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Isaiah 54:10

Our Little Neck Of The Woods

How's things in your "little neck of the woods" lately?  Are things humming along nicely or are you having tests and trials that come along at this pre-Passover time of year as they usually do?  For me it feels a bit like a roller coaster ride whereby things seem alright one day but then during the next week, something suddenly comes out of nowhere threatening to "derail" the status quo causing all sorts of stress and mayhem.  As they say we cannot control everything or much of anything in this life, only how we react to what we are exposed to and this certainly needs self control.  A big helping of self control is very desirable from the fruit listed in Galatians 5:22-23.
Life certainly can be a bit up and down, and the times when things are smooth sailing are very pleasant indeed, so much so that it is something we notice and really want to keep the balance and momentum going in order to have and sustain peace and joy.  The key is having diligence in obedience to God, keeping the 10 commandments, and guarding all our thoughts and words so that righteous actions follow.  We know what to do and it can be challenging to ensure focussed concentration while reading, praying, meditating, fasting, and engaging in various acts of service to others.  Most of us would probably ask for more time in order to get everything done each day.  So what gives?  The solution is being wise stewards with all that we have been blessed with including time.  Matthew 6:33-34 "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.  Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things.  Sufficient for the day is its own trouble".  In other words do what you can with what you've got, placing spiritual matters front and centre before all else which God sees and knows we have need of.  Trusting God in humble prayer is where we place our hearts.
Customizing our ever changing "to do" list is where it starts in the planning stages while making efforts in fine tuning during times of self-examination, at least annually.  Throw out what does not work and keep all the things that are sustainable.  Since retiring over two years ago from paid employment I could not fully imagine how I would fill many hours of free time each week.  Now I chuckle at that as it is so easy to fill time especially if one is an avid reader, enjoys walking, swimming, spending time at the beach, painting/craftwork, and has the desire and opportunity to engage in volunteer work.  Instead of being on the other end of the phone, it has been most welcome to be physically present to help out during family situations causing a great deal of stress to them.  Then there are all the phone calls from family and friends who ring knowing you are at home therefore my life has increased in communication and having various pursuits that are considered healthy.  There has been a huge improvement in my health status, and giving thanks to God daily is paramount for these lifestyle changes (1 Thessalonians 5:18).  Oh how He knows what is good for us!  Therefore, my experience has been that it is easy to fill up the hours in each day especially when developing spiritual pursuits in addition to physical activities.
This piece of writing is a joyous celebration of contentment overall as 1 Timothy 6:6 says "Now godliness with contentment is great gain" while acknowledging there is much work still to be done, but at a more measured pace without all that frantic coming and going, feeling like there is no time for much of anything on the "rat race" treadmill of life.  Sleeping without setting an alarm clock each night is sheer bliss.  Just gaining sufficient sleep has been a noticeable improvement in health quality.  Being able to attend select events such as the recent picnic on the lawns of Government House gives a fullness to enjoying God's creation and the company of others.  This past week we celebrated my Baptism anniversary on March 12 with a beautiful day mostly being at the seaside having a long walk on the white, sandy beach of Glenelg North, picking up several shells (the ones God knows are my preferences) having our favourite fish, King George Whiting for lunch, and having time with family watching a very interesting movie titled "Love and Mercy" which we were able to have on free loan from our local library.  It was about a famous man, one considered a musical genius who had such highs and lows during his life which gave me much to smile and cry about as I had no idea of what he went through.  Ultimately it was a happy yet bittersweet ending with his story leaving quite an impression on me which was surprisingly unexpected because we had something major in common from our childhood. 
Our "little neck of the woods" is proceeding along quite nicely while anticipating so much with the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread holy day season less than three weeks away after deleavening all that we are in charge of.  We are also really looking forward to attending the Night To Be Much Observed/Remembered.  Preparation brings so much joy and contentment even knowing we always have room for improvement but we are on the way, on this journey moving forward to God's Kingdom.  This coming Sabbath there will be a short memorial held for one of our own after the Sabbath service which will be meaningful to attend.  Last Sabbath there was a memorial service held for my husband's brother-in-law Joe Szymkowiak (Rose’s husband) who attended the North Canton, Ohio congregation of The United Church of God in America.  Jim was able to attend by watching the service online very early Sunday morning Adelaide time.  At this time of year our thoughts invariably go to all those who have gone before us, with ever increasing numbers, while we keep on keeping on, going about our Father's business.  We do miss them but most grateful they are sleeping peacefully, knowing nothing, now awaiting their resurrection as it is written in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
According to the latest data available at …"Australia has 134 million hectares of forest, which is 17% of Australia's land area.  This is about 3 per cent of the world's forest area, and the seventh-largest reported forest area worldwide".  While doing a bit of research recently this fact was discovered and quite frankly, surprised me.  For all those who engage in outdoor walks and treks on paths such as The Heysen Trail, we can experience exercise in relative safety however walking through thick woods can be a dangerous thing if we are not careful therefore we must pray daily for protection.  Living in dense populated woodlands now more than ever before in this day and age presents greater challenges as these forest thickets become increasingly darker and darker as the world descends on its sick downward spiral into anarchy and chaos with our enemy, the Adversary, leading the charge catapulting humanity into sadness, anger, and despair while reveling in vile, filthy abominations and sinful ways declaring proudly they want all things their way.  But those who are not deceived have a loving Father and His Son to talk to, read about, write words of indelible beauty with creative flair to, and sing hymns in worship to God such as Be Not Afraid My People (page number 143 in the UCG Hymnal).  There are 107 comforting and inspirational words from God to His elect which stir us into action knowing we will be victorious despite the terrible times ahead.  While Isaiah 54:10 is the main inspiration for this hymn there are further scriptural references noted on the base of the page to Psalm 118:4-6, Luke 21:28, and Hebrews 13:6.

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