Beautiful Attitudes




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Proverbs 18:10

I Just Can't Focus: A Look At Personal Prayer

As a parent of three children, the present state of the world and what the future holds greatly concern me.

Daily news reports contain alarming topics such as terrorism, threats of terrorism, accumulation of nuclear weapons for future use, wars, rumours of wars, beheadings, people blowing themselves up, and horrific life changing injuries from acts of violence, to name just a few. Sometimes I just want to switch off the news and be in denial. Do you keep asking why is there so much suffering in this world?

This suffering is the exact circumstance which caused me to reach out to God one night when the horror movie of the news kept replaying itself over and over in my head. I had been deeply affected to the point I couldn't cope any longer. My heart desperately needed healing, comfort and reassurance.

My prayer was short but incredibly heartfelt. I told God I hated the world and didn't want any part of it as I felt absolutely powerless to help those suffering; especially children, the elderly, the frail, the weak, the unemployed, and the homeless.

Empowerment through strengthening yourself in God

Personal prayer for me has been challenging -- something I had to learn. Obtaining focus is key. Solace where concentration can be nurtured through elimination of interruptions is paramount. I found direction and hope in the “model prayer” (Luke 11:1-4; Matthew 6:6-13).

Through prayer God has taught me to trust in Him. Reading the Bible daily has helped tremendously. Praying for help in understanding what I am reading in His Word beforehand has always been fruitful and highly encouraging. It also gives me much to discuss with Him while on my knees. This daily contact provides a certain comfort (Philippians 4:13). God really has become my refuge from suffering and I take shelter from the storms of this life whilst in earnest prayer (Proverbs 18:10, Psalm 91:2).

There is an amazing example in the Bible for us to aspire to for enriching our prayer life -- that of humble Daniel who prayed three times a day (Daniel 6:10). God refers to Daniel as a man greatly beloved (Daniel 10:11-12). Chapter 9 particularly focuses on Daniel praying for the people of his day.

With this in mind, we likewise have an incredible responsibility to pray for those living now -- the leaders in government who make the decisions affecting the laws, and all those suffering, whether physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual.

The value of prayer is vitally important not only for others but to nurture and strengthen the bond between you and your Creator. This takes time. 1 Peter 3:12 tells us that God's ears are open to our prayers. He is waiting for us to exercise our free will and spend time with Him each day. Prayer has certainly changed my life and it can for you too. Just dedicate some time each day and go to God with an open heart and realise your life will be made full of His abundant Blessings (Psalm 55:16-17).