he thinks he can do anything God can. At best he has copied God with times of worship for himself such as Halloween, New Year’s Eve, Xmas, Easter, All Saint's Day, and others. He has deceived the whole of the world except for God’s called out ones and if he could, he would immediately kill us, but we have supernatural protection provided by our most loving Father. Presently God has given Satan the “age of man” to rule this world for a specific purpose. God is overseeing all in full power and with perfect control, intensely interested in the welfare of His Creation. He only allows certain events to occur because God has a perfect plan to eradicate sin once and for all, but in the meantime the called out ones, the chosen and faithful (Revelation 17:14), have a work to do on the earth in preparation to help the rest of humanity to come to know God as we know Him. Some will be called now, but the vast majority will know God after their death and resurrection as it explains clearly in the resurrection chapter already referred to above. Simply put, it is not your time now if you do not want a relationship with God or cannot believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, God breathed, the manual of life, the written instructions given to us for how to live by the 10 commandments.

There are a remnant, a very small number of people living on the earth now, like “a drop in the ocean”, keeping God’s 10 commandments and 7 annual holy day festivals. These people, God’s elect, are getting ready to rule under Jesus Christ’s leadership when He returns to earth to usher in The Kingdom Of God, where they will teach and serve others, perhaps like yourself, to live as we live now. The devil continues to throw his dark blanket of deception over the vast majority in order to keep them deceived into thinking there is no God, or God doesn’t care, or God isn’t fair. This is easy to believe if people are suffering and in pain which most are. People are confused today more than ever before and cannot believe in such a beautiful perfect plan for humanity as it “seems too good to be true” or is just based on fairy tales. The devil is very active in keeping the masses deceived into thinking that God isn’t fair. He enjoys very much that people continue to feel sorry for themselves and blame God for all their problems, whereas the real culprit, albeit invisible to our eyes, yet truly exists, is the one to whom all manner of chaos, destruction, pain and suffering belongs. He is the master magician and continues to fool, corrupt and deceive all of humanity. Don’t let that be you...break free from his deadly game of lies mixed in with a sprinkling of truth. He is the author of lies and will pretend to care, may give you things such as fame, wealth or fortune but underneath this thin veneer of sparkling treats lies a hidden “treasure chest” full of all the most wickedly profane and violent corrupted ways you could ever imagine. Satan the devil is the ultimate destroyer and will suck you dry through any worship you give him.

Is God fair? He most certainly is! He gave you life, He created you, He wants a relationship with you, and waits patiently for you to turn from your present ways, to embrace Him fully and tell Him you want a deep, abiding relationship with Him. Today could be that day to change your life and really live free from all the junk you have endured. I was rescued from myself 12 years ago and have never looked back. I shudder at how I blamed God for all the woes of the world but God has forgiven me as I was deceived. Now I’m no longer deceived and able to live life abundantly with great purpose. You could have that too. Go to God in prayer; dig diligently into His word, the Holy Bible, and begin to know why you are here living on this planet and why God created you. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Ask yourself this you want to keep going on as you are or have you had enough of this world’s ways and are ready to accept God into your life? Only you can choose. Nobody can do this for you. You can change just like I did when God called me out of the world.

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