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Hebrews 11:1

Now I Know

A comment during recent Sabbath fellowship was made to me about a Christian's concern for future times of testing and trial involving whether they would be able to do the right thing or not under pressure.  Their insight and wisdom was amazing and refreshing in my eyes as this member was just recently baptised.  Thinking about my journey, I was the one much like Cephas known to us as Simon Peter in the Bible, who was well known for speaking out without fear, making bold statements such as the heartfelt declaration in Matthew 26:31-35.  Peter meant what he said at the time with full conviction and his intentions were good, but he was not prepared for such an event as we know the outcome where he denied Christ not once or twice, but three times.  Mark 14:27-31 provides this account in further detail -- notice that even though these words initially came from Peter's mouth, all the apostles readily agreed by following his example.  It is much easier to say we will do this or that but the proof really is in the doing.  We can all be brave when in times of peace and safety but we cannot anticipate how any calamitous events will actually transpire therefore it is best not to say "I would never do such and such" even though we really believe and mean what we are saying at the time.  We simply do not know how suddenly testing may occur to catch us off guard, or the degree of it despite our best efforts in thinking, planning, or meditating upon what we would do in Peter's situation.  Imagination is one thing, while actually doing what we say we will do is quite another.  Remember the repeated "We will do all that You say" exclamations made to God by the Israelites after they left Egypt and wandered in the wilderness for 40 years – yet they failed over and over again by being unfaithful in idolatry.
Some of us relate to Peter while others do not.  I love Peter's genuine zealousness and great enthusiasm in following Christ.  He was an all or nothing type of man who wanted no part of the world's ways and we are reminded of this in scripture found in John 6:66-68.  Dear Peter loved Jesus Christ with all his heart, mind, and strength, yet his flesh was weak much like our flesh and Christ knew this, that is why our Saviour said what he did in Matthew 26:41 and Mark 14:38.  The Christian's concern is a valid one over whether we would be strong or weak in times of testing.  This is a mature approach while considering the best response -- the one we know we should make that is required and much preferred over the weak choice which would be tempting to make in an instant, in a heartbeat, when called for under extreme duress.  Do we really know ourselves?  Obviously I did not when called, yet on our journey to God's Kingdom in this life we have time because God gives it to us in order to get to know ourselves through the tests and trials He allows.  This occurs simultaneously while we study all about our heavenly Father and His firstborn Son, Jesus the Christ who died for our sins, as we traverse the world by lining up with all of His laws and commandments in the Bible.  Through this close relationship we have with God and value more than anything else, we will definitely come to know what we are made of learning from our mistakes, drawing strength from Him rather than relying on ourselves as we are not yet made perfect, and must resist to overcome sin and our carnal human nature that naturally wants to take matters into our own hands by having our own way.  Instead, we should be telling God the Father by echoing Christ with these heartfelt words "Nevertheless, not my will, but Your will be done".  This is part of our lifelong pursuit in showing faithful obedience to God made possible by the indwelling Helper given to us upon baptism. 
How are you coping over the last couple of years?  Lots of "ups and downs" to be sure and days where we want to hide or run away like Jonah, yet it won't do us any good and we will just make matters worse.  We must stay the course and keep on keeping on.  Endurance is key while we fortify our hearts and minds in God's Word with passages such as 1 Peter 4:12-13.  Reading the Bible daily and going to our Father in prayer with heartfelt words knowing that God understands our struggles and is always ready to help (Romans 8:26-27) makes perfect sense.  The most complete example of faith is of course from our Saviour, Jesus Christ giving up His supernatural divinity to live without sin and die such a torturous death for us while we are all still sinners (Romans 5:8).  Reminding ourselves daily of Christ's sacrifice is important and where we need to start each morning in grateful thanks as it should never be taken for granted or ignored.  In just a few weeks, the holy day season beginning with Passover and then followed by the Days of Unleavened Bread gives us an annual and timely reminder, together with a most profoundly moving and powerful memorial of what occurred in Jerusalem almost 2,000 years ago. 
Then we come to the memorable example of Abraham, known to us as the father of the faithful from Genesis 12 through to 22:12 where the words "Now I know" are recorded for us to consider.  Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Issac in obedience to God, completely trusting in Him, knowing that the promise of eternal life, for which resurrection from the dead would need to occur in order to live again, was certainly real.  It was this belief and trust without any shred of doubt that carried Abraham through the biggest trial of his life. Abraham knew that there was nothing too hard or impossible for God to do and He would come through with restoring life for Isaac (Hebrews 11:17-19).  This is a rock solid approach which brings great comfort and peace to those who really know God and who exercise their faith (John 14:27).
Faith is a big topic so we need to understand where our faith is because, as we may know, it is impossible to please God without it as stated in Hebrews 11:6.  So what are we to do?  Allow God to build your faith, in faith building moments.  Start with reading Hebrews 11 to learn about men and women of faith and what they did which should inspire you.  Whatever we go through God will always be there with us and for us, fighting our battles with our enemy the devil as the world disintegrates further into chaos and confusion.  Now more than ever before in our lifetime we can see very clearly the insanity perpetrated by Satan as we watch world events over the last month as parts of Europe have been actively gearing up for war.  Russia is flexing her powerful muscles in order to intimidate the Ukrainian people.  Eastern parts of the Ukraine through fear have already capitulated to threats from President Putin which have been described by the Australian Prime Minister as unprovoked bullying tactics.  As I write this, alarmingly the Ukraine is surrounded to the north, south and east — war has begun.  All the people can do is escape to the west into Poland or stay put.  The scary thing is there are those who indeed want to see World War III in the days and months ahead as nations battle for power wielding pride as they push their way forward.  While we do not see the enemy at work, we certainly see the trouble he causes through planting seeds of hate and division amongst peoples and nations.  Whatever the governments in Russia, Ukraine, or China decide to do, it is always the everyday citizens that suffer and pay the price.  The more we pay very close and careful attention by listening with "ears to hear" to God's Word and do what He says, the better off we will be. 
We may not be at war such as we see overseas with shells flying overhead and bombs dropping, but no doubt it has already affected the world with huge oil price hikes causing us to pay a whopping $2 per liter at the pump. The world is under attack with vulnerable parts including Taiwan also under heavy pressure to give up their national benefits to a power hungry China who has so much to answer for, like a hungry dragon rampaging geographical neighbours such as we have seen with Japan and the islands in the South Pacific seas.  Due to the faithful obedience of Abraham, Australia and the English speaking nations have enjoyed great abundant blessings from God.  However, some of us have had to give up homes, family, friends, and jobs, in addition to all giving up our selfish will and pride in order to follow God.  While it is not easy God helps us to do these things to ensure we remain humble.  As we know, Abraham did so and was blessed mightily through his willing sacrifice (Hebrews 11:8-10).  Scripture tells us God will replace all these things in Luke 18:28-30 where once again we have an interaction between Christ and the apostle Peter..."Then Peter said, 'See, we have left all and followed You'.  So He [Christ] said to them, 'Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or parents or brothers or wife or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, who shall not receive many times more in this present time, and in the age to come eternal life' ". 
No matter how things transpire overseas and even around us back home there is no need to be troubled.  God does not want us to be troubled or fearful when we hear about wars and rumours of wars (Matthew 24:6-7) — instead we are to be in preparation mode like harmless doves, wise as serpents (Matthew 10:16) for ours is truly a spiritual battle (Ephesians 6:10-18).  If your faith is wavering or shaky, start praying with words such as "Father, I believe, help my unbelief".  We must stay strong and allow God to prepare us while we fight this spiritual battle now in order to help all those who have ever suffered from the effects of war.  These people will need us to teach them how to live God's way in the future after their resurrection and we need to be there for them.  Perhaps you may like to strengthen your mind and resolve by reading an online booklet that can help you for the times ahead by clicking on the following link:

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