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2 Timothy 1:7

Koalas, Kangaroos, And Kookaburras

Some "oldies" may remember the 1970s advertisement on TV that had a catchy jingle named "Football, Meat Pies, Kangaroos, and Holden Cars" — here is a link as a reminder/refresher or to find out just what I am referring to.  It is a bit daggy or cringy but nevertheless it is part of our recent history on some iconic things considered Australiana. - Americans may remember this one, from which the Australian version was copied.
Driving distances in the "mid-North" of South Australia one cannot help but see dead animals usually by the side of the road where Magpies feast on the carcasses.  It is early days yet so we have not seen any dead kangas or koalas to date but we have seen a few dead foxes of the red variety and a live one which thankfully had just run across the road as we made our way home at dusk.  Death is inevitable as much as we may not like it or even dread the thought.  After all, it is the natural order of things so that they can eat and survive.  Thinking about all the dead things seen over the years many have been cats, dogs, wombats, kangaroos, various birds including owls, and then there are those so decomposed or flattened to a pulp, they are impossible to identify.  Despite seeing koalas on the road thankfully none have been found dead, and also the kookaburra which must fly far away from the noisy highways and byways.
Life and death is noticeably reinforced each time long distances are travelled.  It can be a grisly reminder of how short life can be for some, or ignored by others not wanting to face this topic.  Before knowing God and having a relationship with Him enabled through baptism and receiving His Holy Spirit, death was something to be feared by me.  It was shocking to have my mother die when she was only 36 years of age and for my father to tell me that we will never see her again.  When my paternal grandfather died three years prior I was sad but not shocked as he was 30 years older than my mother, reasoning at 66 years of age he had had his life.  That was many years before God revealed to me exactly what His Word actually says.  It was such a revelation to read and understand 1 Corinthians 15 known as the resurrection chapter.  Death now holds no fear because perfect love from God casts out all fear as it is written in 2 Timothy 1:7. According to the English Standard Version of the Bible Proverbs 14:32 says "The wicked is overthrown through his evildoing, but the righteous finds refuge in his death".   Refuge or a place of safety where none can harm us sounds pretty good to me.  Yet there is this spirit in man which wants to live as long as possible when we enjoy good health in order to preserve life at all costs. 
Meditating on life and death is a fascinating subject especially when learning and searching out God's knowledge and wisdom imparted to us throughout the Bible.  Proverbs, Psalms, and Ecclesiastes come instantly to mind.  So many examples to draw from and yet one in particular stands out for me in a huge way — that of King Hezekiah.  He cried and wept bitterly (2 Kings 20:3) when he was told via the prophet Isaiah that he was about to die.  Would we react any differently?  Would we want time to "put our house in order" meaning time to prepare things to help family cope with our absence?   Have you ever thought about such things?  When faced with a terminal illness diagnosis many have been in such a position.  Indeed many now are facing such a trial with tumors, growths, and insidious cancers affecting and threatening their longevity.
Without a strong relationship with God in our lives there would be fear, but when we have Him leading and directing us in all aspects of our daily decisions, we not only rely on His perfect will, we lean on God to help us as He always knows best.  There is great peace in this so we can completely understand that when we cease to draw breath in this life God is the one in charge of ensuring His will is done and it is the best timing always with love and mercy involved.  For who gives life and who takes it away?  Deuteronomy 32:39 and 1 Samuel 2:6 provide the answer emphatically.  Those who know God know what the Bible says in Psalm 90:10-12 "The days of our years are threescore years and ten, or even by reason of strength fourscore years; yet is their pride but labour and sorrow; for it is soon gone, and we fly away" (American Standard Version).  So much comfort to draw from in our Bibles and it is God who definitely comforts us in all our tests, trials, and tribulations of life as it is so reassuringly written in 2 Corinthians 1:3-5.  You may like to read the booklet "What happens after death" to gain further comfort, for there is power in knowledge of the righteous kind given by God — the power to set you free from doubts and fears.

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