Beautiful Attitudes




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Paris at Night

Faith Builder - My Last Night In Paris

Luke 17:5 is a scripture I would like to share with you..........."And the apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith" ". The rest of this account is very interesting to read from verse 6 through 10. Jesus teaches his apostles, and by extension, us, about faith and duty. Would you like your faith increased? May I share one experience with you which indeed increased my faith?

Several years ago I had the blessing of attending the Feast of Tabernacles in France. It truly was a wonderful Feast and I treasure the many lovely memories of that time. A little sightseeing was done before and after the Feast as Paris has many attractions.

Predictably, the Eiffel Tower was included in the list of things to do, and so a group of us had dinner in the restaurant one glittering night. Another time we enjoyed a boat cruise on the River Seine, a day trip to the local zoo, and we walked many of the streets in the city of Paris including the Boulevard known as the Champs-Élysées. All of it was wonderful. There are too many things to write about now as the focus of this article is primarily about what occurred on my last night in Paris.

Before packing I arranged for a taxi to get to the airport and was asked about my method for payment -- cash or card? By credit card was my reply -- this was because I had tried to use up as much of the Euro as possible to avoid any conversion. My wallet contained some coins but not a huge amount, mainly just change from several purchases. I anticipated that the taxi journey would cost a considerable amount and so my credit card would be just the thing I needed. All sorted nicely I thought to myself.

During the trip to the airport my driver, a foreigner from another part of Europe, spoke kindly and told me about his family whom he had to leave behind so he could work in France in order to make enough money to help them. He was married with children. As I sat there in the back seat with my young daughter I thought about how difficult that must be for him. His daughter attended tertiary studies and this was costly. Employment in his native land simply did not afford the same opportunities as in France. Still, I thought, I wonder if I could be so brave and self-sacrificing as this man?

When we arrived at Charles de Gaulle airport my taxi driver helped get the suitcases out and ensured we were at the right door with clear instructions. I gave him my credit card to which he said he was a cash only taxi! I was shocked and very troubled. This must have showed on my face. I quickly divulged to him that I had specifically told the booking lady that I could only pay by card. I pulled out my wallet and hastily gave him all the coinage I could find. I felt terrible. My face must have been as red as a beetroot and many stressful thoughts swirled around in my head. Would this mean we would have to go back to the hotel? Would we miss our flight? What will happen now??? To my shame, I don't even remember praying to God for help.

The taxi driver must have felt sorry for me and had compassion. He said it would be alright. Everything would be alright. He would not take any money. He told me to put all the coins back in my purse, to get on the plane and have a safe journey home. Wow, this was so amazing! (Psalm 35:27-28) The drive had been about one hour in busy traffic, some 25 miles from our hotel. I felt terrible that he was out of pocket in petrol costs and possibly in wages. There was nothing I could do. Or was there? I offered to give him my phone number and address to send the money to him once I arrived home in Australia. He just calmly and politely said "No, everything is fine, don't worry". What a man. What a blessing! (Philippians 4:19).

How God looks after His Children

This scenario came to mind this week as preparations for this year's Feast of Tabernacles get seriously underway so that everything is handled in a timely and orderly fashion. What God is trying to teach me I believe, is that it doesn't matter how prepared I am, or think I am, there will always be things that occur that are outside of my control. I may not like it but it is necessary for development of character. So I do what I can but know that it is God who is always watching and intervening when it's needed (Jeremiah 32:27).

I do hope that in The Kingdom, God may give me the opportunity to tell this taxi driver all about the most wonderful Father we all have and why I was in Paris to attend the Feast of Tabernacles. Imagine keeping the Feast of Tabernacles with people we had opportunity in this physical life to meet and briefly speak to!! Seeing and sharing in their joy by personally being part of it gives heightened meaning to how God is working in all of our lives.

I really look forward to the time when this taxi driver will get to know God as we do and find out what happened during the remainder of his physical life. I like to think that my taxi driver is back home again amongst his family and able to enjoy life with them once again.

The time is fast approaching when we will all join with the rest of humanity to worship God with the words of Psalm 100:

"Make a joyful shout to the LORD, all you lands! Serve the LORD with gladness; come before His presence with singing. Know that the LORD, He is God; it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture.

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations".

Perhaps you too have faith builder moments with God that you would like to share with others to inspire, exhort or encourage?