Beautiful Attitudes




About The


King Charles

Jesus Christ Our King Of Kings And Servant Leader

Last Saturday the vast majority of people in the English speaking nations were glued to their TV sets in order to watch the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla.  Tuning in shortly after sunset for several hours it was fascinating to watch, yet with some frustration based on many deceptions that live on in the world.  One of these is the mitred hat worn by clergy, in this case of golden colour (rather than the usual white one) on the head of the Archbishop of Canterbury, no doubt symbolic of the important occasion of crowning royalty.  My thoughts went immediately to Dagon the pagan fish god written about in 1 Samuel 5 which was an unpleasant reminder.  Ultimately, overall, it was a once-in-a-lifetime event for me therefore the pagan setting was put to one side knowing that God allows what went on giving the people their king just as it must be so since the people persisted many thousands of years ago demanding a physical king for the first time to be like all the pagan peoples around them.  Thus God was rejected as it is written in 1 Samuel 8:7.  Enter King Saul who started off well with a humble servant mindset but nevertheless ended in disaster.  Fast forward now to our "40th King" meaning Charles is number 40 from all the monarchs crowned historically in the Abbey since William the Conqueror in 1066 on December 25.  We may well realise that forty is a very interesting and symbolic number in biblical terms.  After dutifully having a cup of tea and enjoying the flypast while the King and Queen appeared on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, it was time to call it a night.  Waiting for a few minutes "just in case" of another balcony appearance, the patient were rewarded with a second, yet albeit brief appearance from King Charles and his wife Queen Camilla.
Sleep beckoned with one word in my mind at the forefront — syncretism — that was what spoke loudly to me even above all the pomp and ceremony.  The merging of religion with traditions and customs that probably made little or no sense especially to the younger people.  Yet watching the many thousands swelling the crowds in front of the palace and packed along The Mall, they all looked genuinely happy, full of joy, delighted that they at last had their king.  Many a child was placed on the capable and lofty shoulders of their fathers to watch the balcony scene and they waved their little flags with all the energy they could muster after a very long day in wet and damp conditions.  Well done to them as not one grumpy toddler could be seen having a tantrum.  The British are well known for their stiff upper lip, "keep calm and carry on" demeanour.  So it was that the same crown has finally passed from the late Queen Elizabeth II (September 8, 2022) to her first born son Charles, now fully invested as King Charles III in front of the world as we watched enthralled on May 6, 2023.  The commentators mentioned many times that the king has been in training his whole life for such a time as this, with some believing it would not come to pass, while others have a sense of feeling sorry for him as his wait was so long.  In any event the timing was precisely how it was meant to be as God is the only One who gives life and takes it away.  Deuteronomy 32:39 reveals "Now see that I, even I, am He, and there is no God besides Me; I kill and I make alive; I wound and I heal; nor is there any who can deliver from My hand".
One fact that pleased me well were certain words spoken by King Charles that said he would serve as king rather than be served — a king of service.  This was repeated throughout the ceremony and these words immediately resonated as I thought of the greatest servant leader of all time, our King of kings, Jesus Christ.  Seeing King Charles kiss his newly made red leather bound embossed with gold lettering 2023 edition of the Holy Bible after his anointing was touching, and to me it seemed that the king was deeply touched and sincerely serious about his service to God and his people.  Wanting to be positive with an optimistic mindset, however the reality is that deception is a threat to major decisions made and the people will have to cope with the resultant consequences whatever they may be.  This king is heavily involved in being a "wise steward" for which we know he is into recycling hence the same robe worn during his investiture, amongst other matters pertaining to the environment and sensible scaling down in order to maximise the royal budget.  Some realise wise stewardship is a principle spoken of many times throughout the Bible extending to all things pertaining to this life.  It was encouraging to hear these words come directly from the king's mouth.  King Charles III is a man of faith, a man of prayer, and he has shown himself to be accepting, tolerant, and accommodating of all other nations, cultures, and beliefs, even from a young age and this was demonstrably seen before he left Westminster Abbey.  This is quite concerning.  Will he be strong enough to put the One True God above all other gods and not compromise?  This remains to be seen however unlikely it may be. 
The world had 70 years of relative safety and blessings while the Queen ruled the then United Kingdom and the scattered peoples of the Commonwealth, but now I can't help but think things will change dramatically.  Perhaps King Charles will humbly follow the early example set from King Solomon by asking God for wisdom in ruling his subjects as it is written in 1 Kings 3:5-9 "At Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night; and God said, 'Ask!  What shall I give you?'  And Solomon said:  'You have shown great mercy to Your servant David my father, because he walked before You in truth, in righteousness, and in uprightness of heart with You; You have continued this great kindness for him, and You have given him a son to sit on his throne, as it is this day.  Now, O Lord my God, You have made Your servant king instead of my father David, but I am a little child; I do not know how to go out or come in.  And Your servant is in the midst of Your people whom You have chosen, a great people, too numerous to be numbered or counted.  Therefore give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil.  For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?'”  This prayer would be a good template for King Charles to draw from obviously placing his mother's name forward instead of King David's. 
We can also pray to God for the king to be protected from all the wicked agendas out there such as the One World Order, and Climate Change amongst others, hidden under deceptions that may look and sound beneficial but are covered over in deceptive wrappings with disastrous consequences.  The fact is we have a new king who is eager to humbly serve others in a life of voluntary service.  He could choose to default to his carnal human nature instead and take it easy with plenty of everything; various homes including cottages, castles and holiday homes such as Balmoral Castle in Scotland paid off, no worry or concerns of where his next meal or shelter comes from, but he has chosen to dutifully devote the remainder of his life in service like his mother did before him.  This not only takes commitment, conviction and courage, but also dedicated and diligent discipline.  Let us hope that he is treated respectfully and not as a fool or a "Johnny-come-lately" to the throne.
Why is humble service so important?  We need to look to Jesus Christ's example to understand how this should be demonstrated in our lives.  There are many scriptures to refer to, however this is a valuable study in and of itself to do, and deserves proper consideration in relation to time and attention, therefore only a few references will be provided here.  Luke 22:27 points out that we are to be in service rather than be served, for this is greater and better for us to learn to be perfected in order to be Christ-like.  Mark 9:35 notes we are to desire to be last, the least, not the first or the important, for we await our glorification not in this physical life but in the life to come after resurrection where we are to give God the glory.  Mark 10:42-45 says we are to submit to Christ and give our lives as servants, even slaves.  Those with God's Holy Spirit who listen and are led by His Power willingly do this over and over again each and every day.  We can read on in Matthew 20:25-28 and Matthew 23:11 as we look to our Servant Leader's example showing the way we need to go.
As established by God, humble service is important and kingly service just so.  How will this service unfold and what will it look like?  The vast majority of people in the future will be content with one rule for all, allowing all faiths and customs equal space but we know that this is a recipe for disaster based on God's Word.  They genuinely want peace but this is not how to go about it, nor do they understand how to achieve it.  Obeying God's laws such as the 10 Commandments is where we all need to pay attention (Psalm 119:172).  King David's son was known as the wisest man who ever lived; King Solomon wrote many proverbs including Proverbs 29:2 "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;  but when a wicked man rules, the people groan”.  Will King Charles III rule righteously and the people rejoice?  If I could have a brief audience with King Charles III the following sermon would be delivered to him so that he could meditate deeply on the wisdom contained therein.  How blessed are we to have this wisdom freely given to us and may we give grateful thanks to God for His provision on wisdom and all that we have, both physically and spiritually as we await the glorious return of Jesus Christ our King of Kings and Lord of Lords, our humble servant leader who will be established forever and ever crowned in righteousness and glory.

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