Beautiful Attitudes




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2 Chron 7:14

If They Would Only Turn From Their Wicked Ways

The Worldwide Satanist Community (WSC) is out there watching and waiting to wreak havoc on any individual(s) who dare expose their observance of Halloween or any paganistic celebrations they consider sacred to their realm, as darkness. Identifying these gatherings for what they are — evil masquerading as innocent fun — does not garner a positive outcome. In fact just the opposite response is evoked; that of kindling their ire. Hate filled fury ready to spew forth from their despicable altars. They assure me that trouble is brewing from their cauldrons. Intimidation tactics at play. Our opposition presents themselves as fearless but have no idea the power of God the Almighty, Creator of this vast, great, limitless universe and all it contains.

Apparently I have been put on notice by witches and warlocks from across the globe. My article published recently entitled “October 31: Frightening Fun with Devilish Delights for Some” was viewed by those belonging to this community as blasphemy. Accusations of insanity from those idolising the most insane depraved individual, satan, is quite ironic to say the least. Threats such as “things are going to get toasty now” because they have my name inscribed on their altars worldwide are designed to silence any further writings and get me to recant while “quaking in my boots”. Their network is huge. Should this cause worry, fear or stress? I am sure I am not the only Christian to be threatened with bodily harm from spells, torture, or death. There have been many before me and doubtless there will be many after me to come. Who is the accuser of the brethren? We know without a doubt that it is satan our enemy (Revelation 12:10). These satanists are his lackeys, our opposition who accuse the righteous and would have us as guilty. They are deluded and deceived into following their leader who is the father of lies because there is no truth in him (John 8:44-45).

I made an exception by allowing public access to the Halloween article posted on Facebook to reach out to those who may read and learn something they did not know, thereby potentially causing them to think twice or turn from their ways and see this celebration for what it truly involves. It was never written or deliberately intended for WSCs but now this experience has been seen with valuable wisdom and hindsight that it was probably not the wisest decision I have ever made. If people do not listen to God why would they listen to me? This cannot be undone now, nor will I hide from the truth. As the idiom goes...what is done, is done. We all still have free will but many would like that changed and it seems like that is indeed the direction we are heading in this sick world spiralling out of control. To silence the truth and enable anything wicked, perverse, and abominable which lines up with the god of this world, satan, is high on the agenda. The expression “enough is enough” readily comes to mind. Many of us are so ready mentally and physically for God’s Kingdom to be ushered in by Jesus Christ. How about spiritually?

This present scenario of having my life threatened by satanists reminded me of an account in the Bible with Elijah. This story was never funny or amusing to me before when reading it quite a few times over the years. However I now find it quite humorous due to the incongruity and irony of the situation. The account I am referring to is that of Elijah’s victory on Mount Carmel found in 1 Kings 18:20-40. Most likely you have read it before where the Israelites had turned from following God and were involved with demonic practices. They worshipped Baal and many other gods which loosely translates to satan meaning they are all under the same umbrella of darkness. There is only one true god worth worshipping and honouring and that is God our Father who created us. God is my high tower of strength I run to in times of trouble, as Proverbs 18:10 states. Psalm 119:114-115 “You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in your word. Depart from me, you evil-doers, for I will keep the commandments of my God!” sums it up very accurately.

Elijah’s Message To Ahab

We shall begin with 1 Kings 18:17-18 “Then it happened when Ahab (King Of Israel married to Jezebel) said to him, ‘Is that you, O troubler of Israel?’ And he (Elijah) answered, ‘I have not troubled Israel, but you and your father’s house have, in that you have forsaken the commandments of the LORD, and you have followed the Baals. Now therefore, send and gather all Israel to me on Mount Carmel, the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal, and the four hundred prophets of Asherah, who eat at Jezebel’s table”.

King Ahab did as Elijah asked. When they gathered together Elijah enquired of the people “ ‘How long will you falter between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him, but if Baal, then follow him’. But the people answered him not a word” (1 Kings 18:21). This is indicative of all those who “sit on the fence” or do not want to stand out in a crowd. They would prefer to be silent or non committal to protect their necks.

In the subsequent verses of 1 Kings 18:23-25 the details are provided on how the Israelites would go about showing their allegiance to Baal. They agreed to all that was proposed because Elijah gave every advantage to the Baal worshippers instead of taking any advantage for himself. Of course the Israelites were delighted and wanted the advantage so they accepted everything under the banner of fairness. Things got out of control when their god did not respond to all the crying out loud and leaping about for hours around their altar (1 Kings 18:26). Elijah mocked them in the next verse which then caused the people to whip things up into a frenzy of self harm by cutting themselves until blood gushed (1 Kings 18:27-28). This was customary to appease their gods. Baal required bloodletting as a sacrifice which is the very opposite of how the true God operates with blessings and always wanting the best for us which is to choose life and not death.

After many hours had passed all were aware that Baal had been silent no matter how hard they yelled, leaped, cut, or bled. This speaks volumes. Their god did not care about them and had abandoned them. Their god simply cannot compete with God the Almighty. In comparison Baal was like a blithering pest, a mosquito that continues to annoy us and just wants blood. After sucking the Israelites dry they were left to their own devices. Elijah then showed them the absolute mighty power of the one true God over all the elements. Read on through 1 Kings 18:30-40 for the great irony on how our God triumphed in declaring His sovereign power to all present that day.

Victory gained in complete understanding so that the Israelites declared “The LORD, He is God! The LORD, He is God!” as they fell on their faces in worship (1 Kings 18:39). The people then indeed turned from their evil, wicked practices due to God revealing Himself via the faith of Elijah the Prophet. Subsequently all the false and wicked prophets of Baal were seized and executed by Elijah (1 Kings 18:40). What a story. What a visual to perceive in real life. This would make a great movie to see instead of all the Harry Potter absolute trash and nonsense that is aimed at our children.

Our Present Times Of Learning For The Final Victory

Was Elijah wrong for mocking evil practices? Should he have treated the people with respect and honour? Absolutely not! We need to learn from and emulate Jesus Christ as he rebuked evil and sinful practices when dealing with the Pharisees; this is just one example that readily comes to mind. Nobody deserves respect for wickedness. Plain and simple. What do we read in Matthew 23:13, 14, 15, 23, 25, 27, 29…”Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!” The repetition of seven times by Jesus here in this one chapter is too important not to notice.

When we turn from our ways, the ways we may think are best which do not line up with God’s word, God is pleased (2 Chronicles 7:14). Refer to Proverbs 1:23 where Solomon wrote “Turn at my reproof; surely I will pour out My Spirit on you”. Also added to this we would do well to remember “For the turning away of the simple will slay them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them; but whoever listens to Me will dwell safely, and will be secure, without fear of evil” (Proverbs 1:32-33). Also, in 1 Peter 3:11-12 “Let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it. For the eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayers; but the face of the LORD is against those who do evil”.

Quoting from Psalm 118:5-6 “I called on the LORD in distress; the LORD answered me and set me in a broad place. The LORD is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” From Psalm 108:13 “Through God we will do valiantly, for it is He who shall tread down our enemies”. Another comforting scripture is found in Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. So to all those who are from the other camp in WSC you are deceived fools working for the mastermind of evil. As Hebrews 12:29 states “For our God is a consuming fire” and there is NOTHING too hard for our God (Jeremiah 32:17). Hebrews 10:31 says “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God”. If only you would turn from your wicked ways and live.

Joshua 24:14-15 contains the perfect scripture to reflect my sentiments exactly “But as for me and my house we will serve the LORD” forever. AMEN!