Beautiful Attitudes




About The


Be Good Friends

Our David and Jonathan Connection

The marvellous gifts God gives to His children

I have a best friend. God is my best friend but He is also my Father. He is the One I run to when I need Him. This need is constant and sometimes it’s urgent when I will collapse and seek Him out with great intensity when trials come.

There is another whom I refer to as a best friend. This person is a woman who came into my life when the last thing I thought I needed was someone who would take up my time when I perceived I had no time left to give.

Reflections on the anniversary of my calling

On the 14th day of November 2014 I made a mental note that it had been 8 years to the day since God called me out of the world. It just also happens to be the anniversary of the day my best friend entered the world. I delight in these details as it confirms to me God’s hand in anything and everything I make choices in.

God very graciously and patiently gives us choices. I could have said no to my calling and I could have withdrawn from any contact with this woman who had started coming along to services a few years ago. I was happy to chat and socialise with her on the Sabbath, but more than this would be a challenge.

Evil forces at work sight unseen

There was a strong pull urging me to withdraw time and friendship. It was sight unseen. Thoughts popped into my head such as “You have no time to give! This person will take up a lot of your time – it will be too hard – don’t even get anything started!”

I found myself with a very negative attitude and did not realise at the time that I was being influenced by Satan. (Ephesians 2:1-2; 6:12) Nevertheless I resisted these thoughts and tried to be friendly and loving as I knew that God would be loving and welcoming to any who chose His way. (Mark 9:37)

Developing a relationship

And so I quickly came to learn that my new friend not only shares my love of horses, but owns one. We would spend time at the stables. I came to know her via small snatches of time over coffee at the local coffee house and began to really enjoy these little escapades. She had the same sense of humour as I had. We came from similar backgrounds. We even were involved in the same industry working as nurses. Over time we found that we would clear our schedules so we could have time together. (Proverbs 27:9) Then she decided to be baptized.

The girls go on a road trip

We set off for a long drive over the border so that she could be baptised in a crystal clear and cold lake near where our Pastor lived. On the way to Daylesford we talked almost non-stop for a whole day interspersed with loud singing to classics and favourite tunes and much laughter, all the while blissfully happy in one another’s company and the excitement of what was to transpire at our destination. We had the best weekend two singles ladies could have whilst celebrating her new covenant and relaxing together forming life long bonds. We could completely confide and trust in one another whilst sharing our hopes and dreams without judgement. (Proverbs 18:24)

Just like David and Jonathan, my friend and I have been moved to give one another some of our treasured possessions. I have a large abstract painting hanging on my wall at home which her son painted. I love art and she knew just how much I enjoyed this particular piece as I see a chicken while others see something else entirely. It is our little joke but it always brings much laughter. My friend has another horse to look forward to riding every day, and also a helper in the kitchen of the metallic German kind. (1 Samuel 18:1-4).

God shows me His will

I came so close to doing my will...a selfish will of wanting any spare time to myself for study and my interests. By listening to the steady, still quiet voice of my Father (1 Kings 19:11-13), I was reminded that His way is the right way. My way is always faulty and set for failure. As a first generation Christian I know this for a fact over many years of making wrong choices.

Thankfully I listened to God. It was tempting not to. But I knew right from wrong. I knew God’s way was one of giving and not taking. And so I made the best choice possible. I chose to take this younger lady “under my wing” and be a good friend to her at a time when she did not own a car, had limited resources, and she had way more time than I had. (John 15:9-13)

The ironic results of doing God’s will

As I reflect tears gently roll down my face. These are tears of joy and tears of love. God never ceases to amaze me with the potency of His power and love for His children who, at times, flounder about with wrong thoughts, wrong attitudes, and wrong desires.

By surrendering to His will and giving up a small portion of free time I have gained so much more. This lady whom I love more than I ever realised I could love another human being, unrelated to me by blood, has been truly a God-send.

I have no doubt at all that God gave us to one another for deep friendship. A life-long relationship that defies borders, the influence of others, and the trials of this time through which we both support one another. Instead of separating us they actually strengthen our bonds and commitment to each other. What we have been given is very rare indeed and Father definitely deserves our humble grateful thanks and praise.

Returning home from the Feast

Returning home from that year’s Feast of Tabernacles was somewhat difficult because I did not want to give up the blissful peace with others of like mind to return to the world again, where hate, torture, murder, envy, and every foul thing is perpetuated day after day in this present evil age. (Galatians 1:4)

I posted a little something on facebook to reflect that I didn’t want to come back home again to which a mutual friend of ours posted another little something to the effect that “you two will always have one another”. In an instant I was suddenly restored to my usual cheerful self. It was true. My new friend and I had attended separate feast sites and we would pick up where we had left the moment of knowing another human being so well that we know what one another is thinking most of the time. It is a long distance relationship now but we are heavily invested to the point that we have an unspoken agreement. Whatever it takes we will be there for one another through the good times and the not so good times. (1 Samuel 18:1)

We share our love of God most intimately with one another – never jealous or in competition – but complementary. Always grateful to have input and excited exchanges while iron is sharpening iron (Proverbs 27:17).