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Isaiah 45:22

One Coronavirus Cure

As remarkable as the title of this article would seem, it is true that there is only one real cure for the Coronavirus.  For that matter, the same cure is available for every cancer, and for all other illnesses one can think of.  These are big statements to make but nonetheless true.  Incredibly, the cure cannot be found with lofty bank accounts, nor with any other physical medicine money can buy.  Forget about any vaccines which are full of man-made chemicals that were never intended to be injected into human flesh.  So what is the cure?  Before this is divulged to you...tell me...would you accept this cure if you knew what it was?  It is free and there is no price.  The cure is waiting to be acted upon for each and every human who chooses to believe in this cure and then does something about it.  The only thing is, you would have to change your whole life around.  Intrigued?  Want to know more?  For now, a little patience as it will soon be revealed.
Life as we know it has changed — no argument there.  Do you like the new normal where we stay at home and only venture out now and again to quickly obtain some necessary supplies?  Rather reclusive is it not?  Seems quite unreal, but real it is.  Life was not meant to be like this, cocooned away, but now here we are.  How long will this go on for?  Six months or perhaps even a year?  What can we do about it?  Our leaders around the world attempt to present a brave front while disseminating information without alarming the masses too much, but just enough to get the impact of the message across to us.  Some readily comply, others scoff and rebel, some are not sure but play it safe anyway, while others pretend everything is the same and just go about things as if nothing has happened...these are likened to the ostriches with their heads in the sand.  How about you?  Which category do you fall into?
It Didn’t Need To Be Like This
Have you asked yourself why is this happening?  Many have.  The answer is simple.  While our leaders all promise that this is temporary and “we will all get through this together” and “you just have to do your part” the real issue is they really do not have all the answers.  Yes, they rely on data from health professionals such as infectious disease experts, immunologists, epidemiologists, virologists, scientific and technical personnel,  statisticians, and many others to provide a plan to thwart the spread of this virus, but they know that this is all, best case scenario, an educated guesstimate. 
In retrospect, if we look at the Australian Prime Minister’s speech several weeks ago, we see that what he was saying did not really make sense and it was confusing — he said to go about our business as usual, go to the footy, play in the parks, see your friends and relatives, go have a meal with them — yet, suddenly this was then retracted because the experts realised that this was erroneous information.  The virus was spreading very quickly and with veracity through people to people contact.  All humans make mistakes, we are fallible, but some paid the price with their lives.  After closing many businesses such as pubs, clubs, restaurants and cafés, realisation set in that the economy was under threat.  Australian borders were then closed not long after.  Words such as recession, bankruptcy, downturn, property foreclosures, the Great Depression, economic crisis, have all been tossed about, debated upon and discussed at length.  Does everything have to be about money?  It is an extremely difficult balancing act to juggle health vs. economy.  It would be such an economic nightmare to figure out how to formulate and steer the packages equitably for those who have lost jobs.
We listen to our leaders who speak about the pride they have in their people, their country, the relationships forged between other countries such as China for trade.  These words sound nice but they are not the solution.  Pride is certainly not helpful in these times of suffering (Proverbs 11:2).  Remember the saying...pride goes before a fall?  Look where we are now.  The amount of times people on TV have said that they do not trust China to release with accuracy the true numbers of fatalities from this deadly COVID-19 or Coronavirus, or even how many people have been infected, are so numerous I have lost count.  Indeed this virus was initially covered up because China has great national pride in desiring to be the best in the world, have the biggest army, the most weapons, supplying the rest of the world in manufacturing goods and industry like no other.  There is so much information out there to decipher from, on how this virus started, but on one thing all can agree — it originated in Wuhan, China.
I seem to remember that not too long ago Xu Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party Of China, President of the People’s Republic Of China, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, in front of seemingly never ending numbers of national troops on TV, declared to the world that his country was a mighty force to be reckoned with.  Oh the pomp and ceremony with many red coats and fierce features dictating to the world that China is supreme!  It was an arrogant, flashy display of pride.  Reminds me of Nebuchadnezzar before God gave this mighty leader an attitude adjustment in ditching his pride.  You can read of this interesting account in Daniel 4.  King Nebuchadnezzar was full of pride before being reduced to having the mind of an animal for 7 years.  God mercifully returned him to his previous state, and at the conclusion of this chapter, the king then declared that God can do anything, even abase or lower a king who is prideful.  Similarly, like Nebuchadnezzar, Xu Jinping is full of pride as well as relishing in his power to display the full intent of his dictatorial ways on the poor people who have been taught from a very young age to serve their leader without question.  Xu is an advocate for socialism which we know does not work and is detrimental to any group of citizens.  However, God can break the pride of his power in an instant if He so chooses.
I’m So Sorry, Please Help Us
Yes God can do anything (Matthew 19:26).  God can remove the Coronavirus before you can say COVID-19.  Better yet there are 3 words you can say with meaning that will provide the cure.  “I’m so sorry” is just the beginning.  This needs to be said on our knees with heartfelt meaning.  Simple...anyone can do this….but will you?  This is known as repentance.  Repentance is to say we are wrong, we are sorry, we need your help.  God can remove this terrible disease of affliction.  He has allowed this to happen in order to get people to stop, think, turn or change from their present sinful ways and start to live the right way in obedience to His commandments.  Remember the 10 commandments?  They are listed in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5.  It means no more abortion, no more homosexuality, no more same sex marriages, no more changing laws to suit what everyone thinks is right in their own eyes (Judges 17:6;  Deuteronomy 12:8).  It is not too late.  We are in the time of a serious wake-up call.
Instead of relying on pride in each other, our abilities, and in our country we would do much better to pray to God.  Our leaders claim to know God but do they really?  They talk about him, some are not ashamed to cry in public and tell God they are deeply sorry for the sins committed, but it needs to be a worldwide collective effort.  If only they would all pray each day privately, together in their working groups, and declare a national day of fasting in humble sincerity in order to show God that we don’t want to go on like we have been and that we will remove all the sinful actions which are against the 10 commandments, then we are starting off on the right foot.  We each need to be filled with remorse, our hearts full of contrition.  The peoples of the nations in this world are required to empty themselves of their pride, their hard headed and stubborn ways, and go to God and seek Him while He may still be found as the Bible says in Deuteronomy 4:29;  Isaiah 45:22;  Ezekiel 14:6;  and Jonah 3:8.
Yet God sees that the people remain stiff-necked or hard-hearted.  They want their own way.  This is how it has been down through Millenia and God is not going to put up with it for much longer.  We see it in the behaviours of so many who refuse to social distance, just pushing ahead of queues to get what they want off the shelves, grabbing as much as they can, thinking to themselves “as long as I’m alright Jack it doesn’t matter about anyone else”.  This is the opposite of God’s way which is full of love and concern for others.  Those that grab their fill now are just unwitting fools doing exactly what the devil wants all of humanity to do...attack one another to fight for the survival of the fittest.  The thing is though, and one very important matter, they do not have God’s protection to survive the Coronavirus pandemic.  If you want His protection you need to change and repent.  If you think the Coronavirus is deadly, then you haven’t seen anything yet as the Great Tribulation is still to come in our lifetime (Mark 13, Luke 21, Revelation 6).  The Tribulation will make the Coronavirus look like nothing much at all.  You need to get prepared, because this is just the start of troubles or woes with many yet to come.  We are in the time of sorrows just before Jesus Christ returns (Matthew 24:3-8).  Will you believe and take this message seriously, or will you ignore God’s warning?  You must choose one way or the other.  The choice is yours.

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