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Revelation 2:11

Modern Christianity: The Great Disconnect

A Message To All Sabbatarian Christians To WAKE UP

This is a hard message to share because people do not want to hear strong words. The Bible contains a mixture of warnings through strong words but also contains great inspiration and encouragement for those who need it via loving words. However, everything in the Bible is perfectly written in love for God’s people. The question is, will we listen to the strong words as well as the soft words?

As we know from referring to the book of Ecclesiastes, there is a time for both and there is a season for everything. King Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes 12:10 “The Preacher sought to find acceptable words; and what was written was upright — words of truth”. Down through history over and over again, the prophets were told by the people of their day that they wanted to hear smooth or pleasant things, things that are easy to listen to. The reality is that soft words are not necessarily good for us (Isaiah 30:10). We might desire them but we are in effect hardening our hearts to the message God has for us. Throughout Old Testament times we can read of prophets such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Elijah, Nahum, Micah, Habakkuk and Malachi, and so many more who carried the burden of the word of the Lord to Israel.

A prophet’s life would have been difficult, fraught with depression, frustration, many physical challenges, fear or despair, and times of wondering if the people would ever listen to God’s message. But one thing kept them going — an internal drive or knowing that they must do as God asks of them because of their faith.

In these modern times we think we are so far removed from the prophets of old. They are big names written in our bibles and we may feel somewhat disconnected from them. We needn’t feel this way though, as we are following on in their footsteps but just living in very technological times that are different. People remain the same and that is why we can read about and relate to the days of Noah (Genesis 5:32 - 9:28).

Subtle Forms of Compromise Courtesy of the Devil

To say that our enemy wants us to fail is a huge understatement. We have God’s Truth and try as he might he cannot take this away from us unless we allow it. I'm sure everyone would surely agree that we should very strongly resist this as if our very lives depend on it, and they do! We should also say we would do anything to prevent this from happening.

What can the enemy do to cause us to slip or fall? He will tempt us over and over again if we are weak. If we allow God to strengthen us he will flee (1 Peter 5:8-9; James 4:7). Is the devil ever subtle or courteous? Of course he is. He delights in being wily and very subtle hoping we will not see where he is leading us — away from God. He is like the wolf in sheep’s clothing, disguised as something meek and mild rather than cunning and vicious. Trickery and deceit abound, full of lies and flattering words designed to stroke our ears into believing his crafty and subtle lies. One only needs to read of the account in the Garden of Eden found in Genesis 3:1-5 where the devil deceived Eve, and in Matthew 4:1-11 we can read of Satan tempting Jesus. Reading through these two accounts we can easily see how cunning and evil our enemy is with his twisting of words, attempting to appeal to our carnality and sensual desires, mixing in some truth with error instead of plainly speaking what is fully truthful. The devil constantly schemes sinister plans in order to get us away from our Father, and that is why we must keep studying diligently and developing our relationship with Him in prayer.

The Successful Formula for Living in the Last Days

As we know we need to live in this world but be separate from it (John 17:14-18). How are you personally doing? If we intently focus and work on this area where one can so easily stumble, we can make it so much simpler and therefore easier if we practice coming out of the world in all matters each and every day. God is telling us in Revelation 18:4 “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues”. And so we decide in our heart to come out of the world completely — not a little bit, not a lot, but fully. This is the way to living a righteous life.

So many dangers out there as the world is steeped in sinful ways, even revelling in the delight of expressing themselves in words and deeds which are vile, hostile and an abomination to God. We are, as it were, just like in the days of Noah (Luke 17:26-30). We are on the very threshold of God’s soon coming Kingdom. Hold fast, hold tight, and protect yourself by putting on the full armour of God (Ephesians 6:10-18).

Where do we start or continue on with? Examine everything in your daily life. The devil is everywhere controlling the airwaves. Movies, music, radio broadcasts, news, information, internet, and all forms of communication. We are to flee from sexual immorality, any form of indecency, anything that goes against God (1 Corinthians 6:17-20). Throw away everything that has even a shred of compromise. Even a G rated movie may contain blasphemous views, have OMG references, or be sexually suggestive.

When you watch a TV show, a movie, or anything else, be on high alert and pretend you are a movie critic but through the lenses of a follower of Christ. Think about sitting down next to Jesus while watching what you have in front of you. Does it pass the test? If it does mostly, then there is your answer — throw it away as it is not righteous. Be like the apostle Paul in Philippians 3:7-10 where he counted all as rubbish, refuse, filth. We are to be “all in” not 99% in, as this simply is not good enough. Obedience to our Father requires our all. He desires all of us. We were bought and paid for by a price — the death of His Son, our Saviour and Lord, our soon coming King of Kings who has redeemed us (Isaiah 44:22). You can be ready, just take it one day at a time and never let the fundamentals go. Keep building on your foundation and know that it won’t be long now.

May we all have those ears to hear what we need to hear (Revelation 2:11).