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Have You Ever?

Have you ever been on both sides of the equation whereby you are the recipient of a gift from brethren and at the other end of the same equation you are the one giving the gift to others as you so choose?  No matter the exchange there is always potential to please God when we see a need and set about to fill it, whether big or small, and just as we are able from a loving heart with good intentions.  These exchanges are blessings because God blesses us with the capacity to give to others.  As one church member said to me long ago, "You cannot outgive God".  This is a true statement as God owns everything -- who would want to outgive God anyway as this would be an impossibility!  It would be useless to try to match or compete with our Master Giver and Provider.  Competition and competitiveness is what the devil is about and he is one dirty loser.  Yet we can be generous in so many ways without even spending any money.  The time we have left to live in this physical life is a huge asset if we use it wisely in prayer for others.  Recognising and utilising our abilities and talents in order to bring helpful and practical ideas to fruition is another beautiful thing we can do much like the example in scripture of Dorcas who was also known as Tabitha (Acts 9).
Giving can be so easy and natural for some while others may struggle with giving.  Then there are those who find it difficult and awkward to accept gifts.  This was me when first called by God some years ago.  There were gifts of money in the mail to buy something nice for my first Feast of Tabernacles (camera) and the card read not to divulge anything about who gave me such a generous gift.  This puzzled me on two counts.  Firstly, people I didn't really know gave the very generous sum of $300 -- this had never happened to me before.  Keeping this confidential was curiously strange to me, but it wasn't long before I realised why.  Scripture says in Matthew 6:1-4 "Take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them. Otherwise you have no reward from your Father in heaven.  Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory from men.  Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward.  But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, that your charitable deed may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly".  This is a necessary and important exercise in self control and humility to resist any pride we may have in wanting recognition as I was once used to in the world.  Therefore, we choose to develop a humble heart and mindset rather than give in to our carnal human nature.  It is more than enough, the reward we receive from pleasing God, and also the satisfaction of helping others, as it brings a therapeutic benefit to both recipient and benefactor.  As Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong used to say, the way of give is God's way.  Do we not all want to become more like God?  The answer is a resounding YES!
Then there was the time an anonymous donor placed an envelope in my bag on The Last Great Day, again for $300 (all I know is it was not the same person as the first example) so the amount was interesting and it was exactly what was needed to live on and pay some bills the first week home before earning the next pay cheque.  I had been worried how I would get through as a single parent but God must have read my thoughts of anxiety and concern.  Way back then I did not share everything with God but I definitely do now through learning from this process.  God  already knows what is in our hearts and minds, yet all the same wants us to desire enough and care enough to tell Him everything -- the good, the bad, and the ugly.  This increases our bond and develops a very close relationship while faith is built.  There were other occasions when brethren gave monetary gifts which were timely when in need, when ill, or work was slow -- and so God gave me plenty of practice in the art of accepting gifts graciously and also willingly.  It took some time and it was a process.  Being in need is humbling and tends to bring us down a notch or two -- this is hard for those of us who have had pride in good careers throughout our life with circumstances that we have strived for to ensure comfort.  The thing is none of us know when, or even if these circumstances may change, and we could very well find ourselves in a position of need -- not that we want it -- yet despite everything we may do to avoid it.  God allows what He allows mostly to teach us valuable lessons and we are all learning like thirsty sponges.
One favourite example which touches my heart deeply is that of the widow and the gift of her two mites written about in Mark 12:41-44 and Luke 21:1-4.  The symbolism and meaning of how this poor widow gave quietly and completely compared to the rich who would not even miss what they gave, yet put on such a showy performance in order to impress those at the temple.  Very powerfully profound.  The best example from the Bible of giving is of course Jesus Christ who selflessly gave over and over again to others in countless healings from demon possession, leprosy, and any other ailment or impediment one can think of;  turning water into wine (first recorded miracle), and of course the ultimate sacrifice of giving His life thereby paying for our sins so that all could live.  Daunting, encouraging, inspiring and incredibly awesome all at the same time when meditating upon His example written about in the gospels through the eyes of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.  We may notice that there is not one mention of anyone rejecting Christ's healing or help amongst the poor while He was living and yet humans can be difficult with accepting help from others.  Has this been your experience?  It feels like such an effort, a struggle, almost a fight to give, even something small such as a home cooked meal to someone who does not want to accept a kind gesture.  Our eyes see a frail elderly person living on their own, who could do with an old fashioned highly nutritious healthy dinner to put some energy back into their weak body after surgery in hospital.  Eventually they reluctantly accept and in the same breath, tell you that you must never do this again.  That comment can really hurt especially those of us who are sensitive.  We must think about what we say and accept in a gracious mindset while swallowing our pride.  Do not let anyone dissuade you from giving as we are to do good to others, especially brethren as stated in Galatians 6:9-10 "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.  Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith".
After many years there was an occasion quite the opposite to the above example whereby there was an immediate need, even a crisis of sorts, and the persons concerned reached out and asked for help not once or twice but each time needs arose.  How refreshingly open and wonderful it was to have somebody do this and accept so graciously without any semblance of pride getting in the way.  She recognised that she was not able to physically do what was needed and so simply asked politely after being offered help.  How good it felt to do this and it made our bond stronger as members of God's spiritual family.  Indeed, the lady stated that she considers us family and we definitely feel the same way.  Imagine how pleasing this is to God to see His children helping and living in unity with great Agape love.  This is what it's all about.  I marvel at how healthy the attitude, mind, and heart is of this individual and her recently departed husband who also accepted help with many "thank yous" in his most vulnerable position while terminally ill.  The point is and the takeaway here is that God provided this opportunity and provides opportunities to all His children to see if they will recognise the need, turn a blind eye or accept the challenge as it may test any one of us in strength and stamina.  Time is something we all have the same amount of and it is indeed very precious and we can become anxious if others "eat" into our time for things we might want to do.  If our heart says yes to helping others when our head says no, then we know what to do in this dilemma and inner struggle with our human nature -- we go immediately to God in prayer and ask Him to help us find the way to give that time others need despite how things look.  God will always help and show you the way, His way, the better way and see that it doesn't all work out splendidly despite what is before your eyes.
Have you ever imagined just how profoundly God can work through any one of us in order to help and bless others?  Wonderful training for now and the times ahead.  We just need to draw on God's strength and be willing which reminds me of the prophet Isaiah's words in Isaiah 6:8.

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