Beautiful Attitudes




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Titus 3:1&2, 2 Chronicles 7:14

Peace They Have Known Not

What does massive migration of peoples from many nations, human greed, lies, corruption in the law, pride of doing things “my way”, lust between same sex people who demand equal rights in marriage — which is dreadfully confused with love of the opposite sex being one man and one woman united in a deeply binding covenant — deception in all things, death and destruction through starvation, lack of compassion for others, drug/alcohol/food/gambling/pornography addiction, murder of the living and the unborn in utero, fake news, experimentation with our foodstuffs causing illness and disease, the abject abuse of the land by interference through man’s stupidity and abandoning the correct way to produce safe crops, and all the disasters associated with our weather, have in common with our world today?  EVERYTHING!!! 

What has been described above is tantamount to chaos and the evil generated on our world by a fallen angel who is now known as Satan the devil. He exists despite what you may think.  Life was not meant to be lived like this.  Do you see our world at peace, or do you see a confused mess, and wonder where and when it will all end?  More on this later.
The opposite of all these things is peace.  Peace only comes from God our Creator.  Without Him in our lives there can simply be no peace as in John 14:27.  We can kid ourselves into thinking everything is alright when times are reasonably stable like when we have employment and enough money to pay the bills.  When we live in comfortable homes or even indeed have a roof over our heads, thankful we are not joining the swelling ranks of the homeless.  But do we really?  How do you find or get your peace?  I used to buy things in the shops that I thought made me happy.  Trying to fill a void with meaningless stuff.  I look back now and clearly see this for what it is — temporary placation for something missing in my life.  That something was God but I did not know exactly what, at the time.  The spiritual dimension was missing — a connection to our Father, our Creator who made us with the need for this spiritual component.  Without this connection we cannot make sense of the world in which we live, nor can we know why we were born and our purpose for living. 
Having this connection for the past 12 years I can meaningfully say that I am truly living a fulfilled life with great purpose (John 10:10).  Until one has God in their life, they cannot know what this experience is like, or even imagine it.  Each day gives meaning knowing that we have another opportunity to do our very best in giving honour, glory and service to God through helping others in whatever way we can.  This is best described as the way of GIVE rather than the way of GET.  Giving represents the ultimate sacrifice of Christ Jesus dying for the sins of you, me, and everyone else on this planet we know as Earth (John 3:16).  Getting represents the devil who wants us to be like him; expecting to be served, to be given or get what we can while we can...the more the better!  This “me” first mentality that is wrapped up in selfish carnality which is so toxic, is an abomination to God.  These two ways are as different as day and night, light and darkness, good and bad, peace and chaos.  The Bible has many scriptures about the devil, if you Google or search under devil, Satan, Lucifer, or Adversary.  The main references are in Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14.
Christ Jesus, the Prince Of Peace, the Promoter of Lasting Peace
There are many ways and methods to achieve a temporary form of peace.  Walking on the beach is an absolute joy and gives me a sense of peace until I leave and get stuck in traffic.  Looking at trees, plants and flowers made by God in all their diversity of beauty, brings a happy peaceful state while my eyes see these things in the garden, local park, or even on TV in a documentary.  The quiet solitude of the early morning before hearing any movement from others beginning their day, instills in me a form of peace to savour.  I treasure pieces or snippets of peace throughout the day but none of these are truly sustainable — rather, they are a respite from the busy demanding world in which we live.  How do we then have sustainable, long lasting peace?
We start by immersing ourselves into the pages of our Bible where in Matthew 5:9 we read “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God”.  To be a promoter of peace means we are familiar with peace and know peace well as we have peace as a fruit of God's Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).  Psalm 29:11 states “The Lord will give strength to His people;  the Lord will bless His people with peace”. 
As God’s children we have indeed been blessed and strengthened with peace.  Colossians 3:15 builds upon this with “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace.  And be thankful”.  Are we thankful for this peace we have that the vast majority of people in the world do not have?  James 3:18 shows us “Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness”.  How beautiful to connect peace with righteousness as this is God’s character and we are striving to attain and maintain this.
If we look at obtaining peace we see this comes from God.  He tells us in Psalm 34:14 to “Depart from evil and do good;  seek peace and pursue it”.  If we look at practising peace, this comes with keeping God’s laws.   Peace brings joy (Proverbs 12:20) because God’s laws protect us as they are full of love for God and others.  Furthermore Psalm 119:165 instructs the reader “Great peace have those who love Your law and nothing causes them to stumble”.  We cannot go wrong and stumble or fall when we keep God’s laws...the 10 Commandments contained in Exodus 20:1-17.  Philippians 4:7 gives further blessings from God in that it says “And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”.  Blessed we are with protection from the worry, stress, and deep concerns of the world around us.  We can take huge comfort and peace knowing that this is all just temporary until Christ returns to usher in His Kingdom here on Earth and rule justly. 
The time is coming when all the devil generated madness will end.  This occurs on the return of Christ when the devil, Satan, will be bound.  Annually, the Day Of Atonement represents the binding of our enemy and we can read more on this in Leviticus 16.  It is one of God’s Feast Days of solemnity where fasting for 24 hours is required.  No work, no cooking, no eating or drinking, but gathering of God’s people together for a service to honour God in respectful prayer and worship and realise what this day means.  It is very meaningful and important to His children as the binding of Satan will remove all the problems of chaotic interference, with death and destruction, that he causes.  We patiently wait for this time and quietly celebrate in our hearts and minds while we sigh and cry for those under the sway of the wicked one (Ezekiel 9:4 and 1 John 5:19).  Imagine no more wars, no death, no pain, no suffering, no disease, no addictions, no hatred, no corruption, no lies, no exploitation of children, or women, or anyone for that matter.  Just joyous peace!  It will come and it is true as God cannot lie (Hebrews 6:18;  Titus 1:2;  Numbers 23:19).
If this is the world you would enjoy living in then all you need to do is go to God in prayer and ask for help in repenting for your sins.  We all sin.  Be humble, be sincere, tell Him everything you are worried about, tell Him your thoughts on anything and everything as He wants you to turn to Him and ask for Help.  Why do you struggle any longer with depression or thoughts of suicide, or wondering how to make sense of this crazy world?  You see the damage being caused and the effects on the news but what you don’t see is the maniacal devil influencing human brains to perpetuate all the terrible things that go on such as rape, murders, paedophilia, and the rest of the evil and wickedness that exists.  The time is well nigh to wake up and change.  Purchase a Bible — a New King James Version is easy to follow in modern day English, read it, absorb God's messages to you through thinking and meditating on His Word, watch Beyond Today on TV or on the internet, ask for free literature and read about the peaceful life that can be yours and awaits you.  How exciting for you to learn the Truth of God.  My time commenced in November 2006.  May your time be now before you experience further pain and suffering from the ways of this world.
God’s people are learning to be peacemakers now and know the wonderful benefits,  to not only themselves but to others out there, who experience a “taste” of peace as we have the opportunity to do good to those around us.  God tells us not to grow weary doing good in Galatians 6:9 and to keep on going till Christ returns.  To encourage God’s people, please revise and remember Isaiah 9:1-7 where we read about Christ as the Prince of Peace returning to set up His Government here on Earth, and permit me to conclude with Paul’s inspired words in 2 Thessalonians 3:16 “Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way. The Lord be with you all”.

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