Beautiful Attitudes




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Living and Studying For a Masters In Kingdom Preparation

All biblical references pertain to the New King James Version (NKJV) unless otherwise specified.

We are all striving to obtain our qualification. How are you going with the day to day reading of our textbook the Bible while balancing work, study, and the practice of living a righteous life?

Some of us will take longer than others to qualify for a place in God’s Kingdom as a teacher or priest as part of the royal priesthood with Christ (1 Peter 2:5, 9-10) but those who do obtain it will only qualify through their dedication from a lifetime of obedience and service with studies to show ourselves approved (2 Timothy 2:15 AMP Version). There are no shortcuts. Unlike the present system in the world where one can set aside several years, usually 3-4, to study diligently in order to obtain a Bachelor’s degree, God’s elect must invest the whole of the rest of their lives towards this goal. Whether some may take just a few years or even up to 70 years, it will certainly involve the remainder of our lives in order to obtain this qualification. From the moment we are called out of the world until we take our last breath we will be accountable and judged for everything we think, say and do during this lifetime.

We are told to run this race of faith with endurance (Hebrews 12:1). Having strength and great endurance with diligence is mandatory in finishing years of study in order to obtain the prize of a qualification. Likewise when attending university I had faith or the belief that if I invested the required amount of time and energy to study effectively, pass all the tests and exams, and complete all the assignments by the deadlines given, that I would eventually meet all the requirements to obtain a Bachelor’s degree to show prospective employers that I had indeed qualified for work because I had the necessary knowledge and practice behind me. At times I wondered if I could even achieve the award while at other times I felt as if I was in a race and wanted things to slow down so I could catch up. Spiritually speaking, that is precisely where we need to realise we must make the most of each day to build upon our foundations of knowledge never losing sight of our destination, the Kingdom of God. We are told in 1 Corinthians 9:24-25 how to run our race for the ultimate prize.


Once upon a time there were two nurses, each with a Bachelor degree in Nursing from University. Both had careers as nurses for the same employer and that is where they met. The first student had planned to go on to study for an Honours programme leading eventually to a Ph.D. qualification or Doctorate. Her goal was to be a nurse practitioner or medical officer. The second student eventually went on to qualify for a Master’s degree and recently posted some pictures on Facebook clad in her black graduation gown replete with academic cap. She looked so happy and proud of her achievement while posing wearing a black mortar board on her head. These two had been friends for a few years and were genuinely happy for one another in all that they achieved. They humbly rejoiced together.

Both students believed in God but belonged to different churches. One kept the Sabbath while the other worshipped on Sunday. Both felt fulfilled in their lives and had families to look after and care for. They were both very busy people and tried to use their time wisely. Sometimes at work on their breaks they would discuss matters about the Bible but mostly it would be about nursing. One day the discussion was more in depth and they agreed to disagree about a certain topic due to their break finishing. It was considerate and polite banter with student two advising student one that “you are cherry picking” with regards to the matter at hand. The topic that separated their faith was the Sabbath. Now student one knew she had the truth but student two also believed she had God’s truth. While they could agree on many issues like life after death, the one thing they had reached a stalemate on was the day of rest.

When student one’s direction changed after she started keeping the Sabbath, things became more difficult at work which eventually led to her giving up on worldly study in order to invest time in spiritual study. It was an easy decision to make because studying the Bible is unlike any other book as it is supernaturally written by God which means that no matter how many times it is consulted and read with awe and respect, God will reveal deeper meaning as righteous character develops. This was a huge blessing to student one as a single parent because she could not afford the fees associated with further university study. She had hoped to get a scholarship for re-entry into tertiary studies but is now much more content to study spiritual matters freely as nothing compares to the wisdom from above.


To put it plainly and simply the studies the world is involved with are limited. Prior to conversion and baptism, student one had greatly desired to devote the rest of her life to study and even make a career out of further study to the point where she would collect qualification upon qualification, not because it was needed, but rather because she enjoyed studying. After tasting the rich quality of spiritual study, this worldly type of study seemed futile, even prideful, and no longer desired because God has placed on her heart the absolute joy and subsequent peace of studying His Word. This spiritual study is exciting and very fulfilling as one can never get enough. All the times when treasure is found deep within the pages of the Bible it is marvellous and thrilling beyond what words can convey. Without God’s Spirit people do not know what they are missing out on, nor can they — it is a mystery to them and will remain so until their time comes when God will open their minds and hearts to His way.

While somewhat frustrated at the time of the spiritual discussion at work that day when both could not agree, student one has learned to be patient and trust in God to reveal His full message to student two and all those who will come up in the second resurrection like physical family members, friends, and neighbours. There is even scripture about the Queen of Sheba coming up in this resurrection found in Matthew 12:42.

So while being happy for her friend who recently obtained her Masters in Nursing, student one knows without a shadow of a doubt that she has made the right decision to swap her long black robe or academic gown for a pure white linen garment (Revelation 19:8 KJV) as in wedding attire; and mortar board for a crown — the crown of life (James 1:12, Revelation 2:10) which will be given to all those who are now earnestly engaged in seeking God’s coming Kingdom by placing Him first in our lives (Matthew 6:33). Let us therefore be humbly diligent so that our crown cannot be taken away (Revelation 3:11) by any means. Matthew 24:13 states clearly “But he who endures to the end shall be saved”.