Beautiful Attitudes




About The


John 14:27

Maintaining Good Works

Where do I begin with recounting all the blessings given to us during this past week? Firstly, I need to publicly express my humble gratefulness to our most awesome Father who delights in giving us every good gift from above (James 1:17).  Just how great is our God who loves us so beautifully and perfectly for our own good!  (Psalm 66:16).  It is good to declare God’s goodness.  His people know of what this article speaks to, as we all likewise share in an abundance of wonderful blessings too.  If only more people in the world would turn from their present sinful ways now and claim a spiritually and surprisingly awesome relationship with their Creator.  Godspeed that time when they will!
This piece is all about sharing God’s love in a very darkened world which is rapidly coming to the biggest shake-up in all history, even bigger than the flood of Noah’s time, even bigger than the Exodus out of Egypt with Moses leading God’s people to freedom from slavery and cruel oppression at the hands of Pharoah.  These events were absolutely monumental in their time but the Great Tribulation will be the ultimate crescendo of our lives, for those still living to experience the terror it will hold and deliver (Matthew 24:21).  But to those whom God protects, we have been given a supernatural peace that defies our physical existence. 
John 14:27 quickly became of great comfort to me soon after baptism as the trials came thick and fast with dreadful intensity.  This scripture has provided enormous solace over the years as tests and trials come and go, and it especially does so now while we are in the thick of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Initially there was some fear of the unknown on my part while working as a healthcare provider due to living with family, who, if they were exposed through a carrier, could be seriously affected by this virus.  However this initial fear was readily replaced with faith, trust, and peace as I sought strengthening through fasting.  Those brethren who have this great blessing too know precisely of what is spoken about.
God wants His children to have this peace because it frees us from worry, stress and fear.  These counterproductive feelings and emotions are currently very prevalent among neighbours, family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances because they have no idea what the future holds.  How long will the pandemic last?  When can they go back to life as they once knew it?  What if they can’t and this is the new normal until the end of this year, or next?  These are some of the thoughts which are troubling others and causing much anxiety because they continually choose to refuse to seek direction from God.  Fear generally stops people from achieving.  It can be a very immobilising reaction causing a form of physical, emotional, and mental paralysis.  This renders the life potential of one into a stagnant phase that is fruitless.  This result is the exact opposite of what our most loving Father wants and greatly desires for us — to be fruitful, full of good works through actions for others (Titus 3:8;  3:14;  Hebrews 10:24).
Blessings Received Mean Blessings Given
This brings me to the week we have just lived through.  What a week it’s been, full of unexpected delights.  One blessing occurred when we were treated to our bill paid in full by a stranger when we alerted the staff member of a drive-through business to please attend the lady in the car from the lane next to us who was still waiting to be served — after all she arrived first — yet often we notice that people are served out of order depending on how long it takes to get the customer’s order right.  This could easily be solved by rearranging the drive-through area so that staff can see who is next, or through allowing entry with one car at a time rather than the present system of two abreast.  I was taught as a child that “first in, first served” meant just that, but as we know, this world is not set up for fairness and yet it could be with a little more effort.  Anyway, as we drove up to the window we were advised the lady had paid our bill.  We were very surprised as most people do not notice acts of kindness but rather just take whatever they can get when they can get it as they are busy with their own lives.  Her smile and eye contact at us was more than enough acknowledgement and appreciation, but to pay our bill was incredibly kind.
I like the present flow-on effect of slowing down our lives as I do not think this would have happened 3 months ago.  Since the spread of this virus, it has been really heartwarming to hear and see random “Acts of Kindness” as an innovative initiative to bring positive highlights at the conclusion of our TV news service with people thinking more about others in their local area.  One recent clip showed neighbours in their street, including young children, having a great time dancing in the sunshine and laughing...with social distancing of course, while some could still hold hands from the same household!  This certainly brought a broad smile to my face.  One person commented that they hadn’t seen these people (their neighbours) for years.  This friendliness reminded me of how we grew up in the 60s and 70s with kids on their bikes, people gardening outside and mowing lawns, talking over the fence, and with more time at home.  Ordinarily, perhaps we are on our phones, computers and iPads inside too much?  I hope people will get used to this positive aspect and keep some of these healthy things going long after the lockdown finishes.
Next blessing came in the form of being given regular work until at least the end of June because the permanent staff are very busy with extra duties due to screening clients for Coronavirus and all the associated paperwork that goes along with it.  The work I have been given is not very popular amongst the staff because it is very detailed and one needs to pay close attention and focus which is hard to do with many interruptions.  However it is my very favourite of all — documentation — and I get to do it at home!  A double blessing in my eyes.  This would definitely not have happened before Coronavirus.  Now there is plenty of work which is a great blessing for us.  God always provides even if it appears otherwise.  Sadly, many nurses are not getting work due to cancellation of elective surgeries but this is in the process of being lifted and hopefully more work will open up for them very soon.
Blessings continue with the ability to keep on working despite not being vaccinated from Influenza.  All staff must now have evidence of recent vaccination otherwise they legally cannot set foot on the premises without it.  This means if you do, you are breaching mandatory orders and the Police will remove you by force if necessary and a jail term could be served.  Pretty dramatic stuff!  Over the last 3 years I could see where this was going and all it took was another virus to appear before the law was changed.  There is no way I will ever get vaccinated again as I have several allergies as a result of an autoimmune response to these supposed “helpful” vaccinations.  For years I eagerly accepted and gave injections to others but I was ignorant then of the flu shot contents.  Most people including doctors cannot tell you exactly what is in these preloaded syringes yet they willingly accept chemicals into their body thinking they are safe.  People are too trusting and put their faith in laboratory pharmaceutical companies who appear to have our best interests at heart.  Thankfully, my doctor provided me with a letter to give to my employer so that I do not have to get the Flu vaccination (Fluvax) ever again.  It took three attempts to get this letter formulated with exact wording to match up to what the government has specifically decided it needs.  Thank you Father, again.
The next blessing was how God protected me from sustaining a Redback spider bite.  Plenty of people have died from these bites as they are incredibly poisonous.  While I was watering, pruning, and popping the flowers on my Fuschia plant with bare hands and poor eyesight (legally blind) I suddenly noticed a big snail so I called out to my husband to come and get Slimey off my beloved plant.  Then I saw a black spider right next to Slimey — I was off inside immediately to let my human bug killer loose on these pests.  To think I had ruffled that plant all over the place happily taking off loose leaves and buds thinking how lovely it is to do a bit of gardening on the Preparation day.  I very easily could have ended up in hospital, or dead.  Message to self...wear gardening gloves when I do this again in the future.
Once per fortnight we travel for work which commenced this week and stay in nice cabin style self contained accommodation in the country.  My employer paid for two nights even though I worked only one day.  We upgraded and the owners only charged us the upgrade cost for one night instead of two.  That was a lovely bonus.  Pre Coronavirus times this would not have happened as the local library was open and there were plenty of places one could go to, so as to fill in time while their spouse was at work.  Despite all the recent changes with funny or odd rules in place, of which some make no sense at all (one has to laugh it is that cuckoo) there seem to be many things that are working to our advantage.
Enjoying God’s Perfect Sense Of Humour
Another blessing came at the start of the Sabbath while we were watching a sermon on-line when suddenly a knock on the front door startled us as it was dark and we were not expecting any visitors so late at night and not in these times when people are to stay at home.  There was a bag full of hot and cold food made by a take-away restaurant but they had delivered to the wrong house.  The people next door had ordered their evening meal of chicken schnitzels, chips, mashed potato, vegetables, gravy, and salad for two and told us to keep it because the restaurant owner was going to send a separate meal out for them to make up for the delivery driver error.  The funny thing was, we were fasting as our church had declared a worldwide fast for this weekend and we chose the Sabbath to do this as we like to fast on the Sabbath.  Obviously we did not eat it, nor was it a temptation as we had an earlier dinner of the finest Scotch fillet steaks, plus some lovely vegetables of cauliflower, beans, and broccoli in butter.  We were full, surprised, and laughed at the timing of this blessing. 
Then there are all those free cups of cappuccino coffees and bottles of water from major fast food retailers for healthcare workers each day we go through the drive through service.  Soft drinks are also an option if one prefers. Thank you very much as this saves money on the treat of having a coffee daily on the way to work...which is now at home.  It is rather special to have a fancy coffee each day, even two if you would like as they are small in size.  This promotion has been running since late March through to the end of May or thereabouts.  This was another unexpected blessing of being made to feel appreciated as nurses do it tough at times and are often abused.
More blessings came while driving home from the country.  We had always wanted to see a particular town but the opportunity had not presented itself for many months due to time constraints.  This week we finally had the eagerly awaited chance to see Balaclava which was quite sizable and so we stopped at the Post Office.  No sooner had we entered the building, a fiercely wild storm erupted with drenching rain, thunder and lightning.  All inside remarked at how close the thunder sounded.  It was close!  After we purchased some stamps and a Toucan salt and pepper shaker set (the lady dropped one which made a small chip at the back of the bird and then promptly offered $10 off so they cost less than $5 — a blessing within a blessing — we actually privately valued them as worth $25 for what we would pay for them before walking away) the storm stopped as suddenly as it had begun.  We left dry...I hopped over the flooded gutter in the street so my feet would not be under water.  We drove home singing and happy all the way.  Later on when we got home we heard that Balaklava was hit with another storm just after we left and all the power was out.  We felt very grateful and protected by God again.  Of all days, how interesting the day we had planned for so many months, coincided with not one but two fierce storms.  You couldn’t make this stuff up!
We had 20 mm of rain that day when we arrived home and checked the rain gauge.  For Adelaide that is quite a lot and a lovely blessing.  We always need more rain.  While I was typing away at the conclusion of another Sabbath we have had steady rain all day since midday.  More blessings.  No matter the amount, frequency, or the type of blessings God gives to any of us, maintaining good works or acts of kindness (blessings) can be a very exciting thing to do, quite addictive in the best possible way, and so we spent the bulk of our Preparation day delivering some packages of goodies to a few people on our list of needing a “little something” to cheer them up.  This is not shared to boast for it is better left unsaid to be humble and receive a reward later on, but it is said to motivate and to inspire any or all who are in need of spurring on. 
Do you know anyone elderly living in a nursing home, or anyone who cannot drive but needs help with a delivery?  How about someone sick on the prayer list?  Family far away could use a card or an old fashioned letter?  LifeNets always needs funds to help those in poverty around the world too with worthwhile projects.  This past week I saw two men on separate days walking down the street carrying a beautiful flower spray arrangement to give to somebody.  Now that I think about it, that is quite unusual but what a good idea!  Let us all maintain good works and never grow weary of helping others when and where we can as Galatians 6:9-10 tells us.  God is the author of good works, He works tirelessly to bless us and we should follow His example by passing on blessings where and when we can, because we enjoy being blessed and are already most abundantly blessed from above, and it is one way of loving others by showing we care.

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