Beautiful Attitudes




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Knowing our Father Part Three

Knowing Our Spiritual Father in Heaven - Part Three

He will pour out such abundant Blessings that even the heavens will not be able to contain them

He gives us blessings every day even if we do not realise yet what they are (Deuteronomy 28:1-14)  God protects us with Angels, He gives us His Spirit to help us, He is always watching us and ensuring that we are able to get through the trials and tests before us. Do we look for the little things that really are big things?

Going through our day to day life, we tend to focus on the here and now, the physical and the mental. Maybe we are lacking physically and mentally. Spiritually we have an absolute jam packed treasure chest full of the most precious gems, jewels, and pearls of great price (Matthew 14:45). If you were the richest person in the world you could not purchase what God has given to us.

Our bibles contain words of life. The majority of the world puts no value in this book. We know otherwise. How blessed are we! The things God has done for me I wouldn’t even attempt to try to explain to people of the world...they would simply think I am mentally deranged; maybe a liar, or a crazy person. The readers who have had God intervene supernaturally for them know exactly what I am talking about. Savour these Blessings, and be thankful, and this pleases God.  He makes me joyful with laughter from His sense of humour (my favorite is John 6:66-69)  I can’t tell you the number of times I have been crying my eyes out in despair, utter grief, sadness, or shock from the events that have happened since I was called out of the world. On these occasions when I have picked up my Bible I have just opened the book up somewhere and started reading scriptures I had not planned to read.  The result was God gave me hand picked scripture that made me laugh so much I actually became happy despite the incredible despair I had only moments before.

I couldn’t have organised this myself. I read the scriptures and could see another layer to them.......God’s humour......and Jesus Christ’s humour. I never knew our Father could have perfect humour. Well He does and I deeply appreciate this and love it.  Have another look at Numbers 22 about the story of Balak, Balaam and the donkey. Also Jonah 4:9. There are many, many others, you just have to keep looking for them. Ask God to show you.

His artistry with colours through creation gives me great delight (Genesis 1 and 2; Revelation 21)  I fancy myself as a bit of an artist and colour is a huge part of my life. All the colours are there in His creation. The way He so expertly designs, creates, executes, and exhibits every single piece of coloured brilliance is just perfectly clever beyond words, beyond this limited human realm. Sheer, utter genius! My eyes love to soak up the colours of creation.

Just one example to give you are the corals along the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Take some time to check out the colours of various birds like the bird of paradise, tropical fish, various insects, in particular beetles. You cannot possibly imagine the vast variety and distinctive colors from God’s masterful fingers, imagination and sense of humour.  Aren’t you glad everything is not just one colour? Imagine a totally grey world! Thankfully Father has created all these colours for us to enjoy.

I have come to realize my love of colour began in my early childhood years with the use of coloured pencils for colouring in pictures and drawing. Family members living overseas would send tin cases of various brands to us many times over the years and I would love to just sit there and look at the vast array of colours. Some of these tins had more than 100 pencils in them. I would marvel at how many shades of each colour there could be. My bulging eyes feasted on the graduations of colours, and of course I had my favourites.

As an adult I still love to use colour in decorating, in interior design of the home, and for leadlighting (stained glass windows). Also, I notice how one’s moods are affected by the use of colour. At work we have deliberate use of calming, cool colours in Dementia wards and for the mentally challenged. Lighter blues and greens are best and I guess that is why God made the sky blue and the grass and trees green.

Some colours on people suit them more than others. I am a pink/purple/blue/and black person which means these are the best colours for me to wear.  God’s purpose for colour is manyfold. For enjoyment and beauty of design, functionality, protection, warning, symbolism, comfort, and therapy; stimulation of creativity and pleasure through artistry; eye recognition and memory capability; variety/spice of life, and to display to His children a part of His personality so that we might know Him in this way.

Think of the colours in the rainbow and then realize God did this as a beautiful, symbolic display so that whenever we look up and see one, we will be reminded of His promise and we will be affected by the beauty of its colours (Genesis 9:13) and, hopefully, think on God and thank Him.

Reading about the colours in the temple (1 Kings 6 and 2 Chronicles 3:14) and the colours in The New Jerusalem in Revelation 21:11; 19-21 we learn about another facet of God’s purpose for the use of colour. We were not living when Solomon’s temple stood on the earth but we have every opportunity to see the 12 types of coloured precious stones to the foundational walls talked about in Revelation 21:19-20.

He knows us all intimately and reveals how beautiful we are to Him (Psalm 139:13-16)  Do you know how many hairs are on your head? Well, if you are bald, yes you will know that; none! But for those with hair, we have no idea. God does. He says so in Matthew 10:30 and Luke 12:7.  David had cause to dialogue with God in the whole of Psalm 139 with regard to the fullness of God’s knowledge and presence in our lives. We are precious to Him and our obedience and character form the righteous beauty that is desirable from God.

God mentions more about women’s characters in 1 Peter 3:3-4 and the beauty He finds appealing. Also in Proverbs 31:30.  He will be present at the wedding feast for Jesus Christ And the church (Revelation 19:7)  God our Father will be present in all His glory the day we, His saints, are finally joined in wedded union to our older brother Jesus the Christ. The certain king referred to in the parable of the Wedding Feast is our Father, the Almighty. (Matthew 22:1-2) Finally we will have our Father present to witness our marriage and that is truly one thought which propels me along when things get tough.  There is simply no way I want to miss out on this time! I think on this event and dream about it. I picture it vividly.

I see many people. As yet I do not know who they are. Only God knows. All I know is that the burning desire within me is like a fire. Every day we must collect more and more fuel to add to the fire so that it will never die down. We are to be consumed with zeal and it is not something to hide. It is too difficult to hide (Matthew 4:14-16).

Let’s all stir up our first love and shine brightly knowing that we belong to the ALMIGHTY. The Father who sees all, knows all, and loves us, is just as excited to welcome us into His Kingdom, as we are eager to get there.  Each one of us must picture ourselves there at the wedding supper in our white linen garments ready to join in the biggest celebration of all millennia. God speed that day! Revelation 22:12-17.