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Just Suppose

Just Suppose

Just suppose is a game we (younger sister and brother) played during our childhood years of “let’s pretend”.  Do you know it?  It doesn’t matter if you don’t or have never played before because it is easy to do, and you might surprise yourself at how good you get at it.  Come with me on a journey of imagination where we can visualise what the world could be like.  What would you choose?  Would you like to keep some things that you enjoy now, or would you remove everything and start fresh all over again in order to create the utopia of your mind?  I’m pretty sure that not everyone would want to wipe the slate clean as there are some things which are so beautiful we would want to keep them, such as the mountains, flowers, beaches, and places we appreciate and look forward to going to.  Scenery is one thing but how about animals — I would want them all to be tame — imagine walking up to a lion and giving him a big hug without being mauled and clawed to death.  I could get used to that for sure!  How about you?  While we are at this imagining game I would want to release all the animals out of the zoos, as now that I have imagined them safe and friendly, they can roam around for everyone to enjoy.  Let’s ramp this up and delve into our grey matter further so that we can deeply suppose and imagine in order for our imaginations to be set free, even if just for a little while.
How about relationships — would you still want to keep your family, colleagues at work, neighbours in your street, or would you want to swap someone?  We would surely want to keep our friends but perhaps add to them?  We could all do with and benefit from more friends.  Perhaps all the grumpy people at work could go and we can exchange them for pleasant people who do not give us a hard time but speak respectfully while working well together.  Our working lives would be less stressful and make our days at work much more sustainable.  Many would actually look forward to going to work rather than just coping, or taking sick days (some of us would call these mental health days), or changing jobs because of one or two “rotten apples”.  Who wouldn’t want that?!  Likewise for students at school or university — for all the young people to get along without fierce competition, hatred, bullying or harassment so that they are able to attend and learn without being distracted by fear of others. 
What I would really like to do is keep everyone in my life right now but have their hearts and minds improved so that they all had an attitude of helping others, being kind, and thinking of others better than themselves.  Imagine if we all did that, then every relationship would be healed, no more arguments, no more bad or hurtful words exchanged including name calling, no more swearing or foul language, no more “walking on eggshells”, no more emotional, verbal or physical abuse.  How awesome would that be for everyone to feel safe and be safe, and not only that, but they would all thrive rather than merely exist.  We could say goodbye to mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, OCD, anorexia nervosa, bulimia, PTSD, self harm, suicide, Borderline Personality Disorder, and all forms of relational stress which trigger unwanted and undesirable symptoms including addictions such as alcoholism, drug or substance abuse — any one of which can lead to self neglect and death.
Family is family.  In addition to those alive now I would want to bring all my relatives back from the dead in order to know them, some of whom I have never met, like my maternal grandfather who died in WWII.  How I miss some of them that I once knew and loved so dearly such as my mother and grandparents.  While I do still want my father to come back he would need to be healed from mental illness brought on by genetic transfer such as paranoid schizophrenia.  Imagine that!  For me this is the hardest one of all to imagine — for him to be made healthy, however I do have tiny, fleeting glimpses of the time he was happy and treated me well as a father should when I was very young around age 3-5 years.  Then there are all the hundreds of thousands, even millions of babies who were aborted or miscarried, they will live and be cherished for the first time growing into healthy adults.  I will then get to know 2 babies I never knew making my joy complete to include 5 children.  Abortion or child sacrifice to the god of convenience will cease forever.  Imagine all the weeping with tears wiped from the devastated mothers and fathers eyes who desperately wanted their children to survive but were lost.  So many living lives of regret will eventually get to experience true joy and fulfilment.  Revelation 21:4 will vividly come to life.
While playing this game in my mind thoughts from my childhood trickle in to include my European grandmother with her strong Lithuanian accent.  Granny Mary did not say the word imagine but instead “can you manage that” which brings a smile to my face with other memories such as “googie eggs” for eggs, and “bikkies” for bikies (men on motorcycles), for which the three of us would laugh and look at one another with knowing looks which meant our grandmother was funny and we wouldn’t have it any other way.  So, family would be kept for sure but some of them fixed up here and there with attitude adjustments including hearts made clean and new to ensure no more dysfunction, and instead every member would be able to properly love one another as intended without harm.  This would be of the highest priority and placed first on top of my list to have a family where we all do genuinely love one another appropriately, helpfully, supportively, functionally, and beautifully.
There would be no traces of physical illness either in my imaginary world.  No broken bones, no cancers, no neurological illnesses such as seizures or convulsions, no Epilepsy, Parkinson’s Disease, Motor Neurone, Multiple Sclerosis, Strokes, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Alzheimer’s or any Dementia, no Diabetes Mellitus, arthritis, Lupus, paraplegia or quadriplegia, schizophrenia, seizures or convulsions, asthma, deformities, influenza, not even a cough, cold, or virus, and especially no COVID, no nothing, except for able bodied people completely free from debilitating restrictions and associated abnormalities.  No more pharmacies with pills and potions.  What a great world that would be without any pain and suffering.  How this would fulfill my joy and strong internal mechanism to heal all as a registered nurse.
Let’s remove all forms of criminal activities such as theft, stealing or robbery, for people would have plenty and all that they need.  Neither would anyone want to covet anything ever again because they would be satisfied and very content with their own possessions.  Following on from this we would never see corruption or bribery again and justice would be given correctly according to the law and with mercy.  Jails would no longer exist because there would be no need for them.  People would be free to walk the streets day or night always behaving well because they want to, rather than submitting to carnal human nature.  All would feel safe — doors would no longer need to be locked.  Locksmiths would change their profession to something else such as carpentry.
Everyone would have a property to live on so there would be no more homelessness while everyone would have plenty of room outside to grow vines or fig trees and whatever their heart desired.  My property would stretch over gently undulating green hills studded with many varieties of flourishing trees such as Gums holding birds including owls, with koalas safely nestled in the forks, Willows, Oaks (Terebinth), Cedars, Pines, Japanese Maples, Poplars, and every fruit tree imaginable.  Looking forward to a Satsuma plum tree as our current one which we bought from the same nursery has not survived, while the lemon tree and the nectarine have not only survived but show great growth and are positively thriving.  Oh the joy of having a variety of nuts, fruits, and vegetables grown on your own parcel of fertile land in a clean way without any nasty poisonous pesticides would be absolutely marvellous.  There would be no weeds. 
Birdlife aplenty would flourish along with the sounds of Magpies, Kookaburras, Woodpeckers, Blackbirds, Rainbow Lorikeets, and many others too numerous to mention here, while sitting outside on the back verandah under the vines sipping a cup of tea or coffee whilst surveying the beauty of the flora and fauna each morning as the sun rises.  Bliss, pure bliss for me.  Rain would fall like a gentle mist overnight much like it once did in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:6) rather than pelting down to destroy crops.  There would be an end to poverty, famine, wastage of food, floods, and drought — instead there would be slight variations in weather in order to promote optimal food growth for all.  While we are at it, all the poor people without food would now be able to live with abundant produce — death through malnutrition and starvation would be finally and totally eliminated.
Husbands and wives would honour their marriage covenant for life rather than commit adultery or cheat on their partner, because their marriage would be idyllic, full of love by thoughtful consideration towards one another, thereby putting their spouse first (1 Corinthians 13:4-7).  Parents would be respected and honoured by their children — they would be lovingly cared for in their old age and provided for rather than placing them in aged care facilities.  There would be no nursing homes or hospitals.  People would be honest — telling lies would be a thing of the past.  This would be a world where Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny did not exist.  Only truth would come out of the mouth of happy, fulfilled people all desiring to live in harmony and peace.  The world would be at peace and war would be non-existent (Isaiah 2:4). Each day would have purposeful meaning which would have a flow-on effect of great contentment.  Citizens in every community no matter where they lived would be full of joy, good deeds, sharing, giving, and valuing the simple things in life which truly matter — all relationships would be healed giving way to a friendly, positive, nurturing environment where everybody genuinely cared about each other.  Now that would be something to experience and put a stop to what we presently see daily on TV and/or in real life concerning road rage, fighting, attacking others, jealousy, envy, greed, and violence.  This would cease effective immediately.
An end to death would be most welcomed in this new world because everyone would be able to live forever and ever and they would WANT to, as they would be changed into immortal beings able to fly, never need sleep or become tired, always having abounding energy despite not needing to eat or drink unless the desire or will for the dining experience came about as in sharing meals with others.  This all sounds rather incredulous or far-fetched from the vivid imaginations of children indulging in let’s pretend or just suppose fantasies.  Or is it?  And yet as remarkable sounding as it all is, it is most certainly the world which we will see one day in the not too distant future. 
Obviously this world does not exist now as it seems to be the opposite of what we currently have, but will definitely appear once Jesus Christ returns and ushers in His Kingdom of God; when people will be changed from physical flesh and blood into supernatural beings like our Saviour and older Brother Jesus Christ, and our Father, Almighty God.  We are talking about God’s elect, the firstfruits being changed in the first resurrection when God resurrects them from the dead, then the rest of humanity will join us when they are resurrected in the second resurrection (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, 1 Corinthians 15:51-52, Revelation 20:5-6).  This is known as “The Great Mystery” in our Bibles, with 1 Corinthians 15 being fortuitous to read in its entirety.
There are probably many other things we could add here but for now we must wait patiently, always praying daily for God’s help to bring in His Kingdom.  It is fun to imagine like we did as children with childlike innocence.  We can all meditate on the coming of Christ and what the new world will be like and the more we do so, the more it brings our imaginations to life making what is to come more real to us.  There are many scriptures which refer to the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven and all we need to do is look these terms up online to see the wealth of information provided. 
Perhaps you are learning about this for the first time and find it too incredulous to believe — it is astounding is it not, as all we are used to is the current world where Satan is in charge and he really does not care about any of us.  In fact he hates us with a demonic passion because we get to inherit this vast great limitless universe God created, and live in perfect harmony eternally without further lies and deception from this monster who thinks he is better than God.  The devil cannot stand it, because he wants to rule with maniacal, diabolical insanity much like he does now but without the restraints God currently places on him.  If he had his way we would all be dead.
God’s plans are for the angels to serve humankind and they do not get to inherit the earth like we do (Matthew 5:5).  There are sufficient scriptural references to look up on the angelic realm throughout both the Old and New Testaments in the Bible so that you can see what God has to say about this important matter — what He has in store for us after our death.  God planned all of this before the very beginning of Creation but the devil got in the way to interfere with everything by deceiving Eve so that the beautiful relationship between humans — Adam and Eve — and God was broken (Genesis 3).  And, as they say, the rest is history with the whole of humanity separated from God down through the ages due to the wedge driven between God and His creation.  The devil has his way for now, with some restrictions, but this will come to an end and the veil of deception will be finally lifted to reveal God’s splendour and glory.
If you have read this far it would be most interesting to know what one thing you would very much like to change about our current world.  By the way I look forward to no longer having to dust anything in my home!  Please leave a comment to share below if there is anything you can think of that you would like to add.  Thank you in advance and I can hardly wait, as the saying goes, to finally experience the world as it was always intended to be with God in charge rather than any human, and for the devil to be permanently removed.

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