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John 21:25

Most Misunderstood Man

Imagine if you will, being invited to a stunning palace set high on a mountain where plenty of guests have arrived to celebrate a special occasion.  You are curious and a bit uncertain.  You have had your hair done, bought a new outfit with matching shoes, ensured there is a gift in your hand to give which you have considered is appropriate, and even had it wrapped professionally with shiny, colourful ribbons and glittering stars inside the cellophane.  All is ready to have the most wonderful time hosted by someone you have heard about but never met.  His reputation is controversial to say the least with vast numbers hating Him, yet also with big numbers loving Him, while some say He does not even exist.  This is not a birthday celebration, nor is it for an anniversary, job promotion, or even a wedding.  Instead it is for a most wonderful occasion, a supernatural event where God the Father has determined that it is time for you to get to know His only begotten Son.  Every single invitee has the option to decline but He is really hoping each will respond affirmatively as the timing is perfect.  After all, you have had a hard few years and have suffered the loss of loved ones, faced financial burdens you did not see coming, and even had health issues despite believing you were doing alright.  Moreover, you have had enough, cannot make sense of many things, feel confused by the events in the world, and just want to escape from all the craziness out there.
So here you are today, waiting at the entrance, about to have this massive door open so that you can enter.  You have never seen such a door exactly like this one -- made from thick glass with only a shadowy hint of what lies behind it -- you find yourself squinting to get a better look inside but no matter how hard you try it still remains blurred and out of focus.  This impervious glass sits encased within ornate wrought ironwork replete with captivating silver and gold filigree of the highest standard reminding you of a beautiful tree surrounded by life giving water rippling in movement.   Curiosity may well be a gross understatement and you feel as though you have no idea about what will happen once you enter, but realise you do have energy and excitement building.  To make things even more curious, the host will not be physically present but will attend nonetheless sight unseen.  Now before the reader thinks this has been written by someone having a few too many glasses of wine, let me assure you that this is a serious subject worth further investigation and is drawn from personal experience.
How can this be?  Easy...think spiritually and supernaturally rather than just physically for we are talking about a man who once came to this earth and lived -- walking, talking, eating, drinking, feeling every human emotion just as we do except He was God in the flesh.  He was born by physical birth through Mary and His step-father was Joseph.  God the Father was able to bring about His birth via miraculous means over 2,000 years ago.  Want to know more?  Reading Luke 2 from the Bible will introduce you to the circumstances of Christ's birth.  The gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John talk about what Jesus did while he grew up and became a man.  He was purposefully sent to earth willingly in order to do many things.  Luke 4:18-19 says "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, (Jesus) because He (God the Father) has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.  He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.”  Further on in this same chapter in verse 43, Jesus Himself says He came to declare to those living that The Kingdom of God is coming.  This Kingdom is not here yet even though we would choose an end to all pain and suffering in an instant, in a heartbeat, but we are now truly at the threshold when Jesus Christ will return to earth at His second coming to usher in The Kingdom of God -- there is no time to waste as it is not far off because our years of physical life are limited.
For those with curious minds, the gift brought to the momentous event written about in this piece of writing, was none other than a book.  Not just any old book -- this was an autobiographical personal work of all the things you ever said and did throughout your existence before God truly entered your life for the first time by revealing Himself to you.  Just how is this possible?  You will quickly learn that ALL things are possible with God (Matthew 19:26).  God already knows us so well but wants us to know Him well in having a close, personal relationship with Him and share everything we are thinking, saying and doing daily with a willing heart in a humble child-like attitude.  The point is that God already knows our hearts but He desires us to want to share all in prayer as we pray to Him, which is our main form or method of communication.
When you carefully considered a gift you mulled over thoughts of bringing expensive wine which were quickly rejected because you heard that the host actually owned all the vineyards in the world and was a Master Vigneron and Vintner.  Indeed, Jesus Christ's first recorded miracle involved changing water into wine (John 2:1-11) outshining in quality and perfection every Sommelier's efforts who ever lived and chose this profession for all time.  Other considerable gifts of trinkets and ornaments for avid collectors were also quickly dismissed because you really had no idea what your host liked or what his taste was, and despite your lack of knowledge one thing was clear -- He was known to be able to acquire anything He desired because He was extremely rich.  It was no effort for Him to be able to own castles, mansions, fancy cars, jets, or anything He wanted.  One could say that accumulating objects were not important to Him, however above all else of that which He truly wanted and desired was a large family and have you be part of this family known as the God family.  Your life has a purpose, a great purpose for which you may be only realising this now.  You were not created and made to waste your life in meaningless and worthless pursuits, but to live an abundant life because Christ came (John 10:10).  He suffered for us, died the most cruel death to pay the ultimate price for our sins so that we might live.  Just know if nothing else that you are deeply loved so preciously by your Creator Jesus Christ who created all things, in perfect harmony with God the Father.  God's love contains power and blessings.
Purchasing and reading the Bible will be one of the best investments you could ever make.  The New King James Bible is my personal favourite of all versions and came highly recommended to me from my pastor at the time when God was trying to get my attention in order to initiate a relationship with me.  I tend to stay away from more modern versions such as NIV (New International Version) and NLV (New Living Version) as these change the meaning of some scriptures.  One of the most interesting scriptures to think and meditate upon is found at the end of the book of John in John 21:25 "And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.  Amen".  Astonishingly brilliant, a masterpiece of work from genius origins, unlike any other book ever written is how some would sum up the 66 books within that make up the Holy Bible.  The Bible is indeed God's inspired Word and the more you read it the more wisdom you will glean from it.  It will delight you, astound you, bless you, amaze you and give you all that is missing in your life through personal examples from others who wanted to get to know their Saviour.  It is an instruction manual, the perfect textbook you need to reveal what to do to please God and improve your life, and also what not to do.  While reading from cover to cover is a great journey, perhaps start with the book of Proverbs with one a day as there are 31 of these and 5 Psalms each day, this will balance out nicely each month.  Then repeat this over and over again -- you will be surprised many times over when things happen in your life and you have cause to say "this situation reminds me of Proverb”-- you fill in the blank.  And the comfort the Psalms bring will only deepen your relationship with Christ as you get to know all about Him. 
The following links are provided for further reading in order to help you on the most exciting journey of your life which will never be the same again.  There are many other booklets to read if you decide to build upon your knowledge, however these below would be good starting points in order to make sense of immediate issues troubling or perplexing you right now.  May God bless you in these very difficult times when confusion seems to be the new normal rather than the exception.  Getting to know the most misunderstood man who ever lived on earth will bring great peace, joy, and love to you if you choose to make the effort. All it takes is a willing heart to begin.

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