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Philippians 2:3

Having Hard Trials

A triple whammy -- this is how I would describe in a nutshell my present trial which is affecting me emotionally, physically, and spiritually.  Not nice but must be necessary in order to learn the lesson that is required.  As usual with every trial so far, it seemed to come from nowhere and blindsided me completely, stealing my joy.  The devil is really clever at that and a relentlessly repeat offender at wearing out God's saints.  This year my headspace has suffered a huge blow amongst all the blessings of encouragement God so mercifully provides.  The past weeks have felt like a yo-yo going up and down until I inadvertently failed to collect the yo-yo in my hand as I "let the ball drop" as it were.  Then the news on Afghanistan has been quite a severe shock to the system, and knowing that many cannot be rescued just feeds into more anxiety and stress.  As I write this, according to all the news reports, today is the last day for evacuations, then the terrorists will close off the airport and take over completely, wielding their tyrannical power upon people who are in fear for their lives.  Meanwhile we hope and pray for more positive updates.  Tragically these never came. 
Around this time last year Feast fever was firmly insitu.  This year for the first time it came and went but thankfully has returned again as a familiar friend and is here to stay.  The temporary hiccup was caused by repeated uncertainty due to borders opening up then closing again and wondering whether they would be slammed shut at the last hour.  So much of this is rather ironic as we now know that we do get to attend again at the same Feast site as we did in Hahndorf last year.  Our original plans to travel interstate had to be cancelled only one month prior to the Feast -- talk about last minute.  Now it seems as though those in Victoria and New South Wales will not be able to go anywhere despite having feast plans within their respective states.  It is really difficult to accept these lockdowns by quarantining healthy people because according to God's way this is wrong and should not be so.  Living under Babylonian rules which shift and move like shifting sands clearly confirms that satanic rule is completely insane, stupid, selfish, ugly, and wrong on every level.  Yet we endure.  God tells us in scripture that those who endure to the end will be saved (Matthew 24:13 and Luke 21:19).  Meditating over a few biblical scriptures pertaining to endurance has shown me that endurance or patience, longsuffering or forbearance is much harder than I ever thought or contemplated.  Endurance takes courage, faith, fortitude, a strong and positive mental attitude especially when it seems like everything around you is crumbling down.  No wonder our enemy wants to wear us out and hope we then give up -- it shall not be so as we strengthen ourselves daily, remain firm in the Truth and stay close to God.  Fasting has never looked so good before and is a powerful weapon we must get comfortable with to use against the enemy who wants us to fight amongst ourselves to say and do things that have no place in a Christian's life.  Recognise this and then take it all to God in prayer to get the help in order to resist and overcome these challenges.
Part of my trial has been an issue with only one person but that is one too many in my eyes.  The solution is always prayer and fasting and it has never let me down.  No matter the issue, God always comes through in ways that are amazing if we are sincere and fully trust in His help rather than take matters into our own hands.  Including God in our decisions is always the best way to go.  Despite our best intentions at loving our brethren it is sadly disappointing when one wants to have their own way rather than esteeming others better than themselves as it is written in Philippians 2:3.  We must remember the big picture of being all inclusive especially at God's festivals such as the Feast of Tabernacles.  The Last Great Day has powerful symbolism of being all inclusive for the time ahead when ALL PEOPLE will come to know the truth of God and His plan for the whole of mankind.  What am I specifically talking about?  Being together for the celebratory luncheon between services when it will be the last meal we share before leaving to return to our respective dwellings.  Some of God's people do not go out to eat at restaurants on the Sabbath and high holy days as they are absolutely and strongly convicted in their hearts that it is a sin for them and goes against their conscience.  For years I have tried to "want" to see it as fine and just go out with others, and yet going to God in prayer and with fasting still does not reveal this is right for me.  Believe me, it would be far easier to fall in line with everyone else and keep the peace but for those of us who know it is against our conscience, we continue on in faith wanting to please our Father in obedience, for we must obey God over man (Acts 5:29).
This year we have developed a plan we are very excited about and have sought God's stamp of approval on it -- we want to invite the whole congregation of about 15-20 members to have a picnic style gathering in God's creation and pray in faith for lovely mild weather like we had last year.  This is what we did in 2020 when the two of us went back to our cabin to have lunch on the deck outside while appreciating the beauty of the lake, the huge gum trees and the variety of birdlife including ducks and other waterfowl.  It was so peaceful and very relaxing but it would have been even better if this was shared with everyone.  It would be really nice if everyone felt this way but there always seems to be one who does not want to agree and it is hurtful when hospitality is rejected for preference of a restaurant which is artificial and man-made.  Do we not know that in the Kingdom of God we will not be eating out in restaurants on the Sabbath or at the Feast of Tabernacles?  Everyone will be attending God's festivals in the future so what will we do?  Perhaps we will do as God instructs us -- prepare on the preparation day by cooking twice as much, laying aside half for the Sabbath.  Perhaps we will have picnic style gatherings outside or invite people over to fellowship under our very own vines and fig trees? (Micah 4:4).  Sounds absolutely blissful doesn't it?  This is how I imagine Jesus and his family kept all the holy days in fellowshipping with others.
In the meantime we persevere with situations that are not all inclusive for God sees all and knows all.  For it is very much a choice for each individual and we must indeed show God our choice whether it is in obedience or otherwise of what some may think is good in their own eyes based on human reasoning.  Just like the offering we give, how we spend our second tithe, whether we spend it on ourselves or whether we share and give to others in the spirit of joy that the devil hates so much.  Let us show our great God that our service to others is done out of a pure love for our brethren by including all as we stand united as one.  God the Father and Jesus Christ are of one mind, and would be pleased to see that we are celebrating the Spring Holy Days of the Feast of Trumpets, The Day Of Atonement, The Feast of Tabernacles, and The Last Great Day as one united group which makes us a united force against our Adversary.  Before we make our choice let us think about others rather than just ourselves and include everyone, for this pleases our Father.  It truly is a way of giving rather than getting.  You will always be blessed if you follow God and emulate Jesus Christ, our Saviour, our KING of Kings, and LORD of Lords.

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