Beautiful Attitudes




About The



His Mercy Endures Forever

His life of selfless service,
Given willingly in sacrifice,
Behold the Lamb of God,
Passover Lamb of great price.
Without spot or blemish,
Isaiah did well proclaim,
With fervent desire He kept,
His last Passover before death.
God's chosen -- Moses and Aaron,
Psalm 77:20 led with outstretched hand,
Psalm 78:13 miraculous parting of Red Sea,
After first Passover on Egyptian land.
After forty years in the Wilderness,
They reached The Promised Land,
God blessed Moses to see at Mt. Nebo,
However Joshua and Caleb only did go.
Redeemed by Your precious blood,
Bought with a price,
Annual memorial,
Kept for Christ.
Released from slavery,
Deliverance from sin,
Enemy vanquished,
Victorious Israelites win!
Keeping the Passover,
With solemnity of mind,
Taking the Bread and Wine,
Deeply personal in kind.
The bride being made ready,
Wife of the Lamb,
Adorned in white linen,
Eagerly awaiting, She stands.
This wonderful spiritual covenant,
Between God and children so keen,
Life, death and resurrection,
His mercy endures forever -- Psalm 118.

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