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No Thanks Trick Or Treaters

October 31: Frightening Fun With Devilish Delights For Some

What could be so bad or harmful about everyone having some fun in dressing up and collecting candy treats? Isn’t it that time of year when kids of all ages get excited to see what they can get from others? Groups of children walking up and down their neighbourhood streets holding plastic bags or colourful buckets shaped like pumpkins ready for the big haul of goodies. Some look like ghosts, goblins, ghouls, witches, black cats, skeletons, monsters, devils, or vampires, while others dress up in anything else decidedly scream-worthy for exclamations of surprise or even words of admiration. Each trying to out-spook the other. Blood capsules are popular, black eyes, and makeup up that covers the face to emulate the pallor of death from being in the grave for a short spell. I have yet to smell any moving decaying bodies but perhaps that may be the next best marketing idea so that more money can be spent by these brainwashed kids and clueless parents who get sucked into further spending. Sounds rather catchy doesn’t it...SPRAY ON DECAY...ONE SMELL AND YOU'RE GONE.

Well hold onto your is that time of year again! When we returned home from our extended journey after this year’s Feast we were greeted by a home made note which had been deposited in our letterbox announcing an invitation to join in — you guessed it — Halloween activities. My first response was certainly not that of difficulty trying to contain youthful excitement, nor was it that of stifled self control in anticipating aiding others in this night of so called fun, but one of dread. Yes — pure and simple — unwelcome frivolity at the expense of others. I know of many others who go out for the night so the “visitors” cannot visit. Others turn off all their lights and make no noise so the visitors will think nobody is home and just go away. Then there are this other group...the ones who stay at home, watch TV and make noise in whatever activities they usually do, answer the door if required to do so, but refuse to participate and risk having eggs thrown about or whatever else these devilish visitors decide to do. I tend to gravitate towards this group. One year not so long ago I remember placing United Church Of God booklets entitled “Holy Days or Holidays” on the front door stating the facts of why Halloween is not a good idea. Needless to say that none were taken. That was a little disappointing. Never mind, it seemed like a good idea at the time. I did try.

Getting back to the invitation in question, it said that they wanted their “kids to have a fun and safe trick or treating experience around the circuit” (personally I believe a safe Halloween is an oxymoron...there is no such thing. A price will have to be paid eventually, if not straight away). We live in a circuit which is like a cul-de-sac or court. It is a no through road so it is very quiet with only a few slow cars entering and exiting daily mainly from residents and some friends/relatives. Hence the appeal of having a Halloween party in our circuit. Now that I think about it this issue was void when living along a street, road, avenue, parade, crescent, drive, or anywhere else for that matter that was an access through road.

These parents were even so kind as to offer to provide the treats to us instead of anyone having to take the time and effort to purchase the goods and eliminate all costs. Very considerate. There were three check boxes to choose from with the last one saying “We do not wish to participate”. Without needing to give any thought to this matter we immediately checked this one off as our choice. But then we realised we were too late to send it back to them before the party as we had been away on extended travels. Oh well! I forgot to mention the Halloween party has already come and gone. It seems as though Halloween can be celebrated whenever people decide it suits them and last Saturday night was the night. Reminds me a bit of celebrating xmas in July and anywhere in the month of November, December or January as people do get really busy and booked up. Nothing like trying to fit in several xmas celebrations. The more the merrier...right? Or so they think.

I actually do not think the devil would mind too much when people worship him by celebrating his festivals. As long as they worship him they serve their wicked master. The only problem is they have no idea they are doing this. That is why they are clueless, deceived, and tricked into believing it is all just harmless fun. How do I know this? Because I was one of them once upon a time when I had young children (Ephesians 2:1-3; 5:8-14). Yes I did the most stupid thing of inviting other school age children over to a Halloween party at our family home because I just wanted the kids to have some “harmless fun”. One parent chastised me over the phone saying I was worshipping the devil, satan, the father of evil. At the time I was dumbfounded at her outburst. I really thought she was “off her rocker” or out of her mind. How the tables have turned. Now that the veil of deception has been lifted from my eyes I clearly see the truth of what she said. That was some 25 years ago. How I would love to revisit that time with the wisdom I have now. The thing is I did not know any better and neither do they. However those who do know better have the responsibility of informing those who are ignorant (Acts 26:15-18). If someone asks me why I am averse to celebrating Halloween I will respond with the Truth. It is then for the individual to decide how to proceed. We all have free will from God. He is the one who gave it to us when we were created.

Magnetic Pulls Of The Malevolent Master

Halloween is one of Satan’s festivals. God has 7 annual holy day festivals so Satan wants his share too as he is full of competition, and jealously envies God and Christ. Apart from Halloween, the others are Xmas, Easter, Valentine’s day, New Year’s Eve, All Saints Day, and Walpurgis Night/May Day (30 April/1 May). Notice that these mostly fall within the colder or winter months of the northern hemisphere. Pagan worship, which was steeped in superstitions down through the ages, occurred in line with the winter solstice and incorporated sun worship hence the 25th day of December was chosen to be Christ’s birthday as the sun worship was transferred over to Son worship. Christ was not born on this day. It was a mere convenience from the rulers who put this decree into practice thereby making it law, and the people obeyed. Except for a remnant few who remained true to God the Father and Jesus Christ.

Conversely God’s holy day festivals begin with Passover, then Days of Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles, and The Last Great Day (Leviticus 23). These festivals fall between April and October. None of God’s festivals occur in winter time in the northern hemisphere and they are full of light rather than darkness.

The fact is a deceived person does not know they are deceived. They need to look into things for themselves and actively try to prove or disprove that Halloween is something to stay away from. Those who are deceived will not see the danger they are in but instead only see the surface which incorporates feelings of fun, excitement and getting candy or whatever goodies are given. On this premise let me draw from a few analogies to consider taking in a broader perspective.

One reason vegans do not want to eat meat is because they want the animals to live. Another reason could be they believe it is healthier due to all the hormones, antibiotics and chemicals that may be used in feed or treatments to the animals which in turn enter our delicate and finely tuned systems. Valid points.

People who like to be fit and active and enjoy sporting activities believe it is important to exercise daily or at least regularly. If they skip training due to various reasons they feel they have missed out and that things are not in balance or how they should be. It does not take long to get deconditioned. So they are eager to get back into the swing of things again by regaining lost fitness. It is good to be healthy and active. We all know the saying “Use it or lose it”.

People who volunteer their services for free in whatever capacity are giving to others in an unselfish attitude of helping. Their time and efforts are greatly appreciated by various aged care facilities, Meals-on-Wheels and so forth. Volunteers are precious and always needed to fill the gaps of where funds and manpower run short. It is a very noble thing to do if one has the time, ability or inclination.

No one would think being vegan, athletic or fit, or volunteering has anything to do with deception because the individuals have spent time researching backgrounds and needs and have come to an informed decision. So shouldn’t you do some research into Halloween to see for yourself how macabre and evil it is? Surely you do not want to actively involve yourself in anything that has demonic connections (Isaiah 5:20). Would you draw the line with Ouija boards because something unwanted might happen? People enjoy being scared to a certain point. The problem is Halloween does not overtly show anyone the harm behind its mask. You have the power to remove the black and orange mask of Halloween. There are plenty of informative historically based articles. Why not get the facts for yourself? Don’t you really want to know what Halloween is all about? It is so much more than candy and dressing up.

Having fun is fine but not when it has demonic origins. There is plenty of fun to be had in many other forms which are actually safe. It really is time for you to be fully informed (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22). Once you are, then there is no going back to this festival of fear and fright masked as harmless fun. Don’t you owe it to yourself to at least make an informed decision? Or do you want to be ignorant for the rest of your life thinking it really doesn’t matter, it is just kiddy stuff after all? What if you are wrong? In fact it really does matter. Every choice you make matters. It may not seem like it now while things are fine but the consequences will catch up with you.

By the time you read this we will have had to experience two unwanted nights of Halloween this year, a first for us, because of the real night on October 31st and the one that fitted rather conveniently onto last weekend for the family who held the street party. The other first for us this year is that until the day before Halloween when we had occasion to go into Police Headquarters on another matter entirely, we found a selection of leaflets or notices free for the taking to place on the front door. The notices were prepared by the police for the public to use regarding Halloween. With pleasure I eagerly took the one appropriate for us and have provided the image here attached to this article. I have always appreciated the police force but now even more so.

God warns us as a loving protective Father does, that we are to heed his warning in Leviticus 19:31 and in Deuteronomy 18:10-12. Stay safe and as far away from Halloween as you can get! Have nothing to do with the devil’s playground because it will kill you in the end.