Beautiful Attitudes




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Seeing the Unseen

Keys to Developing a Strong Relationship With One We Have Not Seen

With the aid of modern communication, I have recently been considering how relationships can be developed long distance without actually ever seeing the individual in person. Within Australia, or internationally, many have been able to successfully overcome long distances and forge strong lasting friendships. Some of the opposite sex have actually gone on to meet and eventually become happily married.

However, a word of caution! When communicating with someone we have never seen, and perhaps sharing personal details, we need to be very cautious and make sure that the individual is a genuine person and not a charlatan who will use us to evil advantage. Such is the world we live in.

However, there is One with whom we can develop a long distance relationship -- One we have never seen but we can communicate with Him in absolute safety. He is totally genuine, totally dependable, One with whom we can share our personal lives on a level far beyond human relationships and feel totally secure. Our Heavenly Father has opened the lines of communication with us for the purpose of developing a very personal and intimate relationship, so much so that He intends for us to unite in marriage relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ.

In 2 Corinthians 11:2 the apostle Paul states "For I am jealous for you with godly jealousy. For I have betrothed you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ." The apostle Paul was admonishing the Corinthian people in the church of his day to be faithful to Christ. By extension, and as part of the church today, we must also heed these words and be faithful (2 Timothy 3:16).
When interacting with another for whom we have begun to care deeply, and beginning to pursue a healthy long-term relationship, surely we give him or her our very best. Just what does this involve? In our quest to make our relationship all that it should be, and can be, with our most loving heavenly Father, here are seven simple things we can actively put into practice.

How to have a close personal relationship with God

1. Thoughts - As soon as we wake up each day we should turn our first conscious thoughts to our heavenly Father. We begin the day by talking to Him in heartfelt prayer giving thanks for another day and opportunity to serve Him (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Ask for help to be led by His Holy Spirit, the Helper (John 14:16-17), so we can demonstrate obedience to His will and not to our own will during the course of the day’s activities.

2. Attention - Throughout the day, as we experience every interaction whether small or large, give attention to the fact that our heavenly Father is dwelling in our hearts and minds. We can talk to Him in our minds with thoughts that no one else can see or even be aware of -- no matter where we are or what we are doing. At times we may find ourselves so strongly and warmly connected that we are unconsciously smiling. Show God how much we desire to be close to Him and that our attention to His presence is never far away (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

3. Sharing All - Develop an ultra close relationship by telling God everything we think and feel. He already knows it as He knows us intimately (Psalm 139) but it does matter that we want to tell Him ourselves. Be humble, yet warm. Laugh with Him! God has a great sense of humor. Share things you find funny and see how He answers your thoughts and prayers to incorporate humor. Don't leave anything out. Make it a personal dialogue like talking to your best friend. God loves to know that we care so deeply that we are willing to share it all, even the silly stuff that we may think He is not interested in. He is fully invested and interested in every personal detail.

4. Time - Show God our love for Him by giving Him time. Time is so precious and there never seems to be enough to embrace all that we have to do in our busy lives. This is also demonstrated by the agape love we show for others too (Luke 10:27). There are so many ways to show our love through prayers, kind or thoughtful words, acts of service, and just about anything that can help someone we know who may be going through a trial or some difficulty (Matthew 25:34-40).

5. Tuning in with Focus - Part of our communication with God is to quietly listen to His words of guidance and encouragement. These are the times of meditation and Bible study. By making studying the Word of God and meditating upon what we have studied a regular daily habit we are drawn closer to God and we get to know this One we have never seen much more intimately. If we deeply focus on God we will be able to hear His still, quiet voice like Elijah did in 1 Kings 19:12. The weekly Sabbath is a great time to have that extra focus to devote to God without any distractions.

6. Communication with Reasoning - Before retiring to bed and sleep for the night go again to our heavenly Father and sort through all the happenings of the day. Seek out His wisdom and understanding as to how we may have handled things better to glorify Him in our thoughts and actions. Tell Him our desire and need is to have absolute clarity in all that He wants for our lives. As Isaiah 1:18 says, we should be willing to reason together in open, honest communication.

7. Priority Number One - Above all, put God first, before all things (Matthew 6:33). Life just seems to happen and well meaning intentions often fall by the wayside. Practise daily by devoting the best part of your time and attention in worship, praise, thanks and humble prayer until this is automatically part of your routine. Don't get disheartened if you do not achieve what you would like on any particular day. Determine in your heart you will do better the next day. Take one day at a time, and remember, practice makes perfect!

God need not be distant to any one of us. We can all have such an intimate, well connected and developed relationship now, in preparation for the time when we will be privileged to take part in the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, our Savior. Let's all look forward to that time which is coming and delight ourselves with the inspired words of John in Revelation 19:7 "Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready".