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Psalm 94:19

God The Refuge Of The Righteous

Psalm 94:19 says "In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul".  Is this how it is with you?  No matter the anxiety or how heavy your heart is burdened, with perhaps many anxieties, you are able to gain great comfort within because of your relationship with God?  There are so many things to be anxious about in this world especially in recent times that may affect or trouble us.  How do we cope and really deal with these external things that threaten our internal well-being?  For those who know God and have a close relationship through daily prayer it is of great benefit to discuss anything and everything that bothers us in detail leaving nothing unsaid.  To tell God all that is in our hearts is of therapeutic gain, like the purest healing medicine as we take refuge from the storms of this life.  There is absolutely no better refuge that we can gain protection from than that offered and provided for from our Heavenly Father.  This is a solid fact that those called out from the world know and practice diligently and most earnestly in order to become righteous modeling themselves after Jesus Christ.
Another scripture which gave comfort while going through a terrible trial some years ago is the one found in Psalm 61:1-4 "God, hear my cry; pay attention to my prayer.  From the end of the earth I will cry to you whenever my heart is overwhelmed.  Place me on the rock that’s too high for me.  For you have been a refuge for me, a tower of strength before the enemy.  Let me make my home in your tent forever; let me hide under the shelter of your wings".  The Bible also offers Proverbs 18:10 "The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe".  Many times I have run to God and exclaimed "Help, Father, for I am in trouble and need your help and protection — save me from the wicked who would see an end to me".  In times like these I began to relate to David when others sought to destroy him.  It is marvelous to me and most appreciated that we have multiple examples to draw from and learn through their life experiences in order to grow and develop righteous character.
The Bible is a veritable wealth of wisdom containing knowledge and instruction amazingly full of wise counsel including the use of discretion, prudence, riddles and life's enigmas as Proverbs 1 leads us through the gateway from the writings of King Solomon, David's son who was sought out as the wisest man alive in his day.  Since then, we know that our Saviour Jesus Christ is the wisest of all to have walked this Earth and His perfect example is there for us to glean from any time we are worried, perplexed, sorrowful, anxious, fearful or upset.  Our faith and obedience is incredibly important and most precious as we continue to work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12).  The key to remaining obedient while resisting and overcoming sin is this healthy fear (awe and deepest respect) of God we must develop and is written about in  Psalm 111:10 "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom;  a good understanding have all those who do His commandments.  His praise endures forever".
Never let anyone tell you the Bible is just a fanciful collection of made up fables and stories for this is highly insulting and wickedly false from the chief liar of all — the devil (John 8:44).  He spreads this filthy rhetoric about as if it is fact and because it is repeated ad nauseum many believe it for it is much easier to do so rather than investing time and effort while investigating the truth of the matter — that the whole of the Bible is the very God breathed inspired Word of God as shown in 2 Timothy 3:16.  Firstfruits know what they have in their hands and how valuable this book is for it is not like any other book in the world as it is supernaturally written by various men directly under divine inspiration from God.  Only the foolish have been deceived into believing otherwise.  The devil is expertly devious in magniloquence using many flourishing words to cover and hide the truth from unsuspecting people who have no idea of its existence. 
God's elect will continue to take comfort and refuge from God in His Word as we live our lives in this world but take great care not to conform, compromise or deviate by one iota into being part of its worldly ways and customs.  The time ahead will present further challenges for those of us who keep God's Sabbath and Holy Days.  We will be tested and tried similarly to brethren in Angola, who are presently under attack by being persecuted and under strict orders not to gather to worship God and to immediately close down their Church activities.  This is of very serious concern, therefore let us all join as one in prayer to our Great God who can certainly overturn this decree and restore His Church in Angola despite the worldly authorities who currently have and exercise power.  We will continue in prayer hopeful of a good outcome according to God's will.

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