Beautiful Attitudes




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Mount Kosciuoszko

Mt Kosciuoszko And Beyond

Long, long ago in a very different time in the land "down under" we were taught at school about Australia's highest peak which stands quite majestically in the state of New South Wales.  Six decades into my life while driving to the Feast of Tabernacles 2022 we caught a few quick glimpses of this mountain for the first time.  Our journey through thick, heavy fog replete with significant precipitation (which added to the "adventure") set in throughout daylight hours to hang suspended in the atmosphere low lying enough that one felt like they could reach out and touch it.  It was well into the afternoon when we traversed the Snowy Mountain Road on our way to the Feast of Tabernacles location in Merimbula for 2022.
It was quite something to realise that even during the month of October there was still such cold, wet weather with dense "pea soup" fog, which I suspected lasted all day and night.  Instantly images of "Picnic at Hanging Rock" came to mind.  The surroundings were dark and mysterious, the road steep and winding with, would you believe, several roadworks present and a massive truck in front of us leading the way at a safe speed of about 20 km/hr during the slow and treacherous descent.  Navigating to avoid literally hundreds of potholes it was inevitable to at least hit one or two especially when they straddled both sides of the lane we travelled in and traffic on the other side of the road was present.  This seemed to be the repetitive pattern when widespread holes in the road were at their worst on long stretches of roadway painted with double lines present.  At this late stage of the journey a couple of obligatory road signs warned us of impending danger therefore the usual speed had been reduced significantly. 
Concentration was key with eyes intent on what lay ahead.  Water over some damaged spots concealed the danger beneath.  Thankfully not even one animal ventured out to present further challenges, therefore no animals were harmed on our travels from South Australia through Victoria until we entered into New South Wales, our final leg of the journey.  This is one of the prayer requests consistently offered up to our great God and He knew that this would test me beyond my limits.  By the time we arrived at our Feast site there was barely enough time to unload the car and get a few meager supplies from the local Woolies before sunset announced the beginning of the Sabbath.  We then entered our accommodation so enormously grateful after two very full days of travelling, which incidentally broke my current record of solitary driving.  It gave a new and deeper meaning to me for "coming out of Egypt" as we faced many hurdles while Jim had to wear a full leg brace due to fracturing his patella (knee cap) in half on the 16th day of September just 10 days before the Feast of Trumpets.
Once we were able to consult with others we came to realise that we were not the only ones to have challenges along the way as some had their flights delayed and were sent further afield to Sydney instead of the original booking for Canberra which meant much longer time travelling by road transport thereafter.  Others, like us, had to change our routes due to extensive flooding in central New South Wales near Wagga Wagga (pronounced Wogga Wogga) and areas around Bathurst where the famous car races are held annually.  The ongoing deluge and sheer volume of rainfall threatened the safety of those drivers wanting to participate on the track in unusually dangerous conditions for the first time in 44 years, it was announced on the news. 
For those of us who were able to attend the opening night of the Feast we kept on saying "we made it", "we are here", and marvelled at just how difficult things had been which had tested us to our limits as we exchanged particulars relating to our personal accounts.  It would be no exaggeration to mention that many prayers were said in grateful thanks to our awesome God for His wonderful help in times of trouble.  To me it felt like major interference from our enemy the devil to throw all it could or was allowed to in our path to thwart plans to attend the Feast of Tabernacles.  For two years we were prevented from crossing borders and now they have been flung wide open and the enemy must hate it that we can all be together again.  Too bad because we are going to be together to rejoice even despite some missing the memorable opening night address by Mr. Rick Shabi our current President of The United Church of God, but thankfully this has subsequently been placed online to view.
Rejoicing has eagerly begun and will continue in earnest as we marvel and come to understand how powerfully Omnipotent our God is, how loving, how merciful, how generous and perfect in all that He does.  Indeed there is absolutely nothing — nothing is too hard for our God.  This is beautifully humbling and precious to us as children of the Most High.  The Holy Spirit stirs us into being ready, alert listeners so that we can become more and more like our Saviour Jesus the Christ.  We crave and thirst for every Word from which we draw our spiritual sustenance.  This will be our best Feast to date because we are here to rejoice and delight in serving our spiritual family members with the Agapé love God is pleased with. 
Perhaps God wanted to see just how much we all desire to attend His Feast after being unable to be physically united due to the recent restrictions imposed on all of us during 2020 and 2021?  Never before have we had to strive so hard to get to the Feast, therefore it has been a huge test for us this time with many lessons there for us to learn from as we came out of the world.  This sounds dramatic and it was as we were about to be rear ended on the road near Melbourne in thick, heavy traffic during peak hour time.  The only plausible explanation that fits is protection from God's miraculous intervention in order to get us to the Feast for which we are most soberly thankful yet again.  We definitely were grateful to avoid whiplash and a vehicle going nowhere.
We arrived with wet clothing in wet suitcases as the newly purchased tarpaulin wrapped around these on roof racks became damaged due to extreme weather conditions for this time of year.  The swanky hotel we stayed in on our first night had a full car park (yes, apparently there is such a thing) so we were promptly told to park on the street or in a loading zone which risked parking fines.  Needless to say we were not about to break the law, therefore at an extremely late hour in the dark of night my dear husband had no other option than to remove the suitcases from the roof of our car so that our possessions could remain safe in our hotel room overnight.  With a broken knee cap this was the last thing he needed.  Small issues such as these seem almost insurmountable when exhausted, in pain due to injuries, lack of good sleep, and other medical conditions that hinder efficiency.  Yet these minor setbacks are the very things that build character while we need to shine our lights by exercising self control with positive attitudes in this very dark world.
What was obvious on our trip this time in comparison to previous years gone by was the number of noticeably stressed out people living in this world in times of uncertainty and change.  In these brief moments of interaction with others all we could do was give them a smile with meaningful eye contact, a kind thank you as we were given a cup of coffee, or a tip placed in their hand at a restaurant as we were graciously served.  Each and every time the person concerned seemed to be encouraged or their countenance improved immediately which was important and valuable feedback confirming that they were indeed suffering (lack of staff for one thing) and appreciated our actions.  No wonder God says to be mindful and focus on serving others rather than thinking about or making ourselves the priority, because once we do that we are not feeling sorry for our situation.  Outward focus helps others and we are blessed as a result, not that we seek this, but it is a pleasant and welcome byproduct as it were that comes from God as we try to comfort others.  Scripture reminds us in Matthew 5:14-16 "You are the light of the world.  A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.  Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.   Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven".
So for us this year there were some mini trials along the way that did not make any sense at the time, however they certainly made sense afterwards, usually in the benefit of having extra time for what lay ahead of which we had no idea about but God knew and knows all, sees all, and is always there with us to help, to pray to, consult, reason together, and comfort us in our tests and trials.  Learning to expect the unexpected, to not have high expectations, and to accept setbacks graciously seemed to be the theme of our journey this year.  Now with that behind us we share in the great joy of experiencing hearty fellowship with those of likemind of whom we have not seen for years, with those we do not yet know, and all others we will share time with during this Feast for 2022.  Of course we have no idea, but God knows whether this will be our last Feast therefore it is up to us to show Him just how much we do appreciate being able to attend and live each day rejoicing meaningfully both spiritually and physically as He has blessed us to be able to be here.  Isaiah 2 and Micah 4 sum it up nicely for us as we have come up to the mountain of the LORD where He will teach us His ways in the latter days so that we can be ready to serve by teaching others in the world to come once Christ ushers in the Kingdom of God.

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