Beautiful Attitudes




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Blessed Are The Meek

If You Cannot Say Something Nice

Remember the saying “If you cannot say something nice, don’t say anything at all?” 
Probably most of us were taught this precept as youngsters by our parents when parents did such things during the mid 20th Century.  I would like to express my thanks here to mine for caring enough to educate me correctly in concern for others whenever speaking to them or about them.  Fast forward to a time where it seems like anything goes verbally — if you think it, you might as well say it!  Freedom of speech is a good thing but not when people twist this privilege in order to denigrate others.  We see far too much of it between politicians.  The world is not the same as it was in the 1950s or 60s.  So many changes in technology, the way people work, and how they live. However some things should remain the same...language that contains helpful and clear words of expression which reflect content of how we would personally like to be spoken to.  Remember the old adage, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.
Over the last couple of years or so, that I have noticed, there have been quite a few references on people’s Facebook pages or in group discussions on various membership sites, to one of God’s servants who is now no longer living and awaits his resurrection.  The man I refer to is Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong (HWA).  Whilst the vast majority of comments have been respectful, there have been some which are not helpful, are critical, and even disrespectful.  Even those who purportedly have God’s Spirit have tried to attack HWA’s character openly and also insult those who look up to this man in deep respect for his example in following Christ.  Accused of worshipping the man because they have positive things to say about him and do indeed esteem him better than themselves, those concerned know that they do not worship him, but are keenly aware that God used HWA to further His work of bringing many sons to glory, and simply show a decent measure of respect.  Personally, apart from listening to some of HWA’s sermons, I have not met the man, but do realise he had the truth of living God’s way and the opportunity to bring others into that truth.  When God uses certain people to lead others, who are we to interfere with this and criticise those God has chosen?  We would do well to meditate on Proverbs 21:30 and Acts 5:38-39.  There will always be some who are jealous and want to tear down those who love and stand for the truth.
We have all read about the scribes and Pharisees who did this to Jesus Christ. How they hated him and everything He stood for — the complete truth and the way to salvation — and the only one who has ever lived a sinless life on earth.  Such hypocrites despising Jesus when they themselves appeared to be sinless but committed many sins.  On the outside they appeared as clean as driven snow, but Jesus Christ referred to them as whitewashed tombs in Matthew 23:27-28, because on the inside they were full of decay, death and every foul thing associated with the way of get, trickery and deception (Matthew 23:13-26).  The rest of us commit sin, we are not yet made perfect, and people will continue to accuse and misjudge others until Christ returns even with God’s Spirit at times, due to the weakness of carnal human nature and their lack of self control led by the god of this age (2 Corinthians 4:4).
Rebellion Against The Leadership Of Moses
This brings us to another leader, chosen and appointed by God to lead God’s people out of their slavery at the hands of Pharaoh in Egypt into the Promised Land.  Moses did not put his hand up for this fact he tried to get out of it several times by asking God to send someone else (Exodus 4:13, then read all of Exodus 4).  Numbers 12:3 states “Now Moses was a very humble man, more so than any man on the face of the earth”.  Do you think this could be why Moses was chosen?  Power and position would not “go to his head” — he would be teachable.  So many today mistake humility for weakness.  They thought that of Jesus too, taunting, laughing and mocking Him.
Even the brother and sister of Moses — Aaron and Miriam — opposed his leadership at one stage (Numbers 12:1-9).   God dealt with the pride of these two against His selected through directly punishing Miriam with leprosy.  Nevertheless Moses intercedes for His sister and brother due to his exemplary character despite any betrayal he may have felt.  Miriam was a few years older than Moses so she may have wanted to have equal authority and could have influenced Aaron’s thoughts in this manner.  Siblings often contend with one another for position.  Clearly they were not as humble as Moses and may have tried to take advantage of him.  God always intervenes for those who do not take matters upon themselves and look to Him for help (1 Peter 5:5, James 4:10). 
If that were not enough, we see in Numbers 16 that scripture goes into great detail about the rebellion of Korah, first cousin to Moses, together with 250 leaders of the assembly who rose up to challenge and accuse Moses and Aaron of “taking too much upon themselves”.  This is quite ironic given that Moses was the humblest of all.  Korah considered all of the congregation holy, not just Moses and Aaron, so he tried to organise a revolt to usurp the authority of Moses and Aaron.  Never mind that God chose these two, the people wanted to decide for themselves who would do what based on their human reasoning, which of course is always flawed and faulty when compared to God.  Psalm 106:16 reveals that the people envied Moses and Aaron so they were jealous of their position and relationship with God.  Jude 1:8 is interesting to note also as it tells of those who reject authority and speak of dignitaries in an evil way.  Precisely what is now happening with the name and righteous character of Mr. Armstrong.
From all historical accounts, HWA’s wife had started to keep the Sabbath but he had no intention of keeping it — rather he set out to prove her wrong but couldn’t.  Instead, he proved to himself that the Sabbath was to be kept from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset and became totally convicted of this without a shadow of any doubt.  In order to do this God had to open his eyes and He did, plus so much more.  We should be grateful for the mighty way God used Herbert W. Armstrong in the 20th Century to restore and grow His Church.  As I understand it, soon after his death in 1986 the wolves moved in to destroy the good works.  Just like the devil...he wasted no time with Adam and Eve, nor with those led by Moses and Aaron, nor with those Christians after Christ’s death when they were given His Spirit at Pentecost as part of the early Church of God in the first century.  Now he wants to destroy the character of one of God’s faithful, getting any who may go online to research HWA to believe it is all part of a cult, or worshipping an ordinary man and his legacy. 
If we see this happening on Facebook or anywhere else we should go to God in prayer and He will contend with those who speak evil about the dead who cannot defend themselves.  God put Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong into his office and that deserves respect.

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