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Romans 12:2

Famine, Famine Is Coming, And So Is Jacob's Trouble

A spiritual and physical famine is coming.  Famine of the Word and famine of sustenance to sustain healthy life.  Things can change so quickly from plenty to nothing.  We saw a glimpse of that starting last year with toilet paper.  Most of us have not experienced growing up through tough times of the Great Depression during the 1930s when my parents were born.  Australian grandmothers shared many frugal ways and tips to manage when they had no choice but to make ends meet.  My European grandmother told me stories of lining up in the bitter cold of a Baltic country just to get a loaf of bread.  There was no picking and choosing -- it was a matter of take it or leave it to survive and she was very grateful to have whatever meager food was given.  They were indeed desperate times.  Conversely, our generation has always been able to get what we need and want every week by going to the supermarket and shops where the variety and array of choices is amazing. These days people think nothing of ordering items online and get touchy if they do not arrive quickly.  We are spoilt.  God has blessed us abundantly because of Abraham's faithfulness (Genesis 12:1-3; Genesis 18:18; Genesis 22:17-18) however these blessings are being slowly removed.  While some have no idea of exactly what's going on, most realise things are no longer "normal".  God has been extremely patient, long-suffering and merciful with humanity.  He repeatedly tells us over and over again in the Bible to change our ways through humble obedience by worshipping Him, not the false god that the vast majority follow, albeit unwittingly.
Thinking about what is to come upon the English speaking nations (New Zealand, Australia, America, Canada, and England) and the rest of the world going through the Great Tribulation for 3 and a half years because of unrepented sin while people carry on by doing what is right in their own eyes, times will be like no other ever seen upon the earth.  It will be horrific.  When first called by God I was initially curious to see what would transpire in the time of Jacob's Trouble, which is also known as a time of Great Tribulation, now I know I definitely do not want to see any of it, decidedly preferring the safety of the grave or a place of safety while alive if God so chooses.  Nobody wants to suffer through their country being taken over, captivity, slavery, locked away in jail, treated cruelly and brutally with all rights removed under wicked rulers.  Yet the prophecy is there plainly to be seen in your Bible and it is not going to go away.  It is coming whether we like it or not.  God did not put it there to cause us to fear but out of love for His people to motivate us into action -- to help with building healthy respect in order for us to be ready for what is to come.  The other side of the spectrum shows us that many will be asleep, unaware, not effectively watching their spiritual or physical state and what is going on despite the warnings.  A very helpful read to explain these soon coming times of Great Tribulation and Jacob's Trouble is provided for you below, as well as another link which explains in clear detail prophecy given around 4,000 years ago about the English speaking nations of Great Britain and the United States destined to become super powers near the time of the end:
It is hard to know from the media what is truth any more.  We do have danger all around us in lies, deception and confusion for which we must use Godly wisdom, as we navigate and traverse these unknown places.  The worst thing we could do is turn a blind eye to it all, pretend it is not real, not happening, and go on living with a Laodicean attitude while we have plenty (Revelation 3:14-20):.  It must be very tempting for some to just clam up and be quiet so they think they are safe!  No!!!  If we know to do good then we must do it otherwise it is sin (James 4:17).  We are to expose evil and warn others for why should we seek only to save our own skin? (Ephesians 5:11).  Some of us are doctors and nurses with relevant experience over many years and took up this profession in order to help others and do no harm.  We ought to have a clear conscience by helping others for it is sin to have the blood of others on our hands if we do not help them to make a clear informed decision on whether or not to take these clot shots.  Passive non-participation will not help anyone.  God tells us to do all things in love (1 Corinthians 16:14).  At the end of it all would you rather look your brother or sister in the eyes knowing you tried to help or left them to figure it out for themselves to navigate all the propaganda?  Surely we are all able to help one another in whatever way we can?  I have very much appreciated help from brethren in other fields and areas I could not manage.  We really should be there for one another for this love defines God's people (John 13:35).  It is now high time for all of us to refresh our memories by reading Ezekial 3.  This chapter is packed full of Godly wisdom.  We are to watch and to warn and to take courage from God's prophet Ezekial.  God is watching us to see whether we are our brother's keeper in agape love while caring whether any fall into the fire or troubles of life.
During this time of COVID-19 when so many have been ordered to stay at home, as unwanted as this is, one thing is for sure, God gave His people time to think, to study, reflect, and show Him where their allegiance lies.  This is what He did all those years ago when the Israelites wandered about the wilderness in the Sinai desert while seeking the Promised Land after their release at the hands of Pharaoh.  God afflicted them, they were humbled, He saw what was in their hearts from the choices that they made.  Likewise, we have had similar times of testing yet we do not know how long these times will last.  It would seem to be as long as God desires in order for His purpose to be fulfilled -- for His saints to make themselves ready.  We are being sifted by the enemy and things are about to become a whole lot worse.  There is the matter of the mark of the beast to come and there are some of us who believe it is now not far off with the stage being set as it were.  History is fascinating and we are living in monumental times like no other largely due to advancements in technology with surveillance, A.I. = artificial intelligence, microchips, talk of living on the planet Mars by 2025, among the effects of pandemic disease of plague-like proportions, with laws being overturned and changed to suit the enemies’ purpose.
Have you noticed that there is an increase in lawlessness with people doing whatever is right in their own eyes rather than seeking God's will?  Wherever I look there are expressions such as "pray to the weather gods or the gods of technology" and so forth when people want to be given favour.  For me it began about 10 years ago when I heard "Mother nature has been angry or decided to cause a fire, flood", or whatever the adverse reaction referred to.  The weather and news people just smiled in agreement while I spoke to the TV of my disbelief and frustration.  It is so common now people are more than comfortable speaking this way in their denial of God in preference for the god of this world, the devil (Isaiah 14, Ezekial 28).  The gods of this world are demons, the fallen angels that rebelled against the only true God who made all that we see.  Satan thought he could do much better with ruling and attempted to overthrow God's perfect government.  We know he failed and has been banished to the earth and his time is short therefore he is trying to cause as much division, mayhem, chaos, disease and death as he can.  He influences the minds of those who do not know God or refuse to acknowledge His existence -- all the clot shots diabolically produced to harm our immune systems now exist.  God has allowed this to see our choice in this matter.  Simple, but oh so confusing for many.  Most have not given informed consent as they have been deceived into thinking it is a vaccine.  Vaccines provide protection and some type of immunity.  These shots do not.  Think about it.  Would Christ line up to be jabbed with solution containing who-knows-what including graphene and made using aborted foetal cell lines?  We know He would not do this, instead He would pray to His Father.  He would defer to His Father and not mankind.  This is the wisdom we need to have for all future decisions.  Sadly humans think the answer is within us but it is not.  The answer is always through God's will.  When in doubt, always fast and pray.  Seek God's will for your life.
Recently, I listened to a thoughtful sermon about what we are living through in these "new normal" times.  It was packed full of helpful advice and so I listened to the message again.  Perhaps you will glean a calm, prepared attitude too from the Godly wisdom contained therein.  Remember, God does not want His people to be caught unaware or confused -- He provides all the knowledge within the Bible for us to be prepared.  We have been given a small window in time to do this and we are to be earnestly about our Father's business.  The year 2022 is almost upon us and time is running out.  You need to be ready and pray that you are counted worthy to escape all these things (Luke 21:36).  While we prepare in earnest, we need not be worried that there is a growing famine of hearing God's Word and rejection on a global scale of God's Way with humanity descending ever deeper into Satan's pit of division, lies and death.  Nor should we be worried about how we will cope when all those who have rejected the mark of the beast are unable to buy food.  God is our help, He is our shield, He is our high tower of strength, He will see us through and no matter what happens we will successfully finish our race due to showing complete faith, trust, and belief in God to help us.

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